Millions of Views Gone: Benny Hinn Deleting Videos Following Apologist’s Exposé

Arch-heretic Benny Hinn is deleting a raft of videos from his YouTube channel, willingly losing millions of views in the wake of a devastating exposé against him.
Two weeks ago, we reported that a ministry associated with Benny Hinn was claiming copyright strikes against Mike Winger, unjustly targeting him on account of a video critical of the famed con man*
After Winger released a four-hour-long blistering critique of Hinn, replete with multiple videos and commentary demonstrating that the money-grubbin’ heretic is a two-fold son of hell (Our description, not his), the video was struck by Jesus Image Ministries, an enterprise led by Jessica and Michael Koulianos, Benny Hinn’s daughter and son-in-law, with the intent to get it demonetized and taken down.
Winger has so far refused on grounds of fair use and YouTube surprisingly has agreed, denying Hinn’s attempts to have it quashed. In the absence of victory, someone on Hinn’s team is scrubbing his videos off the internet, likely ones that have particularly egregious money-grubbing behavior or weird and blasphemous theatrics.

*We last wrote about this Dr. Michael Brown-endorsed prosperity-gospel heretic after he offered invitations to his birthday party for $5000 a person, released a ‘major prophecy’ two weeks before Hama’s attack on Israel where he claimed God told that Israel would soon make peace with Saudi Arabia and then Palestine, cajoled a conference crowd with some of the most blatant and dishonest manipulations we’ve ever seen, and knocked down whole crowds in a 2024 crusade
I can’t believe Hinn has grifted for all these decades before finally being properly publicly chastised for his wickedness.
It only took those with the discernment of a spastic squirrel 10 years to get DR. MICHAEL BROWN to finally acknowledge that Benny Hinn might be a heretic.
One down, thousands more to go. Sisyphus had it easy 😐