
The Gospel Coalition Senior Editor Trashes ‘Rights’

(Capstone Report) Rights in general and gun rights in particular are necessary to protect innocent life from criminals and tyrants regardless of what radicals at The Gospel Coalition say.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” –Benjamin Franklin

A senior editor at The Gospel Coalition attacked the idea of “rights” in response to the school shooting. Brett McCracken of TGC compared abortion rights with gun rights.

According to the TGC senior editor McCraken, “We’ve utterly failed our children when: They can be brutally killed in the womb because enough adults clamor for abortion rights. They can be brutally killed in the classroom because enough adults clamor for gun rights. A child’s life is more precious than our rights.”

This is confused political commentary masquerading as something pious. Therefore, it is dangerous.

Note how it conflates something absurd “abortion rights” with something important “gun rights.” Also, note the attack on the concept of rights.

All of this is dangerous.

Conservatives rightly mocked the inanity of the assertion. For example this gem, “We’ve utterly failed our children when: We insist upon driving motor vehicles, leaving over 600 children dead each year, and 90,000 injured. Our selfish desire to drive a car, rather than walk is literary killing children. A child’s life is more precious than our right to drive.”

This highlights the double standard in progressive evangelical thinking on social issues: The only things that matter to them are the stories headlining on CNN and MSNBC.

What are rights? Why are…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report

Editor’s Note 2. TGC Senior Editor’s Favorite TV Show Contains Graphic Homosexual Sex Scene


Polemic Report: Many, Many, Many Thoughts on the SBC Sex Abuse Task Force Results

On today’s episode, we go all in and discuss the fallout from the release of the SBC Sex Abuse Task Force’s report. Will this be another nail in the coffin of the Southern Baptist Convention? Is Johnny Hunt a creeper? What about Mike Store? Will churches leave in droves? Will the fundamentalists win? Join us to find out.


Southern Baptists Announce New Hotline to Hear Allegations of Abuse, But Will Not Investigate Them Yet

Described as “a resource to survivors and entities in responding properly while we work to put more permanent procedures in place” the SBC has introduced a new hotline in order to report allegations of abuse within the church, in light of a bombshell report detailing far-flung sexual abuse within the convention and efforts to conceal it.

According to a press release, the hotline is not set up to conduct investigations into allegations of sexual abuse, but for the time being will serve as a repository of allegations until they can build out a more robust process for investigating claims. It is then they will put boots to the ground in order to address wayward sexual sinners within the SBC.

Since the release of the Guidepost report on Sunday, the SBC Executive Committee, Guidepost Solutions, and members of the Sexual Abuse Task Force have been fielding calls from survivors regarding allegations of sexual abuse. Today, the SBC Executive Committee entered into an agreement for Guidepost to maintain a hotline for survivors or their proxies to submit allegations of abuse within the SBC. All submitters will remain confidential. Survivors will be notified of the available options for care and will be put in touch with an advocate.

While Guidepost will not be inquiring into the allegations at this time, they will hold the information confidentially. The Sexual Abuse Task Force will be assisting the SBC Executive Committee and the Convention in establishing processes for proper inquiries, and this hotline will serve as a resource to survivors and entities in responding properly while we work to put more permanent procedures in place. This hotline will be an important stopgap measure for survivors between now and the 2022 SBC Annual Meeting in Anaheim, when the messengers can pass even more meaningful reforms.

The number to call is (202-864-5578) or, with the task force consisting of:

  • Bruce Frank, lead pastor, Biltmore Baptist Church, Arden, N.C.
  • Blalock, pastor, First Baptist Church, Charleston, S.C.
  • John Damon, chief executive officer, Canopy Children’s Solutions, Jackson, Miss.
  • Liz Evan, judicial law clerk, Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals, Nashville, Tenn.
  • Heather Evans, director, Evans Counseling Services, Coopersburg, Pa.
  • Andrew Hébert, lead pastor, Paramount Baptist Church, Amarillo, Texas
  • Bucas Sterling III, senior pastor, Kettering Baptist Church, Upper Marlboro, Md.
  • Rachael Denhollander, task force advisor
  • Chris Moles, task force advisor


Kyle J. Howard Says The Dead Children in Texas were Victims of ‘White Supremacy’

This is the last Kyle J. Howard update for a while. Unless he can really, really outdo himself, we’re going to leave it at this for several months. We pretty much had our fill after Kyle J. Howard says Black Boys being Molested by Black Men is the Fault of (Checks Notes) White People, and this last post puts the last nail in that coffin. See below for some of his greatest hits

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women

Now, in light of the terrible, agonizingly painful school shooting in Texas by a Hispanic 18-year-old, where 19 children and 2 adults were murdered, Howard had this to say about the whole affair:

For Howard, the ethnicity of the shooter is completely irrelevant. Over the 2021 July weekend in Chicago, 104 people were shot and 19 of them were killed, including 13 children injured. This violence was almost exclusively perpetrated on black folk and Latinos by black folk and Latinos, yet Howard would say that this too is because of White Supremacy, given that white people created the conditions where this would be the natural consequence.

