Evangelical Stuff Featured SBC

Right on Cue, Mohler Launches His Campaign for SBC President

Immediately on the heels of the leak of Russell Moore’s letter torching conservative Southern Baptists (including conservative SBC presidential candidate Mike Stone), Al Mohler posted a “very personal word” (read: campaign article) on his website listing all the ways he will “help move Southern Baptists forward, together.”

The timing is a little more than suspicious.

If you were expecting him to address the SBC elephants in the room – namely the invasion of Critical Race Theory (CRT), lady preachers, or institutional corruption at the ERLC and NAMBdon’t hold your breath. Likewise, he completely ignores his role as the architect of the current downgrade plaguing the Convention.

Mohler writes:

Back in 2019, I had been approached by many Southern Baptists, who asked me to be willing to be nominated as president of the Southern Baptist Convention. After prayer and conversation over several months, I came to the conclusion that allowing my nomination would be the right thing to do. I have spent my life serving Southern Baptists, and I will never decline an opportunity to serve Southern Baptists.

Mohler lists the steps he would take if elected president, including “calling Southern Baptists back to our bedrock convictions,” stating that “There has been no real emphasis on our beliefs in almost a generation.” Could this be a result of leaders like Mohler placing his doctrinally deficient hirelings into positions of authority all over the convention? Or Mohler seeing to the firing of professors at SBTS who exposed the infiltration of CRT at the seminary?

Mohler writes that he will “call Southern Baptists to talk to each other about the issues of strain and stress.” News to Al: We’ve been talking about these issues for years. It’s why we know who you are. You’ve simply ignored the conversation as you’ve not-so-secretly supported people and positions antithetical to biblical Christianity.

In a veiled swipe at the Conservative Baptist Network, Mohler writes, “Baptists have a right to form whatever organizations they wish, but if Southern Baptists withdraw to talk only with an inner ring of those with whom they agree about disputed issues, there is no way to move forward. We must not be the U.S. Congress divided into caucuses. I will make sure that every Southern Baptist is represented at the table.” This laughably political statement ignores the fact that a conservative network wouldn’t be necessary except for men like Mohler who have secretly liberalized every major SBC institution.

Mohler claims he will help Southern Baptists “avoid embarrassment,” saying “we are better than this, and the work of the gospel is at stake.” No Al, the Gospel will go forward whether you feel embarrassed or not. Perhaps we should focus on being obedient and faithful to the Word by removing those who teach unbiblical philosophies and bend the knee to the culture around them?

He finishes his letter by stating he will “commit to leading the Southern Baptist Convention with joy,” quoting the “count it all joy” part of James 1:2 while leaving out the rest of the verse (“when you encounter various trials”), which makes sense. Mohler has repeatedly run from the trial of confronting CRT in his ranks, instead ignoring (tacitly supporting) woke voices like Russell “I know his heart” Moore, admitted lifelong racist Matthew Hall, abusive potty mouth Kevin Ezell, “ground zero of woke” SEBTS President Danny Akin, and professors like Jarvis Williams and “rolled by Kyle J. Howard” Michael Haykin.

In a typical Al Mohler fashion that would make Machiavelli proud, Mohler continues to support world-pleasing, doctrinal liberalism while convincing grandmas in the pews that he is the paradigm of traditional Christian conservatism. Of all the candidates for SBC president, he is the most profoundly dangerous.


Trump Hater Dave Miller Is Not A Nice Person

Dave Miller cannot stop his liberal self from surfacing.  He may say he is a conservative but his unfounded venomous rhetoric against President Trump and the Christians who support Trump speaks volumes otherwise.  He has posted yet another article at SBC Voices scoffing at those Christians who are complaining about the election results and their “conspiracy theories” of voter fraud.

Miller pontificates from on high about the lowly pros and plebes who are voicing “conspiracy theories” of voter fraud in the 2020 election cycle.  He mentions the Democrats complaining about voting results in the 2018 election cycle and Republicans telling them to accept the results.  Point of fact, the Democrats complained about the 2016 presidential results for four years, and Hilary still is.  I have a conspiracy theory for you, Mr. Miller: Hilary didn’t sue in 2016 because the Democrats did something wrong and didn’t want it to come out in court.  Instead, they did their best to impede Trump’s policies and impeach him on suspicion of colluding with Russia (a conspiracy theory).

