Famed Christian Book Publisher Releases Book ‘Wisdom from the Witch of Endor: Four Rules for Living’

So Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the LORD in that he did not keep the command of the LORD, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance. 1 Chronicles 10:13
Famed ‘Christian’ book publisher Eerdmans is releasing a new book based on the ‘wisdom’ of the ‘Witch of Endor’ lauding the wicked medium who brought for the spirit of Samuel during a demonic séance in 1 Samuel 28 and urging Christians to “Embrace the wisdom of a little-known hero from the Bible—and see how it leads you to the life you were meant to live.”
Eerdmans Publishing Company is a long-time publisher of Christian books. Established in 1911, they’re an independent publisher of religious books, from academic books and scholarly works in theology, biblical studies, and religious history to popular titles in spirituality, ministry, and cultural criticism. Some of the more well-known recent books they’ve published are In Quest of the Historical Adam By William Lane Craig, a commentary on Galatians by N. T Wright, The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson, Spiritual Depression by Martyn Lloyd-jones, and many, many Bible commentaries.
Then, in 2022, they released a series of statements in support of Pride month, demonstrating that they have abandoned their biblical beliefs and instead should be viewed as a transgressive entity actively spreading pagan propaganda.
According to the promo material:
(Author) Tikva Frymer-Kensky shows readers how a seemingly minor story in the first book of Samuel can teach them key lessons to dramatically improve their lives. Saul, abandoned by God, approaches a medium in the village of Endor to call up the spirit of Samuel. Though Saul had outlawed her craft, she helped him when he promised her safety. And after Samuel prophesied Saul’s death, she showed the shaken king hospitality.
Determination. Excellence. Caution. Benevolence. Four qualities of the “witch” of Endor will bring you success, even when the whole world stands against you. Are you ready to follow your dreams? To succeed when others tell you to give up? Embrace the wisdom of a little-known hero from the Bible—and see how it leads you to the life you were meant to live
Frymen-Kensy, who has since passed, was professor of Hebrew Bible and history of Judaism at the University of Chicago Divinity School and the author of Reading the Women of the Bible, In the Wake of the Goddesses, and Motherprayer: The Pregnant Woman’s Spiritual Companion.