Is A Pervert Predator Finding Solace and Comfort at Bethel Church?

(This post is adapted from a Twitter thread by Jedidiah Hartley, son of Bob Hartley, who we wrote about after the prominent prophet and long-time ministry friend of Mike Bickle was barred access to IHOPKC’s prayer room following multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse spanning a decade)
I alluded to this in a previous posts, but to make it explicitly clear: My father is not just a grifter but a predator. He is actively using the authority he has garnered as a “prophet” to sexually prey on women.
Bethel leadership knows about this but is doing nothing!
Here is a post @MichelleSeidle1 made about my father back at the beginning of the year:

Over the last several years my father has spoken rather openly to me about, what he called, his “sexual indiscretions”. However it wasn’t until @MichelleSeidle1 came forward publicly that I realized just how horrible his behavior was.
Since I have spoken out, many women have come to me telling me horrific stories of how my father has used prophecy to get them alone and vulnerable and then sexually assault them.
While it pains me to say this about my father, I know these stories are true.
A month ago I sent the following email to Bill Johnson, and Bethel church leadership.

Bill Johnson promptly responded to my email, and I got a call from Bethel’s chief of security and I was under the impression they were going to ban my father from the property.
Because of this response, I genuinely believed they were taking this seriously. But I was wrong.
I began hearing that my father was still attending services at Bethel, where he was telling women that he was “a friend of Bill’s” and inviting them over to his house.
From my understanding, Bill even saved him a seat at Bethel’s “prophetic conference” just days after my email.
Then two days ago my father posted a video of himself in Bethel’s auditorium. In the video he seems to be under the influence of alcohol, and is speaking to a young child (probably 3 or 4).
Im not posting the video out of privacy for the child but here is a screenshot:

I can’t tell you how much is made my skin crawl and my stomach sink to see my father still allowed within a church setting. Much less to see him drunkly speaking with a child.
I immediately texted the bethel chief of security:

I am honestly at a loss.
I shouldn’t have to be stating this publicly. Bill Johnson or @kvministries should be the ones publicly addressing this, not me.
They are the ones who gave my father a platform, and it’s their community my father is preying upon.
But they clearly don’t care.
So if you are in the Bethel community, please warn your fellow congregants! This issue is extremely serious, and it is clear your senior leadership is doing nothing to protect your community.
as many are surely asking, yes I do believe at least a few brave women are pressing charges against my father. An extremely difficult thing to do when your own church leaders don’t take you seriously
It might take a while, but I do believe my father will face criminal charge
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