John MacArthur Says Calif. Lockdowns Based on ‘False Science.’ Compares Tactics to Hitler and Nazi Regime
Pastor John MacArthur appeared on Eric Metaxas show to update on things were at with Grace Church, providing nothing new...
Pastor John MacArthur appeared on Eric Metaxas show to update on things were at with Grace Church, providing nothing new...
A Gospel Coalition article has taken aim at evangelical boomers who support and will vote for Trump, painting them as...
Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church appeared on Laura Ingraham 'The Ingram Angle' last night for a brief chat...
In order to prevent a second shutdown, the United Kingdom is now under the ‘Rule of Six’, a new set...
Jim Bakker hasn't had a very good 2020. First, he released a magical potion that was said to cure venereal...
A Texas mayor who campaigned on the platform of being pro-life is receiving much-deserved backlash after comparing the opening of...
The BibleThumpingWingnut, (BTWN) friends of the channel who host the Polemic Report and who have been routinely been posting regular...
North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California, engaged in a battle of the wills and resources between themselves and...
President Trump took a swipe at Joe Biden during a roundtable discussion on Sunday, saying that the decrepit democrat favored...
Pastor MacArthur defied a preliminary injunction against him and Grace Community Church by an L.A court that prohibited them from...