SBC President Rejects Litigation Rumors: ‘There is no settlement with Dr. Johnny Hunt’

Southern Baptist President Clint Pressley has repudiated rumors that the SBC is poised to resolve a lawsuit with Johhny Hunt, writing on X that “despite what you may be hearing, there is no settlement with Dr. Johnny Hunt.”

Thirteen years ago, disgraced pastor and former SBC president Johnny Hunt engaged in what he describes as a “brief, consensual extramarital encounter,” and what the woman involved maintains was non-consensual sexual assault. His church was never told about the incident and he went through a secret restoration. It remained a secret for a decade until it was outed in the recent Guidepost investigation.
These allegations of sexual assault and revelation of (at the minimum) a “brief, consensual extramarital encounter” caused Hunt’s life and ministry to implode. He lost his job as VP at NAMB, was formally suspended from his position as Pastor Emeritus at First Baptist Church of Woodstock congregation, and was subject to great personal embarrassment.
Hunt later sued the SBC and Guidepost for labeling him as an abuser and making this public, saying that his sexual encounters were no one’s business but his own. In newly released court transcripts, Hunt insisted that while he may have been ‘unfaithful’ to his wife by kissing another woman’s breasts and pulling down her underwear, he did not commit adultery, as no penetration took place.
The rumors of a settlement came after the SBC announced they were selling off their famed downtown Nashville headquarters, which was appraised at $31.7M, to help pay off sexual abuse claims and costs.
As @sbclitigation points out, however:

“I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, … ?” (1 Cor. 6:5)
If anyone involved would bother to pick up a Bible and read it …
Duet. 22.
It’s he-said, she-said. It happened in the “city”. I.e., where she could’ve cried out but didn’t. Therefore it must be considered consensual. He is guilty regardless. But in this case, so is she.
Therefore …
1) His sexual sin is disqualifying. His firing was justified.
2) It must be considered consensual, and therefore was not abuse.
There was no need for the SBC, and litigators, to give any credence at all to the secular laws, and worldly standards, regarding what constitutes “abuse”. No need to even mention in the report whether or not it was consensual. It’s disqualifying regardless. But instead of doing things by scripture, and cowering to Abuse Inc. and activist feminists instead, now millions of the Lord’s money is being wasted.
The only Biblical reason, by Deut. 22, you would even mention whether or not it was consensual would be to determine her guilt. Not his. He is guilty in either case. And his prideful, rebellious lack of penitent attitude is a disgrace.
The SBC needs to wise up, and realize it is being targeted by rabid, teeth-gnashing feminists who would like nothing more than to see it destroyed, because it is one of the last remaining major denominations still somewhat standing. At this point, it may already be too late. It’s barely holding by a thread, as it is.
The wicked undercurrent in all this is the appeal to secular law, especially in matters of hiring and firing.
It’s a trap that both “sides” are waltzing and feeding into, as the devil laughs …
Johnny Hunt knows he was justifiably fired by Biblical standards. And he needs to quit this mess, unless he wants to see the day when the church is no longer a church, but a den of demons run by transvestites, sexually immoral, and wicked of all sorts, outright endorsing and celebrating sin. Working to set a precedent that would require the Lord’s church to answer to secular law in matters of hiring and firing, will entirely destroy the entire denomination, and will invite even more extreme persecution of Bible-believing Christians, that would make being sued into poverty for not baking cakes look like child’s play.
The Lord’s church must not answer to secular law in matters of hiring and firing. It must follow scripture instead.
Any and every one of these people who are suing the church right now need to examine themselves, and the case, and consider whether or not their grievance is related to worldly standards, and the attempt to impose worldly standards on the church, in defiance of scripture. And if so, to repent and withdraw. As Paul said in 1 Cor. 6, even if your beef is justified, if the consequences of taking it to secular court could be that destructive to the Lord’s church, then it is better for you to suffer wrong for the Lord’s sake.
If it is holding the church accountable to scripture, then go ahead with it. If not, then withdraw it. Quit this destructive mess.
“To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?” (1 Cor. 6:7)
This shows just how insidious critical theory can be. You’ve already lost the moment you appeal to secular law. Both “sides”. It doesn’t matter who wins the lawsuits. All that matters is that they exist. As long as they do, and the church is appealing to secular law, the wicked win …