Church Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance Unrighteous Compliance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Thirty-Nine

The thirty-ninth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Thirty-Eight

The thirty-seventh album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Drive-In Church In-person Church Op-Ed Righteous Defiance Unrighteous Compliance

Op-Ed: It’s Time for Churches Who Shut Down During a Crisis to Repent

A recent study shows that the only group that hasn’t mentally suffered during COVID-19 has been regular church-goers.

Largely, what Christians have discovered from the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 is that most churches don’t believe they offer essential services. And I’m likely to agree with them.

In total, 93% of churches recognized the Civil Magistrate as the head of the church and surrendered the keys of Christ’s kingdom to elected and unelected bureaucrats. Proving their Lord & Savior is the government, the happily rendered unto Caesar that which belonged to God the Son.

At the time, we – the other 7% – warned them. If they want to send the message that the state can order around the Body of Christ (and by extension, Christ himself) to meet when, where, and how the government chooses, that many in their own congregations won’t return to church at all. After all, if the church leadership doesn’t believe that people need corporate worship on the Lord’s Day, members will certainly follow the line of thought to its ultimate conclusion; they don’t need church.

Our predictions have been fully realized, rendering basic Christian discernment more efficacious to predict the future than an entire School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding. According to Lifeway Research, only 10% or so of churches have a weekly attendance at their pre-COVID numbers. Likewise, it’s estimated that up to a quarter of American churches will never re-open. And, as I predicted, the initial spike in “online church” participants faded within only weeks after the novelty wore off.

There were lots of arguments that we contrarians made back in March and April during the initial closures. Chiefly, these revolved (1) a responsible and carefully exegeted reading of Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 that – if understood correctly – do not constitute a blanketed command to submit to any random person or establishment that claims authority over the life of the believer. And secondarily (2), we provided arguments regarding the plain truths of eschatology. If we are told that in the End Times that pestilence will kill a great many (Revelation 6:7-8) and simultaneously we are commanded not to forsake public assemblies during that plague (Hebrews 10:25) that makes special mention of the Eschaton, then the wrongness of church closings should be evident. We’re not even supposed to closed down for the Pale Rider whose name is Death, let alone for a chest cold.

And believe me, we heard your hysterics. The brainless, mind-numbing screeches about “loving our neighbor” did not go unheard. And we listened to your predictions about causing our entire churches to die. We heard you provide an ‘amen choir’ for politicians and health department despots who fallaciously and falsely claimed that church attendance was more likely to spread COVID-19 than Wal-Mart. We heard your sophomoric non-interpretations of Romans 13, without the slightest attempt to demonstrate that corporate worship was the type of “evil” that the Romans 13 government should be punishing.

Most importantly, we watched your white-knuckled digging-in on church closures and we watched your position remain unchanged by a rapidly changing understanding of COVID’s seriousness. Even as death rates plunged to seasonal flu levels, your commitment to skipping church remained hardly unchanged as though you ignored the scientific data altogether.

But the most important argument we made at the time against your soulless compromises was that your church members need church. Sure, lost people don’t get it but the redeemed of God surely do.

When we watch the COVID-19 hysterics from the public health nurses who are downright giddy to have been given a microphone so as to catastrophize and hyperbolize the threat, surely we can all acknowledge that the health suggestions we’ve been given have been given through a naturalistic worldview that denies the metaphysical soul. Simply put, those who deny God also must overlook the full health of man as spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical creatures.

It is understandable how Dr. Fauci overlooks the spiritual needs of man; his worldview doesn’t allow it. But it’s absolutely inexplicable for why you – as Christians and pastors – also overlook the spiritual needs of men. That’s shocking.

Well, the results are in and the only demographic not to suffer mental health issues during the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 have been regular church attenders.

According to Gallup…

The results of Gallup’s November Health and Healthcare survey, conducted annually since 2001, reveal that the share of Americans who classify their mental health as “excellent” has reached an all-time low of 34%. The share of Americans who describe their mental health as “excellent/good” has also reached a record low of 76%. Nearly every demographic subgroup saw the state of their mental health decrease from 2019 to 2020.

