Shawn Bolz’s False Prophecy Leads Woman To Marry An Abusive Strangler?

Prominent charismatic “prophet” Shawn Bolz is accused of using personal information derived from Facebook to put a woman in harm’s way by “prophesying” that she marry a man who tried to kill her.

Bolz is the poster child for false prophecies, a man whose prophetic predictions have proven less accurate than a drunken meteorologist. He falsely prophesied about the end of COVID-19 back on February 28, 2020, before there were any deaths in the United States and only 2800 deaths worldwide, saying:

Within a short amount of time, the extreme threat will feel as though it is in the distant past.” The Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus. The tide is turning now! He is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight….Even now, several vaccines are coming out, as well as a natural dying out of the virus itself. The Lord is saying, ‘I am removing the threat of this.’

He also falsely prophesied that Trump would win a second term in 2020, barely apologizing when he got it wrong.

Bolz has also long been accused of using social media to derive information about people that he’s going to prophesy over, wjere he searches a church’s Facebook page for events he will be speaking at, finds people connected to the church who say they are attending, and reads up about them. Later, at the event, he’ll seek them out in the crowd and regurgitate details that he’s learned about them as if they are words from God.

It is a sick, sick practice, to the point that even arch-heretic Benny Hinn has called out Bolz for doing this:

My son-in-law Michael (Michael Koulianos, founder of Jesus Image Church) was telling about some guy that came to some big meeting and they found out later he was actually searching people’s material and names and information and acted like it was prophesying and it was not. And that guy prophesied from its own spirit– it says so in the bible.

What does it mean? It means they are not true prophets. They find out information like that guy who was searching people’s information and making it sound like he knew it all, giving details that were not, and are not biblical. He told a guy about a phone call he had, you remember, that same gentleman pointed at a section and said ‘there’s a guy named so-and-so over here and you were talking to so-and-so on the phone and you said so in a such-and-such thing’. And the whole crowd went, ‘oh my god hallelujah,’ and he was prophesying out of his own heart. It’s not in the word, it’s not in the bible, I’m sorry.”

Recently, a woman named Jubilee, who was part of Bethel Church’s School of Supernatural Ministry, recounted her experiences with Bolz. She reveals that she was dating a man with a couple of red flags that was a decade older than her, but at a church meeting her boyfriend was attending, Bolz prophesied that he was hearing from Jesus, asking the boyfriend:

“I saw fifty, but I know that fifty is a Jubilee year. There’s something about God’s giving you a Jubilee. What does that mean to you? Oh! Your girlfriend’s name is Jubilee? That’s awesome! Well, God’s giving you this girl.”

Bolz then pulls out the name of a nearby cafe with delicious food he’s eaten at while there and asks if she has anything to do with it, and the boyfriend says that she works there.

Later, the boyfriend/ husband reposted this video and captioned it on his Facebook page.

Jubilee notes that all this information was readily available on her Facebook page, but at the time, she didn’t know this was how he knew so much about them.

She explains that her belief that Bolz was a true prophet who was hearing from God about their future and marriage, based on these prophetic words, overode her instincts and quieted her doubts about marrying this man, pointing to the fact that she was told that God wanted them to be together. Seeing it as a sign from God, she got engaged at the age of 20 after dating for only two months.

Later, she alleges her husband turned out to be a physically abusive porn addict, calling her a “F—— B—-” a week after their wedding, pinning her down and spitting in her face, telling her she couldn’t have dinner with her father anymore, strangling her on more than on occasion and almost killing her, resulting in her divorcing him for her safety.

Jubilee says, “I stayed in this abusive marriage for years because I thought that this was God’s will for my life; I thought that I needed to be with this man.”

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15 thoughts on “Shawn Bolz’s False Prophecy Leads Woman To Marry An Abusive Strangler?

  1. “Where there are tongues they shall cease, where there are prophecies they shall fail.”

    If tou’re not a cessationist then you don’t believe the Bible. Tongues and prophecy were until “that which is complete” (the complete canon) came. “Perfect” in the KJV is translating a word that actually means “mature, complete” not “perfect” as we now use the word.

  2. Please change the image on this article. It’s far too graphic to be appropriate and it is re-traumatizing for the victim (she has come out and said this) and anyone else who has experienced the horrors of intimate partner violence. It adds nothing to the story, we know what a strangler is without the imagery, your point can be made without it. Please show some compassion for her and change it.

  3. Please change the image of the woman being attacked on this article. It’s too graphic and triggering, especially for victims of abuse. And triggering to the woman your talking about it! You missed the mark hard on that on. Please remove it as soon as possible.

  4. The picture you chose says a lot about you. A women, with a black eye, being strangled, looking up at her abuser, in black and white. Whoever chose it is disgusting and is either an abuser or an enabler. Change it

  5. The picture you chose says a lot about you. A women, with a black eye, being strangled, looking up at her abuser, in black and white. Whoever chose it is disgusting and is either an abuser or an enabler. Change it

  6. This article maybe well intentioned however the photo of the women is EXTREMELY disturbing and should be removed immediately. There are people who will be and have been harmed from that image and it is NOT okay. Absolutely disgusting and it takes away from the criminal activities that Sean was party to.

  7. The picture used for this article is extremely disturbing to me. It looks like it’s from something sexual and degrading.

  8. The photo of a person being choked is very triggering for any person who has been the victim of domestic violence, and really should be removed .

  9. The photo choice is absolutely unnecessary. Please take it down. You don’t need to show images of the abuse women suffer at hands of men like him every day. Shame on you for using it.

  10. The photo choice is absolutely unnecessary. Please take it down. You don’t need to show images of the abuse women suffer at hands of men like him every day. Shame on you for using it.

    You can’t just say my comment is a duplicate to get me to not comment either. lol

  11. The image at the top of this article is so inappropriate and adds nothing to the article! The image is NOT of Jubilee, and could make ppl believe that it is. You could have simply put a picture of Jubilee or the burger that caused the breakup, if you really needed a picture.
    That picture causes trauma and needs to be removed

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