
As Rick Warren Announces Successor, New Pastrix, JD Greear Praises Him for ‘Faithful’ Example

Rick Warren, the Lead pastor, and overseer of the 25,000 members, 14 campus Saddleback Church has announced his retirement and has appointed his successor- a husband and wife team who will both serve as pastors in the church.

Warren has recently seen a resurgence from discernment ministries after a few years on the outs. He is famous for peddling to the church the poison and spiritual strychnine that is The Purpose Driven Life for over four decades- a damaging and unbiblical theology that has seeped into tens of thousands of churches, becoming part of their identity.

Over the last few he raise eyebrows for announcing they were having a “Blacks Only worship service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black fold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” for blasting white Christians for having no discernment and not caring about black people and for announcing they were starting to ordain women pastrixes, despite being a part of the SBC.

In a video message, Rick Warren announced that they appointed Andy Wood to be lead pastor. He is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has worked SBC’s North American Mission Board. He is currently the pastor of Echo Church in San Jose, California, a congregation of about 3000 people and his Stacie is also a teaching pastor at Echo Church, and will continue in that role at her new church.

To the announcement that the notorious Warren is stepping down and appointing a pastor and a pastrix to lead, former SBC president and Summit Church Pastor J.D. Greear offered his congratulations and lifted up Warren as a model for all Christians to emulate, saying that he had “faithfully run this race in front of all of us.”

It’s a terrible and shameful take, but given that J.D. Greear has no clue what it means to be faithful, we are not surprised.


Polemics Report: Is Gun Control ‘Pro-life’ and Why The Veggie Tales Guy is Being an Elitist Baby

On this episode of the Polemics Report, David breaks down what scripture says about guns and self-defense in light of the recent shootings, using Phil Vischer as an example of the kind of faux intellectual, barely-veiled patronizing elitism that the Evangelical Intelligentsia is so well known for.


Jemar Tisby’s VP says that Black Women Should Not Date or Marry White Men

While Jemar Tisby and his supporters go around complaining and raging that a college that he once spoke at repudiated one of his messages for being too progressive and having “divisive racial themes,’ the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice president of his Black Christian Collective Organization is out there explaining that she would advise black people, especially black women, not to enter into interracial relationships with white people.

Speaking as a guest on the April 13 episode of the Bad Seminarians podcast, Ally Henny, who helps run Tisby’s Witness BBC and whom he knows full well has trash views on abortion and same-sex acceptance, told guests that there are too many risks and downsides for a black woman to enter into relationship and then marry and date a white man, and that they just shouldn’t do it.

Host: “What advice would you give to a person entering into an interracial relationship? A white person, actually. And then on the other side of that, on flip side, what advice would you give to a black person entering into an interracial relationship?

So the black aspect of it, particularly for black women: don’t do it. DON’T.

And I feel like that answer needs some explanation, perhaps did some disclaimers or caveats or something like that, but my knee-jerk reaction is: DON’T DO IT

She says this is true for those who enter into a relationship for the purpose of being in an interracial relationship, because “you can create the scenario for yourself where you start fetishizing people based on how they look. And not just on how they look, but on perceived benefits, just whatever perceptions that come with being in an interracial marriage or relationship.” She also cautions black women from using dating apps where they may match up with white men, because there’s no way of knowing if they’ve ever espoused racist beliefs.

What ‘racism’ is undefined of course. For many in this crowd, wanting to limit immigration or voting for Trump, or being pro-second amendment, listening to Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, or even just being a member of the Republican Party is proof of one’s racism.

But I get that, you know, a lot of folks like to use dating apps and you know, maybe just out of ‘I liked this thing on their profile’, or ‘hey, you know, they are kind of cute’, or whatever your decision-making process is... (but) if you are making the decision purely on this person and their race and not on other things, you’re gonna end up in a position where you are going to be hurt or disappointed, or both because of weird expectations, or whatever.

The other aspect of the DON’T’ is it comes with the caution. And I think that this is particularly true for black women in relationships. The ‘DON’T’ is caution because of safety. You just simply do not know where these people are from, you don’t know where they’re coming from. And so if you’re going to enter into that, you got to ask the questions.

You got to ask the hard questions. You got to ask the ‘have you ever used the N-word’ question? ‘Have you ever used the N-word publicly on an app on a website? What are your affiliations? Who do you know? What type of spaces are you in?’