They continue, “However, among Americans who attend religious services weekly, 46% classified their mental health as excellent. That figure is an increase from the 42% who saw their mental health as excellent in 2019.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t evangelicals just spend the last ten years – largely thanks to Rick and Kay Warren – focusing on the danger of mental health issues? Hasn’t that been a major talking point of the church in recent years or did I imagine it? And yet, pastors who closed their churches did so in absolute and total disregard of their parishioner’s mental health.

Shame on you.

No better verse in all the Bible reflects the state of affairs in American evangelicalism better than this one:

He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep (John 10:12-13).

Your congregation needed you, pastors. They needed the Word. They needed the Supper. They need each other. And in the darkest of nights, just when the church should be shining the brightest, you closed your doors and pulled your blinds. And you did so while Planned Parenthood remained open.

In 2020, churches had an opportunity to shine. Instead, you hid your candle under a bushel. And for this, you ought to repent.

[Editor’s Note: This article was contributed by JD Hall of Gideon Knox Group]

Coronavirus Drive-In Church Evangelical Stuff In-person Church News

60 Pastors sign ‘Open Letter’ CONDEMNING Church doing Drive-in Services amid Lockdown

Springs Church in Manitoba, who finally went all-virtual this Sunday after being given out nearly $40,000 in fines for doing drive-in Church services, has been sent an open letter by other local pastors condemning the church, rebuking them for being open in the first place, and asking them not to take legal action against the province or fight for the right to stay open.

The letter, which is signed by over 34 local “pastors” and many from outside the province, comes in light of the province going into a nearly 100% lockdown and ordering churches to close. Despite the Church seeking to do drive-in services, where they don’t even leave the car and have the sermon piped into the speaks via an FM transmitter, this has been deemed intolerable, with one church doing likewise harassed by police officers who showed up to block off entrance of the church and give $1286 fines.

The church took the province to court and lost their case on weekend. Church lawyers argued that their services were the same and no different than sitting in a drive-thru lineup or waiting in your car for curbside pickup. The Province countered that Springs had not shown that having church service in a car gathered together is “more beneficial” than a virtual service and the court ruled in their favor.

This whole fracas has caused a host of local clergy to rip off their masks and stab the church in the front, writing an open letter of rebuke, which is published in full below, and calls on them to apologize and repent for their great sin of having drive-in church.

A few salient points from the letter:

We find that your actions during the past days of encouraging Christians to disobey public health orders in the name of freedom are not an example of following Christ. 

We find that your insistence on the right to worship is not in keeping with Christ’s command to love our neighbour. 

Given that the letter is signed by a bevy of pastrixes and effeminate men from progressive denominations, the church should counter, “I find your actions to hire an open lesbian who moonlights as an abortion clinic receptionist in her spare time to be the new worship pastor to be “‘Not an example of following Christ’ and ‘not in keeping with Christ’s command to love our neighbor.'”  We digress. [Editor’s note: How can we not? Did you catch the language? “WE find…” instead of “The Scriptures say…”]

We find that your insistence on individual freedoms over collective responsibility are an affront to the many individuals, families, friends, community groups and other faith communities who are refraining from gathering for the sake of our neighbors. 

We find that your focus on your own perceived loss (of not being able to gather for a short time) to be offensive to those 381 Manitoban families (as of December 5th) who have lost loved ones as a result of this pandemic. 

What should the response of Springs church be, according to these folk?

That you repent of your actions and publicly apologize for putting your individual right to worship ahead of the good of our community. 

That you publicly encourage your church members to remain at home and worship online while public health restrictions remain in place. 

That you cease all legal action against the province and redirect those funds intended for legal costs towards a charity that truly helps Manitobans, such as Harvest Manitoba.

The author of the letter, not content to let the church go peacefully to on-line services, is still collecting signatures so that they can virtue-signal even more.

How perfectly vile of them.


Dear Pastor Leon and the members of Springs Church, 

We are writing to you as clergy also serving faith communities in Manitoba and beyond. 

During the past two weeks, Springs Church has garnered a lot of local media attention and sparked debate in our city and province regarding COVID-19 pandemic restrictions implemented by public health authorities. Springs Church has deliberately violated these restrictions in the name of religious freedom and subsequently lost a court challenge of these restrictions. 

Much of the rhetoric coming from Springs church centres on the right of Christians to worship under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You have claimed that your drive-in services are safe and your right to gather in-person to worship outweighs the Province of Manitoba’s right to restrict gatherings for the sake of public health. 