It doesn’t matter the race of who killed who, all that matters is that white people are liable and made it all possible. Consequently, the rest of his day was filled with similar tweets, taking potshots at the light-skinned while wrapped in his blanket of hate.

Though on occasion Kyle will say “by White People, I’m not talking about AAAAAAAALL of them” he’ll always end up making it exquisitely clear that he’s talking about damn near every one.

It’s reprehensible, it’s not unexpected in the least, but it’s enough that it’ll b the last we hear from him in a while.


Josh Duggar Sentence Revealed! He’s Going Away for ________ Years

Prosecutors asked that Josh Duggar received 20 years after being guilty of possession and distributing child sex abuse material (CSAM) and his defense pleaded for only 5 years, but a judge split the difference and gave the former 19 Kids and Counting star and professing Christian 12.5 years in prison. He had no reaction when the sentence was read.

Duggar was found guilty in December 2021 of possessing and distributing child porn. These vessels for Duggar’s horrific masturbatory fantasies depicted child sex abuse involving children ranging from 18 months to 12 years of age, with FBI Agent Faulkner describing them as “in the top five of the worst of the worst that I’ve ever had to examine.”

During his sentencing memorandum, the prosecutors cited how Duggar has shown no interest in receiving counseling or therapy for his actions, insisting the whole time that he was innocent and was being framed. This made him a far greater risk to re-offend, and thus the need to keep away from society longer.

Their motion stated that “Duggar has a deep-seated, pervasive, and violent sexual interest in children…and a willingness to act on that interest” and cited the fact that he admitted previously to molesting 5 girls, including his sisters, and that some of the child sex material were videos of sexual sadism and torture of two-year-olds, opposed to all being more ‘benign’ (but still atrociously wicked and disgusting) forms like nude photographs of 13 and 4-year olds.

Duggars’ parents and wife were at the courthouse, along with one brother and sister.

Duggar is 34 years old and assuming he doesn’t pick up any extra charges in prison, will serve 151 months and won’t be out until he’s nearly 47 years old.


SEBTS To Remove All References to Johnny Hunt, Paige Patterson from Seminary

In a letter sent to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary students, SEBTS President Danny Akin revealed that he and the Southeastern cabinet were discussing the use of well-known SBC leader and former SBC president Johnny Hunt’s name on “various parts of the life of the seminary” and that he made the decision to remove Hunt’s name from any association with “programs, facilities and other items.”

The move came after a bombshell report made credible accusations that Hunt was involved in sexual predations a decade ago against another pastor’s wife, allegations which Hunt denies. Furthermore, Akin also spoke to the Board of Trustees for the seminary and informed them of his intention to remove references to Paige Patterson as well, specifically to have “Patterson Hall renamed.

For a quick recap, Paige Patterson was the fiery revivalist and co-architect of the Conservative Resurgence and former president of SEBTS and the SBC. Since his rise to power, Patterson carried broad and popular appeal with run-of-the-mill fire and brimstone Baptist preachers. Patterson’s commitment to Scriptural Inerrancy and his role as one of the commanding generals of the Conservative Resurgence that swept the moderate-progressives from the denomination in the late eighties and early nineties, protected him from the consequences of his problematic leadership for years.

An old war-horse of conservative evangelicalism, he even managed to garner support in his miscalculations, such as enrolling a Muslim in SEBTS without prior trustee approval in 2012, promoting the historically untenable and ridiculous idea of an Anabaptist origin of the Southern Baptist Convention, installing a stained glass window of Rick Warren in the SEBTS chapel, letting Eastern Orthodox idolaters preach on campus as though they were Christians, questionable personnel decisions.

Ultimately what did him in was the support of sexual predator Darrell Gilyard and a couple of comments construed as anti-woman and racist.

Akin says that he has mulled over the decision to erase Patterson’s name from the seminary for some time, and given the current climate of accountability, no longer feels it is “proper” to name his name on the building.


