
Southern Baptist Convention Makes Gun Control And Amnesty Legislative Priorities For 2024

(Evangelical Dark Web) The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention serves as a political lobbying arm of the SBC’s Cooperative Program. In theory, it is supposed to represent Southern Baptists’ political interests. In practice, it has capitulated on most issues of substance. It famously opposed pro-life legislation in Louisiana that sought to abolish abortion. In 2024, although wrapped in ambiguous language, its legislative agenda includes more of the same liberal subversion.


The language on abortion is weak. They do try to react to the abortion pills, mifepristone.

Ending the Proliferation of Chemical Abortions: Chemical abortion is a method that…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web


Inside the Partnership: Christian Music Artists and Child Sponsorship Ministries

(Ministry Watch) Go to a contemporary Christian music (CCM) concert and often you’ll be greeted by materials about a child sponsorship ministry or other charitable group the band asks you to support. During the concert, a heart-wrenching video about suffering children implores concertgoers to sign up as a monthly sponsor.

But do concertgoers know that, behind the scenes, money is being exchanged between the charity and musical artists? What percentage of dollars raised during the concert actually reach the children in need? Is there a reason these relationships are not transparent?

According to the MinistryWatch quarterly survey of Christian ministry executives, 82%… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Kim Roberts and published at Ministry Watch

Hillsong Church Charges Child-Sponsor Group ‘Compassion’ $1,000,000 To Be At Their Events
Classic Repost: World Vision Goes Woke, Says All White Christians are ‘Racist’ who have ‘White Gaze’
ICYMI. World Vision Moderator: White Christians Use Their ‘White Male Gaze’ to Preserve ‘White Primacy’+ View Black Men as ‘Threats’


SBC President Bart Barber Comes Clean About Abuse Narrative Lie

(Evangelical Dark Web) Recently, FBC Jacksonville hosted Bart Barber for a Q&A session, where Bart Barber was asked many questions. This is an instance where the president of the Southern Baptist Convention interacted with the pews of conservative Southern Baptists who apparently asked him some pointed questions. In the Q&A, Bart Barber finally admitted what we’ve known all along: the Guidepost Report did not find any evidence that the SBC or the SBC Executive Committee had failed to report or engaged in a cover up of sex abuse.

This was plain to anyone who actually read the report and not the headlines. The report revealed a scandal regarding Johnny Hunt which was previously unknown. However, this has been the subject of a defamation lawsuit. Other than that, the SBC spent millions on a report that found nothing on the subject of its scope: sex abuse. Yet the Southern Baptist Convention obsessively used this narrative to install liberals in high positions of power, most notably Barber Barber, the convention’s president.

Bart Barber used his posture… to continue reading click here

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web


Russell Moore’s Politics Curriculum Praises Pastor Who Invited Lesbian Mayor to Preach as an Example of Good Christian Politics

(The Dissenter) Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang are the authors of “The After Party” curriculum which is supposed to equip churches and Christians on how to engage in politics without being “divisive.” Yet, these clowns epitomize everything that is wrong with today’s Church by wholly embracing practically every anti-Christian progressive ideology known to man.

In a recent clip of several of the contributors to this “church” curriculum, they praise one of the most divisive, politically charged social justice pastors in all of Evangelicalism—Charlie Dates. And they hold him ups as one of the examples of a Christian leader who represents exactly what they’re fighting for.

So who is Charlie Dates? In continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at the Dissenter


Planned Parenthood Director Admits: We Take Teens to Other States for Secret Abortions ‘Every Day’

(Life News) Parents are not told about their underage daughter’s abortion at Planned Parenthood in some U.S. states, and the abortion giant is also involved in trafficking the minors across state lines according to an investigative journalism group’s recent undercover probe. According to one Planned Parenthood managing director girls as young as 13-years-old “is an adult in our clinics.”

The Veritas Project conducted an investigation just before Christmas this past year in which a journalist entered a Kansas City, Mo. clinic asking how to get an abortion for a 13-year-old. The male reporter was met with certainty and confidence from the staff that although the procedure is illegal in Missouri, the minor could be sent to Kansas for the procedure, and no one would need to know. This not only includes parents, but staff at the school.

“We can give a doctor’s note,” said the Planned Parenthood managing director known only by her first name, LeShauna, “We just cut off the letterhead.” Missouri…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Tabitha Goodling and published at Life News


Pastor Mike Breen Leaves APEX Church After Confessing To Sexual Misconduct

Breen has been well-known figure in ‘missional church’ and Anglican circles

(Ministry Watch) Author and pastor Mike Breen has resigned from his role as “lead communicator” at APEX Church in Dayton, Ohio. The resignation comes after he confessed to an extended sexual affair with a vulnerable member of their church.