Drive-in services may be relatively safe (but not as a safe as staying home) and the question of how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is weighed against these public health orders has not been settled in court. 

However, we are not writing to you regarding the epidemiology or legality of drive-in services. 

We are writing to you as peers and siblings in Christ and as called and ordained ministers of Christ’s Church.

We find that your actions during the past days of encouraging Christians to disobey public health orders in the name of freedom are not an example of following Christ. 

We find that your insistence on the right to worship is not in keeping with Christ’s command to love our neighbour. 

We find that your actions disregard the dangers of COVID-19 in our community and that they only serve to create potential harm for our healthcare system and healthcare workers already pushed beyond capacity. 

We find that your insistence on individual freedoms over collective responsibility are an affront to the many individuals, families, friends, community groups and other faith communities who are refraining from gathering for the sake of our neighbours. 

We find that your focus on your own perceived loss (of not being able to gather for a short time) to be offensive to those 381 Manitoban families (as of December 5th) who have lost loved ones as a result of this pandemic. 

Therefore we call on you to take the following actions:

That you repent of your actions and publicly apologize for putting your individual right to worship ahead of the good of our community. 

That you publicly encourage your church members to remain at home and worship online while public health restrictions remain in place. 

That you cease all legal action against the province and redirect those funds intended for legal costs towards a charity that truly helps Manitobans, such as Harvest Manitoba. 

If and when these actions are undertaken, it would be our hope that they be a first step towards reconciliation between Springs and your sibling communities of faith in Manitoba. 

Finally, knowing that we are not the first people of faith to live through a pandemic, we offer you the following quote from Martin Luther, written in 1527, about how Christians ought to respond to the Black Death:

Therefore I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine, and take it. I shall avoid persons and places where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance infect and pollute others, and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God should wish to take me, he will surely find me, and I have done what he has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others.

*This letter also applies to any congregation refusing to follow public health orders under the guise of religious persecution including the Church of God Restoration South of Steinbach. *

Yours in Christ, 

Manitoba Clergy:

The Rev. Erik Parker, Sherwood Park Lutheran Church, Winnipeg (Letter Author)

The Rev. Courtenay Reedman Parker, Messiah Lutheran Church, Winnipeg

Bishop Elaine Sauer, St Chad’s Anglican Parish, Winnipeg

The Rev. Rick Sauer, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Winnipeg.

The Rev. Ken Kuhn, retired (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)

The Rev. Richard D. Schulz Pastor, Gimli Lutheran Church

The Rev. Nancy Walker, retired (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)

The Reverend Theo Robinson, BTh, Incumbent St. Michael’s Anglican Church, Victoria Beach & Pastor, Interlake Regional Shared Ministry, MNO Synod

The Rev. Don Engel, retired, (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)

The Rev. Father Chad McCharles, Anglican Priest of the Diocese of Brandon, Incumbent of Neepawa United-Anglican Church

Jeraldine Bjornson, retired DLM, United Church of Canada

The Rev. Barton Coleman, Zion Lutheran Church Beausejour, Manitoba

The Rev. Kolleen Karlowsky-Clark, retired (Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada)

Rev. Rachel Twigg, Saint Benedict’s Table Anglican, Winnipeg

The Rev. Jennifer Marlor, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Winnipeg

Rev. Liz Carter-Morgan, St. Paul’s United Church, Virden MB

The Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Still, Church of St Stephen and St Bede Anglican-Lutheran, Winnipeg

The Rev. Trudy Thorarinson, Grace-St.John’s Anglican-Lutheran, Carman, MB

Rev. Matthew Brough,  Prairie Presbyterian Church, Winnipeg

Paul Peters Derry, Ordained Minister, United Church of Canada (Retired), Postulate for Ordination, Anglican Church of Canada (Diocese of Rupert’s Land)

Rev. Don Schau, Atlantic-Garden City United Church, Winnipeg

The Rev. Philip G. Read, St. Mary’s Road United Church, Winnipeg

Reverend Barbara Roberts, ordained retired minister United Church of Canada

The Rev. John H. Giroux, St. Mary Anglican Church, Winnipeg

The Rev. Judith Whitmore Anglican, Belair, Manitoba

The Rev. Dr. Kara Mandryk Coordinator, Henry Budd College for Ministry, and Regional Dean, The Pas Deanery, Diocese of Brandon