And honestly, like in this world that we’re in, you can Google people and you can dig around and you can’t find everything out. And so there’s just an aspect for me that I say, like, DON’T DO IT. There is again, to the point of fetishes, there are white men out there that have fetishes that regard black women. And so I mean, if you’re into that, then you know, I’m not gonna knock it like if you’re cool with that, but you could just find yourself in a really difficult space with that.”

Henny says that oftentimes, even if the white man is not a racist, his family might be.

I know a lot of people, black women in particular, who have ended up in situations with their in-laws that have been very damaging, and that have been very traumatizing. People who have married into literal racist families. And that’s the thing and then you talk about like you if you’re going to have kids or something like that, and you’ve got, you know, Memaw over here who’s racist, and you’re going to bring your biracial kids, your black biracial kids around the grandparents who are racist?

And you see this type of thing on the internet all the time, where it’s like, ‘his man was racist, and then he has a biracial granddaughter now or his kid adopted a black kid, and now he’s not racist anymore.’

No, he just likes that black kid.

Maybe it did change his heart. You know, I believe in God. And I believe that God can change people’s hearts or whatever. But I’m just always looking at that situation, Like, why would you put yourself in that situation? Don’t put yourself in that situation to be with somebody unless that person is going to disavow their family…

(More than likely) You’re going to find yourself in situations where you’re coddling racism, where you’re coddling racists, where you’re having to deal with that and it just in the long run ends up being damaging and ends up being frustrating.


A Convention for ‘Christian DragQueens’? LGBTQ Christians Announce ‘Spiritual DragCon 2022’

In what is likely a world’s first, a group of progressive Christians (In reality, a collective of pagans and self-deceived God-haters) have announced they are putting on ‘Spiritual DragCon 2022‘ in the fall.

According to the promotional material for the event, it’s being touted as “first-of-its-kind gathering at the intersection of drag and spirituality” where you can “join drag performers and faith leaders from around the globe in Chicago this October for a stunning and sacred three-day festival.”

It’s here when you can “feed the spirit and celebrate the body with powerful panel discussions, inspiring practitioner presentations, and—of course—fierce and fabulous performances.”

The event is being put on by Bonnie Violet, a queer chaplain whose wild bio you can see below, and our favorite drag clown, whose sermon we recently featured.

So far 18 other drag artists, LGBTQIA+ clergy, and other allies have been announced but not named, and information on tickets, schedules, and other details are said to be ‘coming soon.’


Hillsong Hit With a Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Former Hillsong student Anna Crenshaw has filed a lawsuit against Hillsong after she was molested by a drunken Hillsong worship leader back in 2016.

Last year student Anna Crenshaw’s shared her experiences and aftermath of being sexually assaulted by Hillsong worship leader Jason Mays during her 4 years at Hillsong College and Hillsong Church in Australia. She recounts how during a party:

Jason grabbed me, putting his hand between my legs and his head on my stomach and began kissing my stomach. I felt his arms and hands wrapped around my legs making contact with my inner thigh, butt and crotch…

Hillsong took nearly 5 months to report it to the police, and only after her father, who is a pastor, allegedly complained. Mays would later plead guilty to “assault with an act of indecency” in 2019. The sentence carried two years of probation and mandatory counseling by the courts. Hillsong suspended Mays from ministry for one year but eventually welcomed him back, putting him in an administrative role in 2020 and having him sing on stage as a backup vocalist for church events.

His return to his old job, plus a dissatisfaction with the way Hillsong handled the abuse prompted Crenshaw to quit this past September. Following the story, Brian Houston responded on Twitter, calling the story ‘factually wrong’ and publicly revealing that Crenshaw was also sexually abused as a child at her father’s congregation, explaining that this made the abuse at his church all the more “sadder.

After widespread criticism for exposing the past sexual assault history of one of the victims who was also sexually molested at his own Church, Houston deleted the Tweet and issued an apology, explaining that “I foolishly included information that was wrong for me to share.”

When faced with the fallout from this, Hillsong released a statement saying that Jason Mays was given another opportunity to remain on staff because what he did was not *that* bad, and that they wanted to give him another chance.

The magistrate who chose not to record a conviction, asserted the ‘low level objective seriousness of the offence’ and acknowledged that it occurred in the presence of several other people who did not fully corroborate her version of the events. Jason was placed on a two-year good behaviour bond for ‘assault with act of indecency’ (not sexual assault), including stringent requirements that he has followed diligently.