I did a search and found one story about voter fraud in 2018 (I searched through five pages of results) and the only case I saw was a complaint of voter fraud against Democrats in Tampa Bay, FL.  All of the other results of my search were sworn affidavits of witnesses to voter fraud in multiple states, videos of ballot counters “correcting” ballots, and one of a Democrat official in Houston formally complaining about voter fraud in Harris County, TX, by his own party.  And not just 2020, ongoing.  Those are not conspiracy theories, those are facts, facts in evidence, by witnesses who were willing to come forward. Miller only believes conspiracy theories if they are about President Trump, or writers of discernment blogs.

And then Independent Dave Miller says this:

 Christians have come to the point where an accusation, if made against the other side, is assumed as fact whether the facts support it or not.

Would this include the unfounded accusations, in your last article, about President Trump being “ungodly, borderline racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic?”  An article in which you go out of your way to insult Trump and his followers within Christendom? I have not read any such vitriolic bile when talking about the character of that advocate for murdering babies, LGBT alphabet soup group of pillow-biting sodomites, angry hairy dikes and sexually confused perverted crossdressers, Fascist Democrat candidate wandering-hands hair-sniffing Joe Biden. You call him President-elect, which means you hold him in higher regard than President Trump.

I do want to pose one question: where is the denouncing of Ron Burns’ daily genuflecting at the statue of the Golden Donkey bracketed by images of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? 

Dave Miller is not an independent.  He is jumping over the fence and into the sheep pen to ravage the flock. The SBC Titanic is headed for an iceberg and the leadership is steering right for it.  The fog of relevance with the world clouds their vision and I pray more Godly SBC churches leave before they go down into the cold depths of spiritual mediocrity.

Critical Race Theory Featured News Social Justice Wars

Eric Mason Challenges His Opponents to Fisticuffs

Eric Mason is the one the loudest voices for the Woke Religious Sect within Evangelicals. In a tweet posted on November 7th, Eric Mason challenged those who challenge his tweets to a fight.

Maybe he is unable to match wits with his critics so he has to resort to violence.


Dave Miller and His SBC Election Post-Mortem

Dave Miller over at SBC Voices has done an election post-mortem on the state of the SBC.  Miller wrote an article about murmurings he has been hearing from young members about their concerns.  They are asking, “Why should I stay in the SBC?” The questions he poses are about the covering up of sex scandals, racial reconciliation today for slave owners almost 200 years ago, SBC is going liberal, among others.  All of which he attributes as contributing factors to the declining membership of the SBC, but he misses the real reason.

Al Mohler is considered one of the leaders (if not the primary) of the “Conservative Resurgence” but the veil has been pulled off. Al Mohler is responsible for the hiring of Russel Moore of the ERLC, Russell Moore of the Clinton Administration, of the Democratic Party.  Al Mohler is responsible for firing professors who spoke out against Critical Race Theory (CRT) and replacing them with professors who promoted CRT. Al Mohler is responsible for the Liberal Insurgence.

Miller addresses a list of racial reparations (the typical Woke list of woes), Cooperative Program, the International Missions Board (IMB), what he calls unsubstantiated accusations about SBC leadership, and other topics; there are dozens of posts on Protestia and Pulpit and Pen archives that address this.

The point I want to address is about President Trump. Miller states that the SBC is tethered to the GOP, that many in the SBC deified President Trump (according to my own summary view) and support Trump because they love the sense of perceived power with him in office, and in which he states, for the record:

For clarification – I did not vote for Joe Biden, or for Hillary. I cannot vote for “the party of death.” I am now an independent. My sympathies and convictions are closer to the GOP on issues but I will not vote for ungodly, borderline racist, misogynistic, xenophobic candidates because they are GOP.

Where is the evidence for these accusations, of mysogyny, “borderline” racism and xenophobia?? This can be considered slanderous because there is no evidence of Trump espousing any of these traits.  Most Evangelicals have acknowledged his moral shortcomings and didn’t vote for him in 2016, including the author. But we are not sitting a church meeting voting on a new pastor.  We are voting for a president of a secular government of a secular nation. The GOP platform is more aligned with the beliefs, both in fiscal policy and personal convictions, of Evangelicals which is why they vote for GOP candidates. All Evangelicals would love a president who was a God-fearing, doctrinally orthodox president. We have had many candidates on both sides who have claimed to be and were not.