Rev. Lynell Bergen, Hope Mennonite Church, Winnipeg

The Venerable Gordon Payne, retired, Priest of the Diocese of British Columbia. (But living and serving in Winnipeg)

Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Pastoral Leader Little Flowers Community (Mennonite Church Manitoba)

Kim Arpin-Ricci, Pastoral Leader, Little Flowers Community (Mennonite Church Manitoba)

Rev. Tyler Gingrich, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Winnipeg

Rev. Bonita E. Garrett, Retired, United Church of Canada

The Rev. Lynn Granke, retired (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada), Winnipeg

Michael Pahl, Lead Pastor, Morden Mennonite Church

Rev. Margrét Kristjansson, Rivers United Church, Rivers, MB

Rev. Donna J. Smalley, Retired [Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada] Winnipeg

 M.A.McCartney. Team Minister Oak Bank United Church, Oak Bank, MB

The Rev. Thomas J. Lurvey, retired (North American Lutheran Church), Winnipeg

Rev. Harold Peters-Fransen, Elim Mennonite Church, Grunthal, MB

Rev. Jim Vickers, retired, (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada) Waldersee, MB

Clergy outside of Manitoba:
The Rev. Matthew Diegel, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Thunder Bay, ON

The Ven. Wilma Woods, St Giles Anglican, Estevan, SK

The Rev. Brian Woods, St Giles Anglican, Estevan, SK

The Rev. Jerry Borkowsky, Assistant to the Bishop Saskatchewan Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

The Rev’d Robyn King, St Paul’s Anglican, Leduc, AB

Rev. Fran Ota, United Church of Canada, Toronto, ON

Diaconal Minister Beth Kerr, Trinity and Atwood United Churches, North Perth, ON

The Rev. Arleen Berg Leishman, retired (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada) Thunder Bay, ON

The Rev. Murray Halvorson, New Hope Lutheran Church, Regina, SK

The Rev’d Justin Cheng, All Saints Anglican, Diocese of New Westminster, Burnaby, BC

Rev. Reg Berg, Prince of Faith Lutheran Church, Calgary, AB

The Rev. Lindsay Hognestad, Retired (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada) Regina, SK

The Rev’d Brandon Witwer, Christ Church Anglican, Calgary, AB

The Rev. Lyndon Sayers, Lutheran Church of the Cross, Victoria, BC

Bishop Cindy Halmarson, Retired (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada), Cobourg, Ontario

The Rev. Joseph McLellan, Bishop, Progressive Catholic Church of Canada

Rev. Sarah Bruer, Diaconal Minister (in search of call), North Perth Ontario.

Rev. Melany Cassidy-Wise, Ordained Minister,  Rural United Ministry. Easton’s Corners United Church, North Augusta Pastoral Charge, Bishop’s Oxford Pastoral Charge, Maitland, Ontario

Rev. Wendy Molnar, Coronado Gibbons United Church, Sturgeon County, AB

Rev. Linda K. Douglas Grace Lutheran Church, Victoria, BC

Fr. Dick+ Kennedy, Palliser Parish, Anglican Diocese of Qu’Appelle.

The Reverend Boyd Drake, The United Church of Canada, Gatineau QC

Rev. Marie-Louise Ternier, priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, serving an Anglican-Lutheran Shared Ministry in Watrous, SK.

The Rev. Aneeta Saroop, Spirit of Life Lutheran Church, Vancouver, BC

Church Coronavirus Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Govt Closes Churches but Allows Sex Shops: They’re ‘Safety Supply Stores’

With many provinces in Canada going into full lockdown mode, closing small businesses and even prohibiting churches from gathering for drive-in services where no one leaves the car and the windows remain rolled up, one industry, along with liquors stores and cannabis shops are allowed to be open: Sex shops.

The government has deemed that these should be categorized as “safety supply stores” because they sell condoms and other prophylactics.

Veronica Kazoleas who owns The Nookie confirmed that they were considered to be an essential service and allowed to stay open.

It is true that we’re open as an essential service under the safety supplies category. We’re honored to support the sexual safety of our community during these unprecedented times. We’re particularly grateful to continue to serve marginalized populations who may not have a credit card or even the internet access that would allow them to order curbside pickup for our essential supplies.”

