Paramour Prophetess of Hillsongesque ‘Neuma Church’ Releases Statement After Sleeping With Head Apostle

A month after global senior leader (and head apostle) Corey Turner suddenly resigned from Neuma Church after being discovered having an adulterous sexual affair with another pastor, his paramour has shared her own statement, likewise announcing that she and her husband were resigning from leadership.
It’s a significant scandal for Australia’s newest multi-site, multi-country megachurch. With a dozen churches worldwide, they have positioned themselves to take up the mantle from Hillsong in terms of influence and cultural impact. To a greater degree than Hillsong, they are a New Apostolic Reformation congregation whose goal is to take dominion over the seven mountains of influence.
This is definitely a set-back.
In a message posted to Instagram, “pastor” Stacey Hilliar, a self-described prophetess, released a joint comment with her husband Jai Hilliar, offering an apology for her actions, writing in part,”
My, Stacey’s, poor choices from Nov 2023 – Jan 2024, for which I offer no excuses, are being soberly processed & worked through in private as our family seeks healing and restoration, looking to the future, united.
For the pain & disappointment I have caused to so many people, I am sorry. I own my part & I own my sin. Nobody else is responsible for my choices. I simply offer my apology and ask for your forgiveness. I am committed to the restoration process provided by the ACC & honour their leadership.

Notably, Hilliar has not repented for a decade of false prophecies and spiritual predation, which are far more damaging than this affair could ever be. Given her hope to be restored by the corrupt ACC (the body of Australian Christian Churches,) we give her 18 months before she is fully restored and back in the pulpit.
A few hours spent over coffee and donuts with the elders and they’ll both be ‘restored’ good as new and ready to hit that pulpit! Praise God!