Church Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Five

The forty-fifth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Breaking Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Video! Police Fine 47 Congregants $880 EACH for Attending Church Service

Police in the small town of Aylmer, Ontario have been going door-to-door out in the cover of night and handing out fines for $880 to any congregants who attended an in-person church service last week, an act deemed illegal by the conservative government.

In all, 47 fines were given out, totalling $41,360.

Footage from the ticketing was uploaded by Herbert Hildebrandt, the son of the Aylmer Church of God Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, the church at the center of the controversy.

We featured this church back in May 2020, where at the time the government was refusing to let them gather for a drive-in service, where all the windows would be rolled up and the sermon would be piped through their FM station.

On their Facebook Page, Aylmer police say that the fines were given not only to those inside the church but outside the church as well, possibly in their vehicles.

In Ontario, the tyrannical Premier Doug Ford who was elected on a populist, man-of-the-people, the right-wing conservative platform has made it illegal to gather in groups of more than 10 people for “non-essential” activities like Church.

The province of 15 million people has been on lockdown for nearly a month and has had 6072 COVID deaths in the last 11 months. Of those, all but 230 occurred in those ages 60 and up, and those almost all exclusively in long-term care homes.

Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Police and Politicians ‘There is a Plan in Place’ to Prevent Defiant Church from Gathering

A church in Canada that has continued to gather for services in defiance of lockdown orders and despite the pastor and elder team being handed tens of thousands of dollars in fines, and whose church faces $10,000,000 in fines for being opened, may have their congregating come to an end, as police and politicians publicly state there is a plan in place to prevent them from gathering.

Premier Doug Ford, the Conservative Premier of Ontario was asked about what he thinks should be done with Trinity Baptist Church, one of a handful of churches in a province of 15 million who are continuing to open their doors for worship. Presently gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited, irrespective of the size of the church and its capacity to safely hold them.

I think it’s careless and irresponsible for them to host this, especially when we are in the situation we are in right now…I’d really encourage them not to do this. They aren’t being responsible. I discourage this 100 percent…Please don’t continue doing this. There will be consequences…

The Solicitor General Sylvia Jones said, “all options are on the table” in regards to the church gatherings and Waterloo Regional Police Chief Bryan Larkin made the most ominous threat of them all, explaining that they have something up their sleeve and that there will be a plan in place to prevent the church from furthering gathering.

Larkin has been criticized by many for being TOO SOFT on the church, with many demanding that his officers enter the sanctuary and break up the service. While he has demurred from that up to this point, suggesting that dispersing several hundred people would be a health risk to his officers, that may be back on the table. He explains:

We will develop a plan to ensure and prevent any further services from happening…I feel very confident that to prevent any further gatherings and to ensure the community that all of the approaches we’ve been taking has been strategic, it’s been well planned, well co-ordinated…But we do intend to take action.

Suggested action would likely be to fine every church member and visitor seeking to attend the service $1000 if they refuse to stay away, barricading the roads to physically prevent vehicles from entering the parking lot, or arresting the pastor, elders, and wayward congregation members if they don’t leave the church.

There has been no comment from Trinity Church yet about the newest threats.

Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Three

The forty-third album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Drive-In Church Evangelical Stuff In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Two

The forty-first album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Coronavirus Drive-In Church In-person Church News Righteous Defiance

Canadian Church Faces up to $10,000,000 Fine for Violating Shutdown Restrictions

Police have laid a fresh round of charges to members of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario, in relation to their January 3rd in-person service.

The new round of tyrannical impositions come after Police charged all 6 elders last week under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27, where if convicted the minimum fine is $10,000 and the maximum $100,000 fine. In Ontario, the province prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people, and churches are not exempt in any way.

Now, law enforcement officers have laid nine more new charges. The first six are believed to be against the entire elder board again, two against congregants for attending a church service of more than other 10 people, and in a surprising move, the last against the church itself.

If convicted, these men will be fined anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000, and the church itself faces a fine of up to $10 million for hosting large gatherings, given that it is considered a corporation.

In a press release sent out about last week’s incident, the church expressed their dismay and righteous anger at this news:

Our government is destroying our society to prevent the spread of a virus with a fraction of a fractional death rate.  This is evil. Nowhere does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee freedom from risk or virus, but it does protect the freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and assembly.  These are unlawful laws, a violation of God-given rights, a contravention of Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and an infringement of the Charter.

In another press release, The Justice Centre announced that it will be defending numerous Ontario pastors and church elders charged for holding church services in contravention of the Reopening Ontario Act including Trinity Chapel. “The Justice Centre will contest the charges on the basis that the Act violates the Charter rights of Ontario citizens to peacefully assemble for worship, among other grounds for challenge.”

Despite the very real threat of charging every congregant who attends service a minimum of $10,000, Pastor Jacob Jacob Reaume says the doors will be open this coming Sunday.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty One

The forty-first album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church Drive-In Church Evangelical Stuff In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Health Update on John MacArthur

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. (3 John 1:2)

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church (GCC) in Sun Valley, California, who is normally in the news for an on-going battle with Los Angeles County Health Officials to keep his church open amidst California Governor Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, has a few people saying his name for a different reason.

Speculation about MacArthur’s health comes in light of him missing preaching two weeks in a row, as well as people not understanding what sort of schedule he keeps.

