Pastor Remains in Morgue a Year after Dying, As Family Await His ‘Resurrection’

The body of a prosperity preacher known for his TV Ministry and supposed miracles has remained in a South African morgue for almost a year following his death, on account of his family believing he will rise from the dead.

Pastor Siva Moodley was the founder and pastor of The Miracle Centre. According to their website, Siva himself has raised multiple from the dead, cured cancer, blindness, and has regrown limbs. He had his Signs and Wonders Ministry affirmed by arch-heretic Benny Hinn in 2007, began healing people as they walked past his shadow in 2008, and oversaw “Supernatural weight loss in his church in 2010, as kilograms instantly fell off people.” He was the main speaker at  Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Pastor Connect Conference in 2014 and was “commissioned as an Apostle by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado” in 2020.

He also died on August 15, 2021, but the church has not announced it yet or made it public, as his family awaits for a similar miracle. According to IOL:

On Monday, Martin du Toit, the manager at the funeral home, confirmed that Moodley’s body was still at his mortuary.

“After Pastor Moodley’s death, his family and members of the church used to visit the funeral home to pray for his resurrection. The last visit was in September last year. Nobody has come to view the body since then. There is no news about his funeral,” said Du Toit.

He said he had lodged an application with the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court to grant him permission to have Moodley buried or cremated. However, the matter has not been set down as yet for a hearing.

Bizarrely, neither the church nor his ministries have acknowledged his death on social media. Rather than informing the the congregation of his whereabouts, they’re keeping that knowledge suppressed. Instead, “his social media accounts, notably Facebook and Twitter, are operational and messages are posted every day as if they are from him.” To keep the cover going, his wife and son put on services while they play re-runs of his program on his FaithTV and TBN Africa

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7 thoughts on “Pastor Remains in Morgue a Year after Dying, As Family Await His ‘Resurrection’

  1. No doubt his ‘church’ is still fleecing the flock in an attempt to get every last dime before copping to the fact the head wolf has left the building.

  2. I have seen this before. Having been in the charismatic church for 30 years I knew just by the title of this article that they were charismatic. I don’t believe one word that anyone was raised from the dead. These pastors love to lie about that fact. However, my question is why has it never been documented on camera. We have the ways and means to do so. This congregation needs to repent and be saved. For they are those that will hear “depart from me worker of iniquity I don’t know you”. There is nothing to being pentecostal other than deception and lies. If everyone would be honest they would agree. I believe with everything in me that God can use any gift through us if He wanted to do so. I attended several church’s and everyone of them would say someone was healed but if you looked into it they were not healed at all.

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