Houston would later claim that Ms. Crenshaw’s “version of the events” was not corroborated by other witnesses’ recollection and minimized his culpability and seriousness of events, saying:

“We’re talking about a young man, a young married man who did something stupid, got much drunker than he should, which is an issue we’ve got to keep ­addressing, and got himself in a bad situation,”

Brina Houston is no longer involved with Hillsong, after stepping down in early 2022 when allegations of sexual impropriety came to light. It is unknown at this time exactly what she is suing for, as we are unable to locate the filing, but her father Ed Crenshaw told the NY Post:

“I can only say that I’m proud of Anna for standing up for what is right and for continuing to do what she can to hold Hillsong Church accountable for their poor handling of their victims. The need for her to do so is obvious given Hillsong leadership’s pattern of covering up improper behavior, including that of Brian Houston.”


Family of Woman who Dramatically Exposed Pastor Sleeping with 16 Year Old Now Say It Started When She was 14+ More Details

A week after an Indiana pastor who confessed an ‘adulterous’ affair he had 20 years ago during a church service yesterday was publicly confronted right afterward by the survivor of that assault, blasting him for the way he was spinning it and correcting the story that she was 16 years old when they began having sex, now say disturbing encounters between the pastor and teen happened even before that.

In an article written by the Daily Mail, Mom Karen told them that the grooming of her then-teenage daughter, Bobi Gephart, started before she was 16, the legal age of consent in Indiana.

‘The grooming actually started before Bobi was 16. I know that because Bobi told me. We figure somewhere around 14 or 15 years of age, maybe late 14 or early 15…I don’t know how it started. There are things I still don’t know…I think he started a physical relationship before 16, but I can’t be certain. I think it was when she was 15, although I don’t know that for sure….I trusted this man with my kids’ lives. And I always thought he was the protector and it never dawned on me that he would have touched her in that way let alone had sex with her – many, many, many, many times.”

Her brother Edgar, a retired Army intelligence warrant officer, also filled in some gaps in the story, with the permission of his sister. He says their parents and the Lowe’s were good friends and they often watched each other’s kids when one was away. He said that when he was 16 when he walked into the master bedroom and found Pastor Lowe shirtless and his younger sister just in underwear and a T-shirt under the covers.

‘I looked puzzled so he said, she just came in to say good morning and it was cold. They were in bed under a duvet and his wife was gone. And it was early.

‘I was trying to think it through. In my innocence I believed what he said. And I thought we’re family, he wouldn’t do anything, he’s our pastor and I’ll trust it.

‘Bobi is about 18 months younger than me so she would have been either 14 or 15 at the time. In my young mind I thought, it’s a good thing nobody else saw this or they would call the cops, and they wouldn’t even know that it was innocent.’

Though Edgar tried to suppress the image for years it always bothered him. Three weeks ago he decided to confront the pastor after a conversation with their other sister, who also felt like something about their relationship was off. He confronted pastor Lowe and demanded he quit the church, which is what prompted the public confession in the first place. It did not come out of thin air- he was forced to do it or else be exposed.

‘I confronted her (about the bedroom memory) and she told me everything that had happened. And she went into great detail with the relationship…I texted Lowe and I said “you are done, you will resign, you will make a public confession and you will face criminal charges most likely”.

‘He said, “you’re right, I’m done, do whatever you want. There is no defense for me”

…But he gave lip service by not following through on Sunday. When he got up there it was half the confession. He had a script, only said he had an affair. Nothing about her being underage or her name. So her husband Nate decided he was going to go and speak out….My sister then joined him as well and together they were strong enough to confront Lowe.’

The law is paying attention. Reportedly, Kosciusko County Prosecuting Attorney Office’s has begun an investigation, which would carry criminal charges of statutory rape if the accounts of her being 14 at the time are true. This would please Edgar greatly.

‘I want him to be broken in his heart in a way that is sincere. When I watched him on the stage I saw defiance and I saw pride and anger that he was caught.

‘I didn’t see remorse for what he had done and taken from my sister. There should be criminal charges and he should have to face whatever the court system decides is his fate.’

In a statement released by the church, they confirmed that Lowe has quit.


