“Conservative” David French Explains Why He’s Supporting a Harris/Walz Presidency

French, who we like to unaffectionately call ‘The State’s Fool”, is a self-proclaimed “conservative” Christian commentator who can always be counted on to give the worst take possible on any situation, including the whim of whatever demon is whispering into his ear at any given moment. 

These include announcing he’s pro-‘same-sex marriage, supporting ‘gender-affirming’ care for children, condemning Texas University for banning drag shows, and getting upset when Christians call chemical castration of children “abusive.”

Despite this, he still insists he’s a “conservative” and explains that while he doesn’t prefer Walz, who is quite possibly the most radical Governor in the country, it’s worth voting for them in order to stop Trump.

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6 thoughts on ““Conservative” David French Explains Why He’s Supporting a Harris/Walz Presidency

  1. The good news is I don’t think anyone is fooled by this guy anymore. The only people that pay him any attention are people who are already leftists and liberal theologically.

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  2. Frequent tactic of deceivers and of the left: Demonize your opponents, particularly by making several false accusations. Then build on that mound of lies to dissuade others from the truth. [For the record, Trump certainly has many observable problems.] The left would have no power or sway without false accusations. No one with discernment can be on the left (i.e. an ideology that fails every single time it is applied, and in the worse possible ways, as it always, always causes mass murder, oppression, etc).

    If you do not like Trump, fine, but some of the many problems with the logic of absolutizing your position as “NEVER-Trump” is that this is based on many falsehood and false accusations. Even worse, what happens when his political opponents are massively incompetent, Marxists/communists, and someone who might claim Christ, but much/most of their ideologies are anti-Christian/anti-humanity?

    People like French, Moore, etc are directly and indirectly pouring their efforts into a literal doctrine of demons, all while claiming the high road of those who are truly loving, compassionate, thoughtful, and Christlike, while demonizing that who are ardently fighting against what is obviously demonic and deadly.

  3. Hate Trump all you like, but the alternative is a godless anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-law and order, anti-low taxes, commie-wannabe. Oh yeah, and her VP choice is even worse.
    I contend that no true Christ-follower can be a Democrat.

  4. David French is a liar and a fraud. David French is an anti Christ. David French must be marked and avoided. David French is living proof of the existence of “useful idiots” existing in the United States. Please do not refer to David French as a conservative. David French is NOT a conservative but a radical leftist, Jesus hating anti Christ.
    I could go on but I hope you get the point…..

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