For many Churches either forced to close completely, or allowed only 10 people for outdoor services, it’s a slap in the face and a sure sign that the government has their priorities messed up. We await the cheeky church that will begin to sell condoms and dental dams in the front lobby in order to stay open.

May God help us.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance Unrighteous Compliance

As California Goes Into New Lockdown Mode, Churches are Exempt – Sort of…

A new lockdown order went into effect Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. for the vast majority of the state of California, affecting nearly 33 million people. The shutdown bans private and public gatherings, shutters all dine-in restaurants, prohibits multiple households from meeting, caps retail stores at 20% capacity, closes hair and nail salons, playgrounds, zoos, museums, etc, bans all non-essential travel, bans the use of staying in hotels for leisure, and a host of other restrictions. It is set to last three weeks, well past Christmas.

Despite the restrictions, the sheriff’s office has already openly stated that they will not enforce compliance.

Unlike previous lockdowns and shutdowns, however, churches are allowed to remain open. The dispensation does not come from the state of California and Governor Gavin Newsom’s newfound benevolence, but rather after the Supreme Court ruled on November 25th to block restrictions on houses of worship being allowed to gather. In a 5-4 Ruling that surely had the blood boiling of California governmental rulers, the Supreme Court said:

Members of this Court are not public health experts, and we should respect the judgment of those with special expertise and responsibility in this area. But even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten. The restrictions at issue here, by effectively barring many from attending religious services, strike at the very heart of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty.

While it was a nice win, it has its limits. Just because Churches are allowed to exempt from this lockdown, it does not mean that they have the freedom to do as they please. Indoor Church services are still banned. Outdoor services must be outside, with proper signage in place, names and contact information for attendees must be recorded for tracing purposes later, members must be socially distanced and wear masks at all times.

While the Sheriff’s office will not enforce any heavy-handed approaches, they’re not the only game in town. Los Angeles County workers have been making the rounds of churches, giving warnings and handing out fines to churches not complying with the aforementioned restrictions still in place.

Coronavirus Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance Shutdown

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Thirty-Seven

The thirty-seventh album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album 36

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Coronavirus In-person Church Righteous Defiance Scandal

California Megachurches Rebrand as ‘Family Friendly Strip Club’ to Avoid Shutdown Restrictions – Pastors Striptease to Prove it

In order to bypass harsh shutdown restrictions in their county which prohibits houses of worship from being open, a couple of California churches have taken to referring to themselves as a “family-friendly strip club” in order to qualify as a business allowed to stay open, with senior pastors even doing a little dance and throwing their ties into the crowd as members hold up dollar bills to a burlesque soundtrack. [Editor’s Note: These stripteases are disgusting and sinful and these pastors and congregations should be ashamed of themselves.]

Awaken Church and Godspeaks Calvary Church of San Diego had their pastors take the pulpit and do a “family-friendly” striptease before the service started, a tongue-in-cheek move done to satisfy details for an exemption after San Diego Superior Court ruled November 6 that strip clubs were allowed reopen while churches were not.

Senior Pastor of Awaken Church Jurgen Matthesius wrote on Instagram:

STRIP CLUBS (Not Churches) are exempt from the Covid lockdowns, and are deemed essential by our governor! Soooooo…we decided we are NOW AWAKEN FAMILY FRIENDLY STRIP CLUB! (Where we strip the devil of his hold, power & authority over people’s lives!) Enjoy the intro to the preach today! [sic]

In a similar move, Pastor Rob McCoy of God Speak Chapel did likewise, taking it up a notch in a manner that reeks of blasphemy in the house of the Lord.

Awaken Church received a cease-and-desist order last week that said if the state’s COVID-19 guidelines aren’t followed, which involves ceasing indoor services, the County would take further action, the least which would be a $1,000 fine for each citation violation.

While these two churches receive mild praise for defying the government and staying open: with behavior like this, they’d be better off closed.

Evangelical Stuff In-person Church News Unrighteous Compliance

Andy Stanley Justifies Church Closing until 2021 with These Outlandish and Arrogant Claims

North Point Community Church pastor Andy Stanley decided to respond to critics and church members dogging him for his decision to close his Church until at least 2021, though at the rate things are going he’ll be well into 2022 by the time he opens the church doors and welcomes his little goatlings back into the pen.

