Girl’s Friend Tries Not To Laugh During Deliverance Minister’s Fake Exorcism

We’ve seen charismatic hucksters put on many fake exorcisms over the years, but a recent one from “deliverance minister” Daniel Adams may be the most eye-rolling yet. Known as the cringiest deliverance minister on the internet who is known to render men and women speechless with second-hand embarrassment, some of his dishonorable mentions include: Is This The Fakest Exorcism You’ve Ever Seen? Especially the 2:36 Mark. This is Next Level and Cringey Deliverance Minister Gives a Contract of Divorce…to a Demon?
Adams is a “pastor” and revivalist who founded Next Level Christianity, which later morphed into the international ministry This Supernatural Life. No small operation, he has partners in 15 countries and 43 states. He has 1.1M subscribers on YouTube, where most videos get between 5k-300k views.
Known to closely associate with revivalist Isaiah Salvidar, he also travels around with fake apostlette Kathryn Krick, and they can occasionally be seen using the same actors to perform exorcisms on, sometimes only days apart. Everything about him is fraudulent, and the fact that anyone takes him seriously is a damning indictment against the credibility of his charismatic enablers.
A recent post uploaded to his Instagram page saw him performing one of his fake exorcisms on a young girl while her friend watches on, trying not to burst out laughing.
Welcome to the religious clown show that makes up so many contemporary American churches these days…
These so-called “churches” have been subverted by these charlatan Judens and their shabbos goyim in their pockets because “Pissreal good, Anglo bad”
These scumbags along with their poo-colored mud-blood bioweapons will see their share in the Lake of Fire for abetting on such heresies.
Is this an exorcism or grooming a minor?