‘We reject the fear that these lies create.’ Lutheran Denomination Rages Against Illegal Immigration Executive Order

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is losing its mind over President Trump’s recent executive orders designed to limit and stave off illegal immigration, along with the funds that go towards it.
We touched on this briefly earlier this month in our story ELCA Pastrix Encourages Congregation to Defy ICE, Aid and Abet Illegal Immigrants, but now the echelons of leadership are coming down hard on policies that explicitly go against their goal, which is amnesty for all.
ELCA head Elizabeth Eaton, in a letter sent to all the churches, writes:
I am concerned about the ways that many of the executive actions have created uncertainty and fear in our communities among neighbors struggling to survive, neighbors struggling to provide for their children, and neighbors struggling to be seen.
As a church, we are called to speak up when the government distorts or denies the image of God in each person by endangering access to protection, peace and daily bread. Where harm or inequity occur, we are called by God to respond with love and advocacy.
The six Bishops of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin were even more torqued:
We reject the lies that these policy changes are based on: lies that seek to demonize all immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers as dangerous criminals who need to be removed from the country; and we call upon our elected leaders to base their policy decisions on the facts and on truth.
We reject the fear that these lies create, and we recognize that, while fear maybe an effective organizing strategy in the short term, it is morally bankrupt and will lead to continued division and conflict; we call upon our elected leaders to find ways to work together to create an immigration system that builds people up and welcomes the contributions of those who seek to live here. Specifically, we call for the immediate restoration of the sensitive locations policy, allowing children and families the ability to engage in the basic functions of civic life.
A message sent from the ELCA Region One Bishops seems to want blanket asylum for all illegal immigrants.
While upholding the rule of law is important, it must not be done in ways that dehumanize or exploit vulnerable people. We are especially concerned about the possibility that places of worship, hospitals, and schools could be the target of deportation raids. A policy that allowed such raids would increase the suffering not only of undocumented people but also of many people who would fear being unjustly targeted and thus avoid those places. Denying people the opportunity to attend worship, be educated, or receive medical treatment violates individuals’ fundamental rights.
We urge those in government and law enforcement who are responsible for the detention or deportation of undocumented persons to consider how their actions might be seen in the eyes of God… As people who have received God’s mercy and grace, we are called to extend that same mercy and grace to others.
This means offering opportunities for new beginnings, particularly for those already present in the United
States without legal documentation. A just immigration policy would provide pathways to citizenship for those who have lived in the U.S. for years, contributing to the country and integrating into our communities. It should also guarantee protection for those fleeing violence or persecution, ensure that immigrant families remain united, and make sure that children are not punished for their parents’ actions. We are called, as individuals and as a society, to remember that the immigrants among.
Likewise, ELCA partner Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, now called Global Refuge, is fuming about it, as they will no longer receive millions of dollars from the US Government.

And some other quick hits:

For more on the ELCA:
ELCA Praises and Platforms Lutheran Pastrix Who Attended Pride Parade in the Nude
ELCA Publishes Book For Teens Saying Porn Can Be ‘silly fun’ and ‘safe way to explore your sexuality’
ELCA Releases Hilariously Woke DEI Recommendations For their Denomination
ELCA Publishes Book Encouraging ‘Queer Children’ to Ignore and ‘Limit Contact’ with Non-Affirming Parents
Former Leader of ELCA Goes Off On Jesus in Sermon, Calling Him ‘Mean’, Troubling, and Even a Little Racist
ELCA Church Recites Blasphemous ‘Sparkle Creed’ + ‘I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural
h/t to Exposing the ELCA
Lutherans are an all White denomination. Well……actually….and all PASSING as White denomination, Its super easy for the enemy of all mankjnd to hide in this Germanic denomination, since the enemies of all mankind (identified as such by the Apostle Paul himself, 1 Thessalonians 2:15) tend to nowdays have German last names, -stein, -berg, -steinberg, etc.. So Lutheran is more Jewed up than any other except the Roman Catholics (Jesuits are all Jews, Pope Francis included). That is why Catholic Charities and Lutheran Charities in particular carry out the Genocide Against Whites agenda of the Jews in importing the brown savages.
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By the way look at how the ELCA symbol is rainbow colored. The other agenda of the enemies of all mankind (1 Thessalonians 2:15), gay. If you allow the Jews to be clergy then your church will go gay and support importing the hoardes of brown rapists; it is a law of nature just like physics.
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