Is the SBC going liberal? Perhaps not individual members or as a general whole, but the leadership of the SBC is certainly leaning that way, and that is where it matters.  It is the leadership that is the rudder of the aircraft carrier SS SBC Titanic.  Where are the ERLC, IMB, NAMB and other SBC commissions and boards spending their money? Open the books and be transparent, because a some of what is going on is probably as corrupt as the shenanigans surrounding Casino Jack Abramoff. The people tithing the money have the right to know how it is being used.

About the sex scandals, there should not be a cover-up, ever, if the evidence supports the accusation.  And it is the “evil” discernment ministry sites that break the news.

The problem, which Miller does touch upon in his “Why I stay” section, is that the SBC has forgotten Great Commission. The real reason is that SBC has stopped preaching and believing in the power of the gospel.  And when I say SBC I mean the leadership.  They spend a lot of time adding to the Gospel by saying “This is a gospel issue!”

The SBC needs to go back to verse-by-verse expository preaching, and this begins with the SBC President JD Greear.  Stop trying to be relevant and seek acceptance from the world, because when that happens the church ceases to be relevant and it is the world that influences the church. We are witnessing that in the leadership of the SBC.

abortion News Politics Religion

Prattville, AL, Becomes a Sanctuary City for the Unborn

On Election Day, the city of Prattville, AL, a suburb of Montgomery, passed an ordinance to for the city to be a Sanctuary City for the unborn, according to an article on the website  LifeNews cites a local TV report, WSFA 12 News, with the following:

WSFA 12 News reports Prattville, which is near Montgomery, is the first city in Alabama to pass a pro-life resolution. Across the country, nearly two dozen cities in Texas and other states have adopted similar resolutions and ordinances to protect babies in the womb.

Councilwoman Lora Lee Boone, who represents District 7, sponsored the pro-life measure, according to the report. She said she wanted to make it clear that the city values human life at all stages.

“We’re just trying to make a positive statement about character, and character in the city of Prattville and values in the city of Prattville and just make a broad statement that we value life in all stages,” she told the local news.

The resolution states that Prattville is “a safe city for pre-born children and lives in all stages.”

Also according to the LifeNews report, Prattville joins a growing list of cities who have passed ordinances that protect the lives of the unborn.  The movement of providing safe havens for the unborn, which shows how depraved this world has become, that the unborn need sanctuary cities and counties, has grown in the past several election cycles, with multiple cities in Texas also listed as safe havens for developing unborn babies.

The mission of the abolition of abortion is one of top priorities of the Church. Children, born and unborn, occupy a special place in the heart and will of God, and as a church we are to be the army to fulfill this mission. It is a long and arduous war but it is one we must tirelessly fight. It is an unimaginable thing that there were “spiritual leaders” (Tim Keller and TGC, Russell Moore and the ERLC of the Southern Baptist Convention, among others) using their influence to manipulate Evangelicals to vote for candidates who advocate for the killing of babies, not only in the womb but also outside of the womb.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy News

‘Government Anointing’ – It’s A Thing, Apparently?

On the Charisma News website an article was posted about the faith of President Trump. The story of money-grubbing false prophetess and pastrix Paul White-Cain leading President Trump in praying where he presumably asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior.  It is difficult to say if it is true, but one has to wonder, did the prayer include a confession of sin and repentance?  The reason that needs to be asked is because President Trump stated that he doesn’t believe he has ever asked for repentance of anything, because “he tries to live a good life” and fix anything he does that is bad “without getting God involved,” and this was after his meeting with floozy pastrix White-Cain.

The author, Dr. Jim Garlow, talks about a timeline since that fateful meeting.  It is an account of Trump’s spiritual walk and how he is progressing and maturing as a Christian.  A reference of how the President was a little confused when people laid hands on him to pray for him but that now he is asking his team of spiritual advisors and others to lay hands on him and pray. Dr. Garlow spends the rest of the article expressing his observation and opinion about the spiritual state of President Trump.

In the middle of his section on the character of President Trump, Dr. Garlow relates the following Damascus Road esperience:

I have observed politics and government closely since age nine when Dwight Eisenhower was running against Adlai Stevenson. (I know that is strange, but from August 13 of my ninth year, a “government anointing”—that’s what I call it—came upon me, I have followed politics virtually every day since).

