Lutheran Church Pride Sunday Message: Sending Jesus to Earth is God’s Way of “Coming Out,” “Speaking His Truth”

Christ the King Lutheran Church in Houston, TX, is led by Rev. Dr. Jennifer Hope-Tringali and Sergio Rodriguez, the latter of whom is a graduate of Baylor University and the Pastor of Community Living.

According to his bio on the church’s website, he “currently lives with his boyfriend Justin in Houston with their two cats and several plants.”

During the church’s June 10 sermon, impastor Rodriguez preached on Jesus asking who his true family was, describing Jesus coming to earth as an example of God “coming out” and “speaking his truth” in solidarity with the LGBTQ community.

Those of us who have had or have a family member who is coming out in any of the LGBTQIA spectrum, we know that these questions are mixed in with grief and fear over what will happen to my loved one now.

This occurs whenever people speak their own truth on how God has made them and is making them anew in many and various fabulous ways.

God sent Jesus to preach this healing message to a world wounded by all kinds of internalized “isms” that keep us from living the truth of whom God has made us to be/

And if I may be bold in saying this: we see God coming out in Jesus. We see how God begins to show God’s fullest self through the healing power of Jesus. And this God isn’t just coming out, but he’s coming to a world divided, listening to the lesser angels of our nature.

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10 thoughts on “Lutheran Church Pride Sunday Message: Sending Jesus to Earth is God’s Way of “Coming Out,” “Speaking His Truth”

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  3. I left the ELCA in 2001 (age 38) after they began to openly accept and ordain homosexual clergy. Have not been back since but have had difficulty finding a church that does not embrace the LGBT alphabet soup agenda.

    1. several denominations try Presbyterian Church in America, evangelical Presbyterian Church, Reformed Baptist, Global Methodist Church, and pray to God to find you one.

  4. ‘Lives with his two cats and several plants’

    In twenty years even the way back machine won’t be able to find a reference to his existence.

    Seems fair ….

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