‘Father forgive them they know not what they do.’ Benny Hinn Attacks Critics in Public Prayer

Days ago, still reeling from a 4-hour exposé by apologist Mike Winger- a veritable cinematic cinderblock to the head that’s been viewed on YouTube nearly a million times- arch-heretic Benny Hinn reached out to Stephen Strang, founder and CEO of Charisma News to do damage control and “throw his hat into the ring and try to balance the scales when it comes to the legacy he will leave behind.” 

Strang, willingly stepping into the role of Hinn’s advocate, posed a series of softball questions that seemed to be crafted by Hinn himself. With the stage set, Hinn took the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for his vague and undefined sins, all the while engaging in revisionist history, downplaying his mistakes, and even outright lying. 

Showing himself completely unrepentant, Strang first gave Hinn the final word, which he promptly used to justify himself and urge listeners “Not to pay attention to the persecution and the trials of life and those that say things that they say because they just want to say them.”

The final word is in this world, Jesus said “ye shall have tribulation” and we will be persecuted. But if we focus on that, we will not succeed. We have to look up; this is what is a must for all of us. Not to pay attention to the persecution and the trials of life and those that say things that they say because they just want to say them, we just focus on the Lord, really that’s all.”

Hinn did more of the same when given a chance to pray, using the prayer to unskillfully absolve himself of sinful and scuzzy behavior by refusing to take responsibility he previously barely admitted to. He instead attacked Winger and others for saying things “that should not have been said against us.”

“Lord thank you first for your grace and thank you for your love and mercy on all of us. And dearest Jesus, when you hung on the cross you said “father forgive them they know not what they do.” And Lord today we forgive those who have spoken against us and said things that should not have been said against us, but Lord we forgive and we love.”

Completely, utterly unrepentant.

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5 thoughts on “‘Father forgive them they know not what they do.’ Benny Hinn Attacks Critics in Public Prayer

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  2. Props to Winger for doing what every serious Christ-follower of influence should have been doing for the last 30 years. Hinn remains a shameful, greedy, self-promoter.

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  3. Props to Hinn! Back in the day he rambled and threatened them in his gargoyle voice. Even wished he had a ‘Holy Ghost machine gun’ so he could blow them away😮

    Personally, Benny should have just spoke that gun that was not…as though it was. Then he could’ve wasted all his critics😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. A leopard cannot change its spots and a dog returns to its own vomit

    We know how this plays out 😒

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