‘Fearless Army’ Host Jason Whitlock Affirms Mormon Glenn Beck as Christian Brother in Unearthed Videos

As the Fearless Army: Roll Call 2.0 event draws closer we become more and more bothered by it and the message it is sending to both Christians and Latter Day Saints, with recently unearthed messages from event organizer Jason Whitlock doing little to assuage our concerns.

The conference exists because “Jason Whitlock and John Rich “believe the best way to close the divides tearing America apart is to bring men together under the umbrella of worship, reverence, and song honoring our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” and the conference is “designed to inspire men to put aside superficial differences and serve our shared Creator.”

According to the promo material, Fearless Army: Roll Call 2.0 is a “gathering, celebration, and encouragement of men to put on the full armor of God to take a stand against the evil forces destroying American culture.(Ephesians)” insisting that “it’s important that men not give up meeting together and encouraging one another toward love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24-25)”

The event features Jason Whitlock, John Rich, Voddie Baucham, Skillet’s John Cooper, E.W Jackson, and notably The Blaze founder Glenn Beck, a Mormon whose very presence muddies the waters. Beck is not a Christian, not as long as he refuses to repudiate the false beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Mormons deny multiple primary, foundational Christian beliefs about God, Jesus, and the scriptures, and the blasphemies emanating from their ‘prophet’ Joseph Smith are dark, grotesque, and have led millions to hell.

It’s one thing to invite Beck to speak at a generic non-religious men’s event or political rally, but another when it is being framed as a Christian event with spiritual themes, where preachers will “preach from the bible” and musicians will “sing songs that glorify Jesus Christ.” This all the while allowing Beck to assimilate and get portrayed as a like-minded believer, reinforcing in his own mind that people he loves and respects believe he’s saved, when by all indication he’s not.

Whitlock, however, doesn’t seem to see there is anything problematic about Beck’s Mormon religious beliefs, at least not enough to consider the impact and message having him at his event will have, having previously praised him for his faith while insisting he’s a Christian believer:

Beck: (in my Heydey at Fox News) And it was a very short, compressed time period. But Jason, it was a time that I believe I was truly led by God. I know when God has a hand on my throat and either shuts me down or puts things in that are not in my mind. And that time period was very prophetic with me. He used me a lot to warn of things. And we’re seeing them all now. And it’s wild for me to watch I’ve started going back through my old diaries of that time and looking at it going, oh my gosh. He, I’m convinced at this point, He (God) told me COVID was coming.

…You know, when you look at little things like Christmas, and I shouldn’t say a little thing, but it’s so all encompassing now. There’s gonna be a revival. There will be a revival. It’s coming. We just have to get to the bottom.

Whitlock: I certainly believe there’ll be a revival and I’ve been very honest about one of the reasons why I wanted to partner with The Blaze and partner with you is because I believe we’re gonna be part of that revival and that I needed to be partnered with like-minded people in faith and in belief. But also I needed to, because of where we’re at in this country, black and white people have to work together in faith and shared belief.

And later, speaking specifically to people black that were raised in the church:

Glenn Beck and other conservatives and people with Christian values are smeared every day as racist, as evil… We’re being blinded by race and can’t see what God-filled people are trying to do in this society. We’ve turned the conservative Christian into our enemy! And I’m looking at evidence, at Glenn Beck, worth millions of dollars, willing to risk his life and money to save other Christians. And I know he would do it for me, you, and any other Christian here in America. 

But we want to call these people the racist threat that are our mortal enemies? You think a man that would get on a plane and fly to the Middle East in this time this week to save Afghan Christians, you think he’s the problem?

We have to snap out of this. The left is blinding us to our natural allies: it’s Christians. I’m not sitting here on a pedestal; I keep it real with y’all every day. I am not perfect. I am a flawed sinner. I’m not coming to you from above, I’m not ridiculing your sin, because I’m a sinner. Damn it, we got to cut this out. We can’t keep destroying our natural allies because the left has told “oh they’re Trump supporters.” 
That same Trump supporter might be the person that saves your life because of their Christian beliefs.

…you can look at a man with that kind of wealth and money, his own family to be concerned about, he will get on a plane to go save Christians in the Middle East and you think that’s your enemy? I’m sorry and and I brought my Bible and I’m about to curse and I’m trying not to but you’re a f****** idiot.

We believe Whitlock is a brother who is trying to do a good work through this event, but this was a mistake, and it wasn’t too late to ask Beck not to attend two weeks ago when we raised the issue, and it’s not to late to cancel his appearance now.

Whitlock says that the event is designed to shine a light so bright that people will become attracted to it and come to know the Lord, but it’s hard to cast that light on Beck when he’s accepted and viewed as part of the group who is doing the shining.

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3 thoughts on “‘Fearless Army’ Host Jason Whitlock Affirms Mormon Glenn Beck as Christian Brother in Unearthed Videos

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  2. “We’ve Allowed Religious Bigotry from Christians Long Enough…”

    Remember the good ol’ days (about 20+ years ago) when, for almost 200 years, Mormons openly believed and declared that all Christian churches and doctrine were “an abomination” to God? And why did they believe this? Because that is their founder/Prophet taught (and that he was told this by God and/or Moroni).

    But NOW they play the victim card, all while demanding that we are all Christians? Can any Mormon explain this?

    Many predict that there will be a **false** revival, and coalescing with cults and false religions, and blurring the lines between truth and error, makes perfect sense in a false revival.

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