Historically, John MacArthur takes 8 weeks off preaching duties in July and August, but those months were bumped up to the fall given the heat from COVID-19 and the government threatening to shut down the church. With GCC going to court and receiving a reprieve for several months, MacArthur took off most of October and November. He returned to the pulpit for three weeks, and now has been absent for two.

MacArthur was initially supposed to preach on Sunday, January 3rd and have Steve Lawson preach the evening service, but those plans were changed, and MacArthur was taken off the schedule and Lawson replaced him in the morning slot.

In a brief message from Pastor Tom Patton before the service, he explains:

…And we have the privilege this morning of having Dr. Steve Lawson with us in our pastor’s stead…This gives our pastor John a little more time to rest and prepare for Shepherds’ Conference. I know that seems kind of early (March 3-5, 2021), but Shepherds’ Conference is right around the corner, just so you know. It’s moving fast upon us as the days unfold, so please be in prayer for leaders all around the word…

Tim Hurd of The Bible Thumping Wingnut Network, who like us at Protestia is a huge fan of MacArthur and GCC – having been blessed for years by the man and ministry – has been graciously following along and updating his audience on how things are coming along in these dark times with this Church serving as a beacon in the darkness.

With Hurd being friends with several GCC members and having “insider access,” he explains he was informed that the reason MacArthur needs rest, apart from being 81 years old, is that he is sick with a bit of the stomach flu.

He does NOT have COVID-19.

Dr. Steve Lawson made a few comments during his own message, mentioning his esteem for pastor MacArthur. He describes GCC as having the greatest pastor on planet earth – how he has been raised up by God at this moment in history to be the leading voice of evangelicalism and the last man standing. He says:

There is one strong man, an atlas, who is upholding the faith once and for all delivered to the saints, and that’s the man who stands in this Pulpit. May God bless him. May God strengthen him. May God hold him up. May God give him another hundred years.

To that we say, “yea and amen.”

See the full video below, and subscribe to Tim’s channel and hit the notification bell for the edification of your soul.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Tyrannical First! Church’s ENTIRE Elder Board Charged for Violating Lockdown Laws, Each Face $10,000 fine

In what is believed to be a first in North America, a Canadian church that gathered for worship in defiance of provincial COVID-19 lockdown laws, which limits church gatherings to 10 people, has had their elder board of six people charged under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27.

If convicted, they could each receive a $10,000 fine.

News of the charges to the elders of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario was delivered on December 30th, when in a coordinated effort, law enforcement officers showed up at each of the homes of the six elders and delivered them the court summons.

In a press release sent out about the incident, the church expressed their dismay and righteous anger at this news:

Our government is destroying our society to prevent the spread of a virus with a fraction of a fractional death rate.  This is evil. Nowhere does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee freedom from risk or virus, but it does protect the freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and assembly.  These are unlawful laws, a violation of God-given rights, a contravention of Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and an infringement of the Charter.

Unsurprisingly, the chief of police who is overseeing and enforcing the lockdown advocated for Black Lives Matter protests several months back when they were similarly prohibited. He supported these gatherings of over 10,000 people, explaining that “we will ensure you have the support needed to practice your democratic right and have your voice heard.”

For churches, not so much.

The press release concludes with these words:

Our Saviour shed His blood to purchase the church, and therefore deeming the church “unessential” is tantamount to deeming the blood of Christ unessential, which is a public act of blasphemy.  One day our elected officials, bureaucrats, and police will stand before the court of God’s justice for these acts.  We earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit would draw them to His Son, Jesus Christ, who offers free grace and forgiveness to all who would repent and put their faith in him.

Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and therefore we must honour and obey him above all earthly governments. We emphasize that our hope in Christ’s goodness is firmly anchored.  Our Saviour is just, equitable, and loving towards his people.  He has every hair on our heads numbered, and his eyes see all things. He will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death, and we will fear no evil.  He has taught us to love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, and to count our sufferings as pure joy.  We embrace his will in humility by submitting to his heavy hand trusting that in the proper time he will exalt us because he cares.

Church Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

New Mexico Gov. Fines Churches $10,000 for Christmas Eve Services: Calls Them ‘Pro-Virus, Illegal, and Selfish’

(The Liberty Loft) Charlotte, NC — Two New Mexico megachurches are each facing $10,000 in fines for having held large, unmasked Christmas Eve services in violation of the COVID-19 lockdown orders. This prompted Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to imply that their pastors are “provirus.”

Pictures and videos of Legacy Church and Calvary Church’s services were posted on social media sites. They went viral according to local ABC affiliate KOAT. The images depicted hundreds of congregants gathered, mostly without masks.

On December 15, the governor instituted statewide restrictions that limited church gatherings in “red counties” to 25% capacity and required masks.

The New Mexico Public Health Department responded by levying a $10,000 fine against both churches — $5,000 for violating the capacity limit and $5,000 for violating the mask mandate. The churches are permitted to request a hearing to contest the fines.

Grisham condemned both churches and their pastors in an interview with NBC News. She said, “In violating both the state public health order and common sense, these two churches and their leaders endangered the lives, livelihoods, and health of not only their parishioners but their entire communities — and, [sic] given how quickly this virus can spread, potentially our state as a whole.”

“We all wish this pandemic were over, but it’s not, and no provirus pastor may deem it so. So many New Mexicans have sacrificed — and lost — so much in this pandemic,” Grisham continued. “These illegal and selfish gatherings will directly contribute to more suffering and illness in our state. These church leaders should reflect on the danger they’ve unleashed in their communities.”

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Seth M. Griffin and posted at The Liberty Loft.