Bethel Church-Related Ministries Reported for Possible PPP Loan Fraud

(TrinityFi) After reviewing recently published Form 990s, Trinity Foundation has reported two of three non-profit organizations affiliated with Bill Johnson’s California megachurch Bethel Redding for possible Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan fraud.

Trinity Foundation reported Bethel Media and Bethel School of Technology, but not Bethel Music, to the Small Business Administration.  Let’s take a look at their loans and Form 990s.

The loan program was authorized by Congress to help small businesses and non-profit organizations retain employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, all three organizations report zero employees on page one of their latest Form 990s, but it is possible they use independent contractors.

(Photo: Bethel Media Form 990, page 1, line 5 reports zero employees.)

In 2020, Bethel Media received a PPP loan for retaining 77 jobs and in 2021 received a second loan for retaining 50 jobs. According to ProPublica’s Tracking PPP database, Bethel Media received…

To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note, This article was written by Barry Bowen and published at TrinityFi.


Sarah Young’s Heretical Trash Book ‘Jesus Calling’ Has sold 40,000,000 Copies

It can’t be denied: The Jesus of Sarah Young sounds suspiciously like a twenty-first century, Western, middle-aged woman. ~ Tim Challies

In an announcement betraying the sad state of affairs in the Christian World, Publishers Weekly has announced that Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling devotional has sold over 40,000,000 copies across all formats and editions. Three years ago it had sold 30,000,000 copies, meaning that it shows no sign of slowing down and is one of the best-selling ‘christian’ books of all time.

This is no thanks to the efforts of the spiritual strychnine that is Lifeway, the for-profit publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention that has been peddling her wares for years, even having their own splash page for the creepy book, selling every possible variant they can get their grubby little paws on.

In a widely shared book review by Tim Challies, he explains most of the major problems with this book, with these two being the most prominent:

1. She speaks for God. Far and away the most troubling aspect of the book is its very premise—that Sarah Young hears from Jesus and then dutifully brings his messages to her readersJesus Calling makes the boldest, gutsiest, and, to my mind, most arrogant claim of any book ever to be considered Christian. The publisher describes the book in this way:

“After many years of writing her own words in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to be more attentive to the Savior’s voice and begin listening for what He was saying. So with pen in hand, she embarked on a journey that forever changed her—and many others around the world. In these powerful pages are the words and Scriptures Jesus lovingly laid on her heart. Words of reassurance, comfort, and hope. Words that have made her increasingly aware of His presence and allowed her to enjoy His peace (bold mine).”

There is no way to avoid her claim that she is communicating divine revelation, a claim that raises a host of questions and concerns, not the least of which is the doctrine of Scripture alone which assures us that the Bible and the Bible alone is sufficient to guide us in all matters of faith and practice.

2. She proclaims the insufficiency of the BibleJesus Calling only exists because Sarah Young had a deep desire to hear from God outside of the Bible. In the introduction she describes the book’s genesis:

“I began to wonder if I … could receive messages during my times of communing with God. I had been writing in prayer journals for years, but that was one-way communication: I did all the talking. I knew that God communicated with me through the Bible, but I yearned for more. Increasingly, I wanted to hear what God had to say to me personally on a given day.

In those few sentences she sets up unnecessary competition between her revelation and what we are told of the Bible in 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” Biblically, there is no category for what she provides as the heart and soul of her book. Biblically, there is no need for it and no reason we should expect or heed it.”

That this has sold 40 million copies is a sad indictment on the church, and cursed be any bookstore that sells it.


Beth Moore Suggests Those Wary of a Liberal Takeover Don’t Like Jesus, Only Power

Beth Moore continues to push her strange version of Jesus on the world, this time under the guise of castigating Christians who have rightful concerns about the presence and power of progressivism in the culture. She doesn’t have to, of course. There are a million things she could be Tweeting about, but instead, she chose to take a few potshots and gaslight the brethren looking at the world around us losing its mind.

Moore mocks the notion of “the Liberals are coming, the liberals are coming’ all the while this world is embracing the notion that men are women, and women are men, and if you say otherwise you’ll likely to get banned from social media or even arrested in some situations.

But this is not the binary option as Moore makes it out to be. We don’t FEAR liberalism, but rather we despise it and stand against it because we LOVE and FEAR the Lord and his word. Moore speaks about the threat of a progressive takeover as if it’s not really a thing- just a bogeyman that weak will-ed Christians believe in; a conspiracy theory for the uninformed plebs. Yet the creep of liberalism and progressivism is real, and Jesus HATES it. The scriptures stand against every inch of it, and all of its virtues are a putrid stench in his nostrils.