3D Movements (3DM), a ministry Breen founded, issued a statement that read in part: “The founder of 3DM, Mike Breen, transitioned completely out of 3DM in 2014. While he has retained the name 3DM for his own for-profit publishing company, 3DM Publishing, he has not been involved in our 3DMovements non-profit ministry in any leadership capacity for the last nine years.”

3DM’s statement said that Breen “has confessed to the allegations of sexual misconduct and resigned from his leadership position at APEX. The APEX Board hired an… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Warren Cole Smith and published at Ministry Watch


‘Climate Scientist’ Promoted by Danny Akin at SEBTS Has Pagan Ritual Performed Over Her at World Economic Forum

(The Dissenter) Dr. Katharine Hayhoe calls herself a climate scientist and an evangelical Christian, blending her role as a professor at Texas Tech University with efforts to weave climate change narratives into religion. Her approach, essentially merging speculative science with religious beliefs, has placed her in the spotlight of climate activism within religious circles, even in the Southern Baptist Convention.

Katharine Hayhoe’s appearance at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a move greenlit by its president, Danny Akin, is more than just a whopping misjudgment but is indicative of the priorities of Southern Baptists today. Her advocacy for climate alarmism cloaked under the guise of science is a bizarre detour for an… to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published by The Dissenter


Scamming Denver ‘Pastor’ Pocketed $1.3M Selling Worthless Cryptocurrency + Spent on House Remodel, Luxury Goods

(Denver Post) Speaking to online followers Aug. 22, 2022, Rev. Eli Regalado had a divine message.

“It was last October that the Lord brought this cryptocurrency to me. He said, ‘Take this to my people for a wealth transfer.’ It has been confirmed a hundred times since,” the pastor said, according to a lawsuit filed in Denver this week.

“It is coming, people,” he said. “Part of the making way for His people is to really train them up and teach them how finances work in the kingdom because many of you very soon are going to have more money than you’ve ever had in your life by participating in this crypto.”

Regalado, a Denverite who, alongside his wife Kaitlyn, runs the online-only Victorious Grace Church, is also the creator of the cryptocurrency INDXcoin and the Kingdom Wealth Exchange, the only online marketplace where INDXcoin could be bought and sold. Both INDXcoin and the exchange were shut down on Nov. 1, leaving investors scrambling for answers.

That same day, Regalado said that God had asked him to pass on a message to investors.

“Stay where you’re at. Stay in INDXcoins. Stay with where I’m telling you to go. I’m going to make a way,” the Lord said to crypto investors, according to Regalado. “Just take that word as gospel truth and execute on that word and do not worry about how the money’s going to happen. I really believe you’re going to see a miracle in very short order.”

State regulators say that no miracle has been forthcoming. So, they’re suing Eli and Kaitlyn Regalado for securities fraud… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Justin Wingerter and published at the Denver Post. Video inserted by Protestia


Southern Baptists and Evangelicals Join Together to Create a Scripture-Twisting Program Promoting Open Borders

(The Dissenter) In a world where discerning truth has become optional for most of her inhabitants, it’s becoming increasingly important for truth-lovers to unmask the real agendas behind seemingly benign initiatives. The Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), a group often presented as a faith-based coalition offering biblical insight into immigration policies, is, in fact, a facade for the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum that seeks to promote a Marxist revolution.

Understanding this fact, we can lay bare the underlying intentions of EIT’s “I Was a Stranger Challenge”—a challenge to Evangelicals to read 40 selected Scriptures and anachronistically apply them to modern immigration policies. Among its signatories are notable Southern Baptist and Evangelical leaders like Russell Moore, Brent Leatherwood, James Merritt, and Danny Akin, names that lend apparent credibility but also raise serious questions about their… to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at The Dissenter


Hell Will Be Empty? Pope Francis Embraces a Heretical Universalist View of Hell and Eternity

(The Dissenter) The Roman Catholic pope recently made remarks that demonstrate that the Catholic Church is as committed to sound doctrine as a mirage is to offering water in the desert. As reported by “Libero Quotidiano,” his words represent a profound deviation from Christian orthodoxy—even that of the Roman Catholic Church. His personal belief in an ’empty hell’ nudges perilously close to the edges of universalism. This notion, while masked in the garb of compassion, raises serious theological red flags.

“What I will say is not a dogma of faith but something personal,” Francis said, according to the report in Italian. “I like to think of hell as empty, I hope it’s reality.”

Consider… to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published at the Dissenter