
‘A Vehicle for Profit’: Jill Duggar Details her Family’s Reality TV Finances in ‘Counting the Cost’

(LA Times) For more than a decade, Jill Duggar was the wholesome star of “19 Kids and Counting” and “Counting On,” the sweetly obedient daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar who became the first woman in the family to marry and seemed destined to follow in her parents’ footsteps. Instead, she’s now calling out her family for exploiting her on reality TV.

In “Counting the Cost,” a memoir released on Tuesday, Duggar sheds unprecedented light on the inner workings of her sprawling Christian fundamentalist family, who rose to fame on the cable network TLC and later saw their empire crumble when first-born son Josh Duggar was convicted on child pornography charges in 2021.

The book details Duggar’s decision to walk away from “Counting On” in 2017 — after spending roughly half her life on camera — and her transformation from the cheerful daughter nicknamed “Sweet Jilly Muffin” into a grown woman who wears pants, uses birth control and drinks the occasional piña colada. However, Duggar is not here to expose every family secret; she does not elaborate on the sexual abuse she allegedly experienced as a child — she remains adamant that the information should never have become public — and her brother Josh is a marginal figure in the story. But she has plenty to say about her family’s finances, the toxic dynamic created by their TV stardom and the role that faith played in it all.

“Counting the Cost” paints a critical — if also loving — portrait of family patriarch Jim Bob Duggar, whose obsession with capitalizing on the family’s “window of opportunity” and belief in his God-given authority over his offspring led to their financial exploitation, creating painful rifts that remain unresolved. (The book, published under her maiden name, was written with her husband, Derick Dillard, and author Craig Borlase.) The book details how reality TV made Jim Bob into a wealthy man with an expansive…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Merideth Blake and published at the LA Times


Why Are Pro-Life Legislators REPEALING Laws Criminalizing Abortion?

(Abolish Abortion Texas) Did you see what happened in South Carolina? Pro-Life legislators REPEALED an existing law that made it a criminal act for a pregnant woman to deliberately kill her own preborn baby by abortion.😳

And this isn’t the first time. Other states have done this.

Before I get to the others, though, here’s what South Carolina did.

South Carolina had a statute (S.C. Code Ann. § 44-41-80) criminalizing self-managed abortions:

But, the 2023 Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act (S.C. SB 474, Section 9), repealed that law, decriminalizing self-managed abortion in South Carolina.

Here’s how it happened.

A Democrat Senator offered the amendment to do this (Hutto, Amendment 10).
With 30 Republican senators and only 13 Democrats, you would assume that anything decriminalizing abortion like this wouldn’t stand a chance of passing, right?


One Republican did… to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Bradley Pierce and published at Abolish Abortion Texas


Pool of Siloam Steps, where Jesus Walked and Healed the Blind Man, Are Unearthed

(Christian Headlines) In recent weeks, archaeologists and workers in Israel have unearthed eight steps at the Pool of Siloam as part of a major project that will reveal – for the first time in centuries – the very stones that Jesus and the men and women of Scripture once walked.

The project was announced late last year by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), the Israel National Parks Authority and the City of David Foundation and involves excavating a site in the southern part of the City of David and within the Jerusalem Walls National Park area.

The pool was built some 2,700 years ago during the reign of King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:20) and allowed “bathers to sit and immerse themselves in the waters of the Pool,” according to an IAA news release. The Babylonians destroyed it around 600 B.C. before it was rebuilt, as recorded in….to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines


Memphis Church, in 2023, Instructs Members to Quarantine and Mask Up for COVID

(Dissenter) Four years after the COVID panic hit the world, the vast majority of sane people in this world have finally come to see it for what it is—a scare tactic designed to force the masses into submission. Yet, there are some out there who just don’t seem to learn, despite the obvious nature of it.

One such church is Greater Harvest in Memphis, TN. Recently, this church released a COVID Update video instructing its members to quarantine and mask up, despite the enormous amount of proof that such tactics were completely useless against this mild, mostly harmless cold they call “COVID.”

If you “test positive,” and even if you’re not showing any symptoms, “still stay quarantined for five days and then wear your mask up to 10 days,” a…to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Dissenter.


1 in 6 Churchgoers Have Had, Paid For or Encouraged an Abortion, Survey Finds

(Christian Post) One out of every six regular churchgoers in the United States has had, paid for or encouraged an abortion, while one-fifth doesn’t believe the Bible identifies when life begins, a new study suggests. 

The Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview released the “Survey on Adult Churchgoers on Social Issues and Worldview” last week. Based on 1,009 interviews of American adults who attend church services at least once a month, the study was conducted in June 2023 by Center for Biblical Worldview and prominent Evangelical pollster George Barna. 

The survey examined respondents’ views on abortion and found that 16% of respondents “admitted to having ever paid for, encouraged, or chosen to have an abortion.”

