Nearly Nude Avatars Crash Saddleback Church’s Virtual Reality Church Service (Content Warning)

Several weeks ago we revealed that Saddleback Church has joined other large megachurches in the VR space, recently hosting its first Virtual Reality church service through the Metaverse.

We’ve covered Saddleback Church on several occasions after Andy and Stacie Wood, the new ‘pastors’ of the 25,000-membe multisite, dressed up as Toy Story characters for a sermon series, after they ordained several pastrixes and were expelled from the SBC for it, after they hosted a “Blacks Only worship service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black gold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” and after they had radical Pro-LGBTQ activists running Saddleback Church’s family ministries Lead to Love. 

The Metaverse is a digital realm that combines elements of augmented reality, persistent virtual worlds, videos, Virtual Reality headsets, 3D holographic avatars, and other communication tools. The services are led and hosted by Jay Kranda. Kranda is the Online Pastor at Saddleback Church and he’s previously defended the venture against accusations that it’s not a real church.

Brody Parksua of Portal Search, a Saddleback member and one of the partners who helped design the virtual world, recently shared that the platform had the benefit of bringing together people from all walks of life with diverse appearances and styles.

As what can occasionally happen in real church as well, especially in summer, not all people are always dressed in their Sunday best, particularly in a virtual world where physics-defying body shape and movement and attention-seeking behavior is the name of the game. This was the case during their recent “church service”

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5 thoughts on “Nearly Nude Avatars Crash Saddleback Church’s Virtual Reality Church Service (Content Warning)

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  2. I actually feel this is a good representation of the vast majority of American self-professing “”Christian”” women today. They are quite literally worse than the pagans that Christians of the past preached to.

    1. Uh, these ain’t ‘Christians’. They ARE pagans playing in a ‘church’ that an apostate ‘ Rick Warren’ created so they can make-believe they have peace with God.

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