Pastrix Says Jesus Called Syrophoenician Woman a ‘B*****’ + “Jesus Screwed Up, She Redeems Him”

Augsburg University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is affiliated with the morally and theologically decrepit Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) at this point a foul-smelling holding pen for goats. During their March 11, 2022 chapel service, pastrix Andrea Roske-Metcalfe preached a message from the chapel series: “A Series on Female-Identifying Leaders Who Participate in Proclamation.”

Totally eye-twitching stuff. It should not be lost on anyone that the series is not about “women preachers” but rather “female-identifying preachers” in order to include transgender and non-binary pastrixes. Metcalfe explains that Jesus really ‘screwed up’ when he encountered the Syrophoenician woman, but that she redeems Him in the end.

“This has been my favorite bible story for a very long time. It used to be because it’s such a blatant example of the humanity of Jesus. He screws up bigger here than in any story I know. That’s still the case, but this is my favorite bible story today because of the Syrophoenician woman’s improv skills, because the Syrophoenician woman says, “Yes, and…”


“This woman is an outcast. Jesus does not seek her out. He never intended to talk with this woman, a Gentile. He slipped into an empty house to take a break, to get away from all the people. She follows him. She pursues him, she corners him.

Her daughter is sick, possessed, unwell. This woman has heard what this man can do. She is desperate. She has nothing to lose, so she asks him to heal her daughter. And Jesus responds by calling her a bitch.

He said to her, ‘let the children be fed first’. He is referring here to the children of Israel to the Jews. So far, they have been the entire focus of his ministry, but then he continues, ‘for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs’.

There’s not enough to go around, he could have said to her, not enough healing, not enough blessing, not enough God for you or your daughter. That would have been hard to hear. But this Jesus is tired, he is frustrated, whatever is going on with him. He calls her people, dogs…this Syrophoenician woman, this marginalised, Outcast woman whose daughter is sick, she comes to Jesus for help. And he calls her a dog right to her face.

She could have slapped him. We would have forgiven her for that, yes? We would have understood. She could have told him off, yelled and screamed in his face, we would have forgiven her for this too. But she does none of these things.

Instead, she shifts to improv.”

She concludes by saying that Jesus was caught off guard by the woman engaging in ‘improv’ by agreeing with her that she was a dog, in the same way that the Russian troops who bombed Turtle Island were caught off guard by the Ukraine soldiers allegedly saying “Go F*** yourself” And yes, she says the word in full.

I would bet good money that Jesus wasn’t expecting that. Like I don’t care if he’s the son of God. He didn’t see that coming. This is the beauty of improv. This is what makes it so subversive. Nobody sees it coming.

Jesus screwed up. The Syrophoenician woman used her improv skills to call him on it. Jesus changes course. And this story marks the beginning of His ministry among the Gentiles. Dear friends, I find my redemption in Jesus Christ, but on this day in this story, the Syrophoenician woman is the one who redeems Him, who calls Him back to Himself, who calls Him back to His calling.

h/t Exposing the ELCA


Exclusive! Jory Micah Arrested for Biting Cop’s Hand, Faces 19 Charges and 10 Years in Prison

Jory Micah continues prancing into apostasy without a care in the world, giving the world a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ, despite her frequently-touted Master of Arts in Christian Doctrine and History.

Three months ago she was arrested for driving under the influence and resisting arrest, which may have involved swinging at or spitting on police, whom she despises. Not having learned her lesson, she was arrested a week ago on several new charges, ones that are far more serious.

Known across social media as a sensation by those man-hating liberal feminazi types who want to pretend like they still practice some form of piety while hating anything and everything about the God revealed in Scripture, she has been on a new kick as of late. When she’s not claiming White Folk Adopt Black Babies so They Can ‘Enslave’ & ‘Abuse’ Them or mocking the idea that repentance and faith in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sin and rescue from hell, she’s explaining why all police officers are monsters and bragging about spitting on them.

This is the natural progression for Jory, who hit the Christian scene 5 or 6 years ago and gained initial popularity for following the playbook that Jen Hatmaker blazed before she apostatized, and now has joined her mentor in her hatred of Christ. The disdain of law enforcement is not wholly out of the blue, however, as we did learn she considered herself a member of Antifa a few months ago. Still, this marked animosity is something to behold.

According to reports, Micah is “charged by state police with aggravated assault, simple assault, resisting arrest, and possession of drug paraphernalia. According to the criminal complaint, police were called to the 300 block of West Maiden Street at about 1 p.m. Friday for a domestic incident. Police said Peterson would not let police into the home, and is accused of biting a trooper’s hand. District Judge John Bruner sent Peterson to the Washington County jail on $50,000 bond.”