While nearly two-thirds (65%) of those surveyed stated that the Bible identifies when human life begins, 21% disagreed, while 14% did…to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ryan Foley and published at the Christian Post


Alberta Pastor James Coates to Be Acquitted of All COVID Charges

(The Epoch Times) After more than two years of legal wrangling, Alberta Crown prosecutors intend to ask the court to acquit Pastor James Coates and Grace Life Church of all charges that were laid during the pandemic, The Epoch Times has learned. This follows a court decision on July 31 that ruled public health orders issued in the province were invalid and enacted outside the powers of the province’s Public Health Act.

In an exchange of emails seen by The Epoch Times on Aug. 22, Edmonton Crown Prosecutor Karen Thorsrud states she has “received and reviewed” the earlier court decision and does not intend to call any further evidence in the case of the pastor.

Ms. Thorsrud, who did not…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Marnie Cathcart and published at The Epoch Times


Kenya Closes 5 Churches After Hundreds of Congregants ‘Fast’ To Death

(Africa News) Kenyan authorities have banned five churches, including that of a pastor accused of inciting more than 400 followers to fast to death, according to a government document made public on Friday.

The Associations Registration Office said the license of self-proclaimed pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie’s Good News International Church had been cancelled on May 19.

The self-proclaimed pastor had urged followers of his movement to fast until death in order to “meet Jesus”, a case which shocked Kenyans after the discovery of corpses in the Shakahola forest near the coastal town of Malindi.

To date, 425 bodies have been found in this forest.

Although most of the victims died of starvation, autopsies have also revealed that some, including children, were strangled, beaten or suffocated. The authorities have also banned four other churches, including the New Life Prayer Centre and Church run by Mackenzie-linked televangelist Ezekiel Odero.

Odero is under investigation on charges of murder, aiding suicide, radicalization and money… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was published at Africa News.


Disgraced Pastor Johnny Hunt and Steve Flockhart: A New Season of Grifting

(Pulpit & Pen) New Season Church in Hiram, Georgia is hosting a leadership summit for Johnny Hunt on September 14th. Along with Hunt, the featured speakers at the summit are Steve Flockhart, the pastor of New Season, and Steven Kyle, the pastor of Hiland Park Baptist Church in Panama City. This is absolutely shameful (well, it would be if these man had any shame). Here’s why, try and keep up…

Steve Flockhart was baptized by Johnny Hunt at Longleaf Baptist Church when he was twenty years old. Five months later, Flockhart was appointed as the Associate Pastor of Evangelism at Longleaf. As a brand new convert with marital problems and recent criminal history, Flockhart had no business being a pastor in a New Testament Church. The Apostle Paul spelled out the qualifications…. to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Seth Dunn and published at Pulpit and Pen.


TGC Says Barbie Movie Matters Because 10% of Women Leave Church Over ‘Misogyny’

(The Dissenter) The Gospel Coalition has made quite the proposition suggesting that a novel source of enlightenment awaits the Church in the most unlikely of places: Barbie. Their article confidently boasts, “Why ‘Barbie’ Matters for the Church.” Indeed, amidst centuries of church history, doctrinal councils, and rigorous biblical exegesis, it seems we’ve inadvertently overlooked the profound spiritual insights that might be gleaned from Hollywood’s take on our favorite plastic protagonist. A remarkable oversight, truly. How did Augustine or Luther, the Apostle Paul, or even Jesus Himself, miss that?

When John wrote, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us” (1 John 2:19), he set a clear benchmark for understanding departures from the faith. Yet, as we dive into the contemporary landscape of “New Evangelical” discourse, it becomes alarmingly clear that certain sects of Evangelicalism are more inclined to rely on cultural artifacts rather than Scripture.

Enter this perplexing article from The Gospel Coalition titled Christians Should Welcome the Conversations ‘Barbie’ Sparks which astonishingly holds up the 2023 Barbie movie as a barometer for addressing perceived cultural issues within the church. As one unpacks this… to continue reading click here.

This article was written and published by The Dissenter


An Oregon hospital refused a Catholic cancer patient treatment because she voiced her views on “transgenderism.”

(Life News) The staff at the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) disregarded Marlene Barbera’s concerns when she commented on the office’s prominently-displayed “transgender” flag. After she had a disagreement over the phone with a staff member, the clinic dropped her as a patient, informing her in an email:

“Effective immediately, you are discharged from receiving medical care at the Richmond Family Medicine Clinic. This action is being taken because of ongoing disrespectful and hurtful remarks about our LGBTQ community and staff… Please note that you are also now dismissed from all OHSU Family Medicine clinics, including Immediate Care clinics.”

In a message to her doctor last year, Barbera had written this:

I have been threatened on Twitter by trans activists with rape and death — so it is daunting to go for medical treatment with that banner proclaiming that what I am, an adult human female, is a mere opt-in category for any gender non-conforming male and not a reality. May I please have a telephone appointment to discuss how I may access your medical care without walking under a banner that seeks to negate all I am?

Barbera thought the message was private, but it was shared with other staff. When she tried to leave a message for her doctor about her medical situation, the receptionist refused and to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Joshua Mercer and published at Life News