NAMB Disputes Johnny Hunt’s $610K/Year Salary Claim In the Most Secretive, Stupid Way Possible

As disgraced pastor Johnny Hunt continues his litigious quest of suing his denomination for $100M, including $6.7M in lost wages and compensation for a decade’s worth of future earnings after the SBC’s Guidepost report accused him of sexual abuse, (see endnotes) the North American Mission Board has rejoined in the worst way possible.

Responding to questions about Hunt’s exorbitant salary and compensation without naming him by name, NAMB shared a post designed to curb speculation about Hunt’s earnings, which only served to fan the flames further.

While NAMB can’t share confidential salary information about any current or former employee or comment specifically on active litigation, no one at NAMB — now or at any time — has ever been paid anywhere near as much as the salary amount that is being speculated online.

The court filing which appears to have given rise to this online speculation is publicly available, and it does not mention NAMB by name. There is no way to factually conclude from that document what the plaintiff or any other employee was being paid by NAMB. It is regrettable that some parties have drawn conclusions and spread them around the Internet. Unfortunately, none of these parties contacted NAMB first for confirmation or denial.

At NAMB we are grateful for every dollar Southern Baptists have entrusted to us, and we strive to be the very best stewards of those resources. 

This is a childish, deceptively worded statement from an organization that is infamously NOT transparent and who’d just as soon excommunicate you than share their financials with you. Speaking on X, John Haleo notes:

“Every single trustee for @NAMB_SBC should be ashamed they allowed this statement to be made by their organization.

  1. You can absolutely share the salary structure… the one you have been refusing to share for the past few years since around the time of Hunt’s employment (coincidence?) Business and Financial Plan Article XIV: “Members of cooperating Southern Baptist churches shall have access to information from the records of Southern Baptist Convention entities regarding income, expenditures, debts, reserves, operating balances, and salary structures.”
  2. It’s misleading to call this a “rumor.” Hunt claims in court his annual compensation from NAMB was $610K. Places like @baptist_news and @BaptistMessage both reported on the court documents where Hunt made this claim.
  3. NAMB is actively trying to confuse salary and compensation. Sure people online at first were wondering is that salary, but what’s in the documents is compensation… which is more than salary, and NAMBs response did NOT address that.

Likewise, SBC Litigation points out other issues:

Simply put, NAMB says Hunt wasn’t paid what he says he was paid, but also doesn’t want to name him him by name, and also doesn’t want to clear up the confusion by sharing how much he actually made, rebuffing all attempts at clarity. SBC pastor Tom Buck asks:

As always, crickets.

A decade ago, Hunt engaged in what he describes as a “brief, consensual extramarital encounter,” and what the woman involved maintains was non-consensual sexual assault. His church was never told about the incident and he went through a secret restoration. It remained a secret for a decade until it was outed in the recent Guidepost investigation.

These allegations of sexual assault and revelation of (at the minimum) a “brief, consensual extramarital encounter” caused Hunt’s life and ministry to implode. He lost his job as VP at NAMB, was formally suspended from his position as Pastor Emeritus at First Baptist Church of Woodstock congregation, and was subject to great personal embarrassment.

Hunt later sued the SBC and Guidepost for labeling him as an abuser and making this public, saying that his sexual encounters were no one’s business but his own. In newly released court transcripts, Hunt insisted that while he may have been ‘unfaithful’ to his wife by kissing another woman’s breasts and pulling down her underwear, he did not commit adultery, as no penetration took place.

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