ELCA Publishes Book For Teens Saying Porn Can Be ‘silly fun’ and ‘safe way to explore your sexuality’

Beaming Books is a branch of 1517 Media, the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Beaming publishes “high-quality children’s books that help kids thrive in every part of who they are–emotionally, socially, and spiritually.” Other imprints include Augsburg Fortress and Fortress Press.

In 2020 it published the book “Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens, which has an introduction by former CCM artist Jennifer Knapp and is edited by Leigh Finke, a transgendered, trans activist who recently helped pass legislation making Minnesota a “safe state” for sex change operations on children.

Finke’s book tells LBGTQ teens that Jesus was “totally fine” with queerness, instructs them to limit contact with and don’t listen to parents if they are not gay-affirming, and explains how porn can be helpful and “silly fun.”

“If your parents do not accept you and your queerness, then they do not know what’s best for you. They just don’t. Even if they love you, even if they’re praying for you…Just because they love you does not mean they know what is best for you. Limit contact with any adult who tells you something is wrong with you…just know that you are the only authority on who you are.

…Please, if your parents are unsupportive, remember this: You are a separate human person from your parents (crazy, right?!). They don’t know you like you do; they don’t get to decide who you are. God decided that, you have accepted it, and if they are going to be part of your future, they’ll have to accept it too.”

Regarding pornography, including the use of “educational” “queer porn” it says:

“For starters, porn can be a safe way to explore your sexuality. You can learn about your body and pleasure and how to make the most of both. You can also take that information, when applicable, and put it to use on your partner’s body.”

The book recommends watching porn “with your partner, which can open up new conversations about sex and pleasure, stimulate our natural arousal systems, or it can just be a silly fun thing to experience together.”

This is not the only gay-affirming book for children that the ELCA publishes. For Pride month, they are featuring several books, including Rainbow Boy, “A story about a boy with a heart too big for one color alone.” and Rainbow Allies; The True Story of Kids Who Stood against Hate

h/t Exposing the ELCA

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