Veggie Tales Creator Phil Vischer Gets Torched For Comments on Abortion ‘Nuance’

As Megan Basham’s new book continues to ruffle feathers among bigEVA elites, some of her targets have started to respond and peck away at her plucking, no matter how tangentially the mention. Enter Phil Vhischer. In a post on Twitter, he scolds her for even the suggestion that he’s called Christians to have more nuance around abortion, referencing a video that “we” (He and Skye Jethani) made about abortion and whether overturning Roe v. Wade would reduce abortions (before it was) where they argue that it wouldn’t.

We last wrote about the VeggieTales creator and Holy Post podcast host he criticized a conservative TV network for not featuring LBGTQ characters in films,  compared Christians who oppose legal same-sex marriage to ‘confederate theologians’, and refuses to publicly condemn same-sex marriage, all the while doing so in a smarmy voice that would make even Andy Stanley jealous.

This is on top of knocking creationists as a bunch of dummiescrediting his white privilege for the success of his show, claiming he didn’t know there were such things black Christians until he was an adult, getting upset at Christians for opposing LGBTQ, and most recently coming out as pro-choice.

Does anyone really believe he thinks Christians need to be less nuanced on abortion? Or that Christians are sufficiently nuanced? Far from it! Nuance is what Vischer is known for advocating on this topic, and has many times before.

And, of course, his nuanced comments about the occasional need for abortion and the exceptions that should exist.

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6 thoughts on “Veggie Tales Creator Phil Vischer Gets Torched For Comments on Abortion ‘Nuance’

  1. The trapped rats begin to squeak. Anyone who defends themselves against the book’s revelations with ,”I guess I’m just one of those heretics,” is a person who knows their own hypocrisy and is proud of it. You wonder if these people are truly in the family as they seem to have created God in their own image. JC as someone who bends the rules for convenience.

    A few medical facts: Rarely does the fetus pose such a risk to the mother that it is a choice between one and the other. Usually things like deadly hypertension (pre-eclampsia) occur in the third trimester when the baby has some viability. Even then, no utero procedures like scalding the child with saline, dismembering the baby into chunks, or inserting scissors into the base of the skull are done. Pitocin is given and drugs applied to soften the cervix all to start delivery. In the case of fetal demise, it’s best to let the baby pass naturally as then there is less chance of contamination to the mother. Again labor can be induced.

    How many abortions are related to incest/rape? We don’t know as the clinics NEVER call the police or report crimes despite the laws requiring them to do so. How do 12yr olds get transported from school to an abortion clinic and none of the mandatory reporters call the police? That is a straw man argument.

    The claims of abortion in rape and incest cases were greatly conflated by the medical doctors who originally pushed the abortion agenda with Roe v Wade. They later admitted lying and laughed that no one in the press fact checked them. Sex trafficking rings and survivors have reported that pimps and principles used the same credit card to pay for countless underage girls and no one questioned it.

    What does Mr Nuance say to reality of trauma from abortion pills? Buying the abortion drug online or OTC without medical supervision is resulting in psychological and physical damages to young women. They are passing fully developed babies into toilets at high schools, work, etc. not the clumps of cells they were told. Christian outreach programs state they are flooded with panicked calls of what to do when this happens. Many are becoming septic from incomplete expulsion and rushed into ERs. News media to the rescue- NYT disputes the claim 1/5 of women who take it get complications stating its a flawed study. I guess like transgender medicine, your ethics deny medical facts in place of ideology.

    I’m delighted the author stepped forward to shine light on the targeted propaganda campaigns by Soros, etc. in the church. Let the traitors reveal themselves.

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  2. I had a low view of Vischer before this article, but after you posted example after example of him being totally reasonable throughout the article, I’m starting to think maybe I misjudged him.

  3. Would be nice if you could actually articulate what’s wrong with his positions rather than just bash him for having them

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