Under this reckoning, there are a lot of people who have this anointing.  I could have this anointing because I follow politics every day.  I’m not consumed by it, but I stay informed.  Anyone could have this anointing.  There could be millions.  This could be the most common anointing in the spiritual world.  All the false prophets who make their false prophecies about politics could have the anointing, too.  I suspect my cat may have a government anointing as well.

There is no such thing as a special anointing like a “government anointing” or any other of the myriad of anointings that are espoused by Charismaniacs.  They are made up as if the term adds weight to the word salad of the claimant.  And I am also certain that if Dr. Michael Brown reads this, he will have Dr. Garlow on his radio program to defend his self-proclaimed anointing.


Christians Against Trumpism & Political Extremism

Christians Against Trumpism & Political Extremism (CATPE) is an organization founded by John Kingston and Joel Searby.  Upon reading their statement titled “Our Statement,” one would summarize that they are attempting to take a centrist stance in their politics.  They neither take a stance supporting Trump (as can be noted in the name of their organization) nor are they openly advocating for Christians to vote for Biden in that statement.  However, their “News and Resources” page tells a different story, that they are on the same page as the rest of the Evangelical Intelligentsia.

In a recent tweet, John Piper stated “that he did not sign and would not sign” and that “his name is being used without his permission” as it relates to CAPTE.

Kingston is a former executive for a Fortune 500 company who now spends his time and money to correct the political steering of the church.  Searby is a former Republican operative who headed a political consulting firm, resigned in 2016 (apparently not happy with Trump winning the presidency) and has redirected his efforts to support and run a campaign for an independent candidate, a person who never rose to any notoriety.  

According to their “Our Story” page, Kingston and Searby:

As they surveyed the landscape, they noticed something both shocking and yet at the same time unsurprising.  Five years into the rise of Trumpism and the acquiescence of the evangelical/historically orthodox Church in the spiritual darkness of the day, no one in such circles had organized to stand against the darkness of Trumpism and other political extremism.

John and Joel stepped into this space, gathering those already standing against that darkness, but with no place to call home. They aim to build a large community speaking into the darkness, united to launch into the next phase of re-imagining and re-grounding the church’s engagement in civic life.

They want the church to believe that they are a couple of White Knights who are going to save the Church from the ravages of that demonic despot President Trump.  Their definition of Trumpism is people who use language to insult their opponents and mock them. They are endeavoring to rescue the church from the depths of darkness of Trumpism and position them in the enlightened centricity of their views. (I also want to note that they do not support the rioting, looting and violence of the Left.)

In their “Statement” they troll out the recent talking points of Big Eva Trump-haters.  They claim that “One of the most fundamental principles of the Christian faith is that we’re better together, so we must pray for and declare our love for all Americans, no matter their political views.” Indeed, that is true, we are to pray for our fellow Americans for their salvation and show our love by preaching the gospel, but that is different arena from politics. 

And there is also the usual twisting of understanding scripture.  “Because the call to unity comes from Christ himself, we ardently seek it” doesn’t mean that we lower our standards of Christian orthodoxy, which is what would need to happen for any kind of unity.  Those who oppose TGC, 9Marx, Russell Moore, and the ERLC would have to trash their convictions regarding abortion, socialism, communism, and a lot of other Leftist “isms” for that Unity.  It is never the liberal thinkers who make compromises of their convictions.

So far, their words seem almost too altruistic.  They are claiming that they have found the political middle ground on which the church can stand on.  Then the reader checks their News and Resources page.

This page reveals their true political view.  Their featured resources are Never-Trumpers David French and Mona Charen, and Michael Gerson of the Washington Post.  A scroll down the posted articles on the website are from sources like The Atlantic, CNN, NYT, and this list goes on from politically left “news” sources. They are not the centrists that they claim to be.

Basically, their issue is that “Orange Man” is a big meanie with his insults and mocking.  People like Kingston and Searby, self-appointed Christian leaders, do not appear to be good students of the bible.  Elijah did not use accommodating speech.  God often lamented through the prophets about the whoring of Israel after false Gods, and He was blunt.  God did not soft-pedal His commentary on the spiritual state of Israel.  Jesus Himself, whom Kingston and Searby claim taught unity, not only did He say that His teaching would be divisive but He did not hold back in His speech to the Pharisees of His day. 

And neither should we hold back on our words to the Pharisees of our day.