She concludes by noting that “some of us who love God” wouldn’t have liked Jesus” letting you know which one she is, and which one you are. If you believe in that liberal drift and want to fight against it, you’re nothing but a power-hungry Jesus-hater, and Moore pities you mightily.

For the uneducated, Moore’s theological ineptitude and outright horribleness is the stuff of legends, as she has routinely claimed direct revelation from God (like her famous tale of God telling her to brush a guy’s hair instead of witnessing to him), affirming so-called woman pastors and those who affirm LGBTQ+labeling her entire denomination racist, and claiming white supremacy is running rampant” in the church. She has liked tweets dissuading believers from sharing the Gospel at BLM protests and recently said that The Pulpit Has become a Threat to Women’ and criticized complementarianism, as ‘It Wipes Out Half the Gospel Force’.


Charismatic Prophet Claims he ‘Spoke a Squirrel into Existence’

Bobby Conner is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) and a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic network, chaired by NAR warlord Che Ahn. After 27 years as a Southern Baptist pastor, he founded Eagles View Ministries. According to his website:

Bobby’s prophetic words—life-changing encouragement and exhortation for individuals, churches, regions, and nations—are documented world-over for their precision, accuracy, humor, and transformational power. Supernatural demonstrations of the miraculous, including physical and emotional healings, deliverance, signs, and wonders, follow Bobby’s prophetic ministry wherever he goes.

From the perspective of biblically literate people, he’s known for making stuff up all the time, from claiming he was at ‘prophet’ Bob Jones’ house when NASA called and asked Jones to look into space for them and “tell us what you see” because they knew he could see farther into space than they could, to claiming Jesus took him into the ‘second heaven, which is where “the devil formulates his wicked schemes” and where he saw a some ‘evil twin demon beings’ whose mission it was to “attack Christian leadership’s communication.”

Despite this, he is well-respected in charismatic circles and hobnobs at conferences with all the bigwigs, such as Bill Johnson, Shawn Bolz, Jim Bakker, Chuck Pierce, Kevin Zadai, James Goll, Jeremiah Johnson, etc.

Animals can communicate to you, they really can. I could tell you some stories that are pretty wild, you wanna hear a wild story? There’s some little books about William Branham (Editor’s Note. Super false prophet who is well-known in the Latter Rain movement. He denied the Trinity and was supposed to be the one to restore the church to the true apostolic faith, but then died in a car accident in 1965) …and I was reading one of those little blue books about Branham and it says that one day he spoke a squirrel into existence.

…So I’m down. I’m down in the East Texas woods. Trees are 100 feet tall. And I’m down there and I’m hunting, I’m deer hunting, I’m sitting on the ground with my back up against a tree about the size of a telephone pole like this. And I’m sitting there and the furthest thing from my mind was Branham’s little blue book.

And the Lord said to me ‘Bobby, what do you think about William Branham and speaking that squirrel into existence?’ And I said, just like this, ‘oh, I know it’s true’. And then he says to me, ‘you know, I’m no respecter of persons.’

See that’s how I got most of my gifts from God. I found it in the Bible and then I’d say to God, ‘you’re no respecter of persons. if you spoke to Moses, face to face as a friend communicates, you can do it to Bobby’ and that’s how I get most of my experiences, I’d hold that against God, ‘you’re no respecter of persons.’

..Well, I got a sick feeling. I said, ‘oh, yeah’ and then I’m trying to change the subject…and he said to me, again, ‘you know, I’m no respecter of persons.’ Oh, man. It was such a tense moment. My heart was beating so hard it was pushing me away from the tree like. And then he said, over there, there was a little sapling of a tree with a limb about six feet high off the ground.

And he said, ‘I want you to do the same thing’. I had no faith for it at all. And I’m trying to beg him out of it because don’t feel equipped to do that. So he said, ‘No, no, I’m no respecter of persons’. And I had to speak a squirrel into existence and one appeared, and then it appeared, and I watched it for a moment, and it disappeared. Then the Lord said to me ‘Don’t you ever tell me you believe something when you don’t.’

See, I believed it for William Branham, but I didn’t believe it for Bobby.”

h/t to Revealing Truth for the vioe clip.