Stanely has been on a roll since the pandemic hit, telling members that the “Foundation of our Faith is not the Whole Bible,” that Geroge Floyd was “This Generation’s Samson,” and to “Sleep late and skip church” during Father’s day.

During his November 29 service, however, Stanley expressed his gratitude for his flock, or at least the ones who haven’t gone feral from being away from the body for so long. Because of continued financial support, he stated that no staff jobs were lost and the bills are continuing to be paid.

He emphasized the generosity of spirit of the congregation proven by a record-breaking tally for their to their “Be Rich” campaign, no mean feat in the midst of a pandemic. The “Be Rich” campaign is an “initiative to partner with life-changing organizations in our communities and around the globe.”

Essentially, they raise money to give to primarily secular organizations, from The Drake House where “These funds will go toward creating a dedicated space for the students of The Drake House to either complete their homework or do virtual learning should the need arise” to Atlanta Habitat for Humanity.

Stanley, who oversees six churches with nearly 40,000 members all spread across the Atlanta Region, quoted Ephesians 1:15-16, as the text he built much of his sermon on . “For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” He says:

We have not met in the church building for nine months, and you gave more to ‘Be Rich’ than you have ever given before – over $7 million, and that is, well, I don’t even have words for that.

Stanley recounts how a “high-profile media person” who had been taking some potshots at him and his decision to close asked him how his megachurch was “doing spiritually’ given that they’ve been all-virtual for the better part of the year. Taking this to be a little dig at him and a backhanded way of suggesting that something was amiss in the congregation, he responded:

Well, they gave over $7 million in 39 days to support the local charities and our communities. And if Jesus was serious about that ‘where your treasure is there your heart is,’ then I think we’re doing pretty good.

…When someone takes a shot at us on social media for not being ‘open’ [Editor’s note: he uses finger quotes on the word open] I’ve been sending them the four minutes video of our ‘Be Rich’ celebration. And I’m always tempted to add ‘hey, our closed church just did a thousand times more for other people in 39 days than your open church has done in the past 10 years. So shut up with all that, right?’ But I restrain myself and do my best to walk in the way of love. But when people who don’t know you take a shot at you, it is difficult to restain my evil thoughts.

During the rest of the sermon, Stanley also thanked his congregation for allowing him to remain apolitical during the election, and showing grace for his decision not to bring up political topics, but rather remain focused on other things.

It’s not the first time Stanley has been outspoken at critics who questioned his decision to cease in-person services. Several months ago he said during a broadcast that there was no command to actually meet in person as a body, saying:

People on the other end of this argument, I keep hearing them say over and over ‘the Lord commanded us to meet. The Lord commands us to meet.

He does not. 

Studies and surveys have shown that the rate of which people congregants actually tune in live church service broadcasts has dropped precipitously, with only around 25% participating.

Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Not The Bee! Maryland Pastor Cited For Not Wearing a Mask While in Empty Church Office

(Lifesite News) Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has ordered the early release of inmates while unleashing health departments to threaten the closure of churches, citing COVID health concerns.

American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) has learned that Community United Methodist Church in Pasadena, Maryland has been issued a citation resulting from one employee of the church answering the door to the church during office hours, momentarily without a mask, to unlock the door for a Health Department official. The church was not holding services at the time and the employee had been alone in an office until the Health Department official showed up at the door unannounced.

After issuing the citation, the health department official informed the pastor, Rev. Dennis Jackman M.D., that he would return and if the church was not in full compliance with the Anne Arundel County Department of Health COVID-19 Guidance (authorized by Health Officer Nilesh Kalyanaraman and County Executive Steuart Pittman) that the church would be deemed an “unsafe facility” and “closed until the state of emergency has been terminated.” The citation also threatens criminal charges and “imprisonment of up to one year, and /or a fine of up to $5000.”

This was threatened despite the fact the church had been following all county guidance during church services and had made every effort to ensure the safety of worshippers. According to the pastor, Rev. Dennis Jackman M.D., the health official came to the door of the church during the week, while no services were being held.

“I was in my office alone, without a mask on, and heard someone at the locked door of the church. I was not expecting anyone, so I went to see who was trying to get in the church. Immediately after answering the door, I went to my desk and put on my mask, but the health official…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jay Collins and posted at Lifesite News. Title changed by Protestia.