We’ve said before that if Micah doesn’t repent there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth that awaits her, but this wasn’t quite what we expected. Though some of the charges are minor, her aggravated assault charges are the most serious.

§ 2702.  Aggravated assault. (a)  Offense defined.–A person is guilty of aggravated assault if he/she “attempts to cause or intentionally or knowingly causes bodily injury to any of the officers, agents, employees or other persons enumerated in subsection (c), in the performance of duty;.

A second-degree aggravated assault conviction, which refers to aggravated assault that did not result in serious bodily injury, is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and a prison sentence of up to 10 years.

Micah also has two charges for “simple assault’ which is a second-degree misdemeanor in Pennsylvania. An M2 for simple assault is punishable by up to 2 years in prison.

It is believed that Micah is still in jail, unable to make her bond.

To make matters worse, it’s not like these are the only charges she’s dealing with. Along with her arrest three months ago, she was arrested 10 days prior on a bevy of charges still pending and which she did make bail, including public drunkenness, resisting arrest, and even more aggravated assault charges, amassing 19 separate charges in less than 2 weeks. e

Based on the last three months of charges and arrests, while 10 years in prison is unlikely, we don’t see a way she can avoid at least some prison time for her out-of-control behavior.


Apostlette Sets Newborn Baby Free from Demons

While perusing the Instagram page of fake exorcist Kathryn Krick, the result of revealing the extremely popular charismatic was paying a bunch of women to act possessed by demons that she could cast out, we came across the video titled ‘Newborn baby Set Free from Demons. ” The caption reads:

“Jesus delivered a newborn from demons last night! The baby was wailing for so much of the service and then the moment demons were declared to leave the crying immediately stopped! We were all left in awe and broke out in praise to God! Glory to God!”

Despite being theologically nonsensical to suppose that demons are either inhabiting a baby or afflicting it in some way, on account of unconfessed and unbroken ‘generational curses,’ the father tells Krick:

After the baby was delivered, doctors told us the right ear didn’t pass the hearing test, but I believe in my heart that she is healed.

Krick asks “Is there anything over you that you want to renounce? It could be from before you were a Christian. Just say what kind of open door?” to which he replies “I renounce anger. I renounce all the sacrifices in my family. I renounce all generational curses. I renounce every curse word out of my mouth. I renounce the hatred I spoke against the people. I renounce the lies of the devil in Jesus’ name.”

This is enough for Krick, who engages in a bit of wizardry and declares:

I break every generational curse off this family now, and I detach every generational curse off this family now…I break every curse trapped upon these children. On three, every spirit of infirmity, of death and upon this baby wants to leave now in Jesus’ name. On three. One…two..three.*

Truly one of the worst exorcisms we’ve ever seen.

  • This transcript is not perfect, as there was a bad audio, a crying baby, Krick speaking, as well as a translator, and should not be taken as completely accurate, though it is very close.

Giveaway! God vs. Government: Taking a Biblical Stand When Christ and Compliance Collide

We don’t do many giveaways here, but could not resists this one. This is a chance to win the book “God vs. Government: Taking a Biblical Stand When Christ and Compliance Collide” by Nathan Busenitz and James Coates, the latter the Canadian pastor who spent a month in prison and eventually took his church underground to keep on being able to gather, away from the law enforcement that was seeking to fine and arrest them.

Welcome to our peaceful protest.”

In the spring of 2020, government mandates forced churches across North America to close their doors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As societal fear and unrest increased, Christians were forced to grapple with how God wanted them to respond to these state-imposed restrictions. After all, didn’t the closure of churches pose a serious threat in a time when people needed spiritual direction more than ever?

God vs. Government follows two churches’ courageous decisions to reopen despite orders to remain closed. Guided by the command in Hebrews 10:25 that churches not forsake meeting together, pastors John MacArthur and James Coates led their congregations to return to in-person meetings―and were swiftly met by unsympathetic governing authorities ready to shut them down again. The ensuing legal battles raised important questions about religious freedom, and more importantly, illuminated what it looks like to take a stand when Christ and compliance collide.

How do we react with wisdom and discernment when the state encroaches upon the church? God vs. Government tells two incredible accounts that affirm our need to be faithful to the Lord’s commands no matter the circumstances.

In order to have a chance at winning, you must either go to either our Gab page or Twitter page and comment on this post with the phrase “Against the world, for the world”

Winners will be drawn and announced on Friday May 27th on both sites.