Transformation Church Hosting ‘Celebration of Life’ Service for Famed Apostate Carlton Pearson

On December 1, Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK, is hosting a celebration of life for the famously pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, hell-denying, Trinity-denying, Unitarian Bishop Carlton Pearson.
Transformation Church is led by pastor Michael Todd, the fashion-obsessed leader known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service, preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, and giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face.
He recently had a service where ballet dancers with bare butts danced around the stage and, in a recent sermon, offered a muddled, confused, contradictory, and seeming apology for what God’s word says about homosexuality. Further, one of their pastors justifies his continual cussing by confessing : ‘I have never felt a conviction of the Holy Spirit’, argued on his podcast that belief in the Trinity is a non-essential issue, and that it should NOT be considered cheating if a married man is caught dancing and twerking with another woman.
Following the death of Carl Pearson, Mike Todd and Transformation Church put out heartfelt messages about the man, with Todd revealing that he had a close connection with what turns out to have been his childhood pastor whom he visited in hospice shortly before his death, writing:
Last night at 10:42pm my childhood Pastor Carlton D’Metrius Pearson transitioned into eternity.
What a privilege to have learned from your faith and failures up close…
I will always honor the blessing you were to @mrs.natalietodd and I…as well as the enormous contributions you made to move the entire body of Christ forward in so many ways!
Though our theological beliefs were not always the same…your extreme belief in me never changed.
Thank you for using some of your last breaths to encourage me. (slide 2 ⬆️)
Majeste, Julian and Gina:
I know you have unfortunately seen the very ugly, hateful, and hurtful side of the “THE CHURCH”in past seasons… but I just want to let you know @wearetransformation is here to love you through this season and #REPRESENT what a church is supposed to do in the midst of adversity.I Love You 🧡
We Love You 🤎

To this end, following a public funeral and viewing of the body at All-Souls Unitarian Church, the apostate church filled with apostate congregants that Pearson called home, Transformation Church will be hosting an Episcopal Celebration of Life for a man who is doing anything BUT celebrating in the afterlife.

Naturally, the digital flyers for the event declare that Pearson had a “life full of loving God,” which is the furthest thing from the truth. Instead, his life was marked by rebellion against God and a repudiation of his word, leading countless astray.
It’s unclear if Transformation Church will be streaming the event and what further honor and claims they will make about him.
Goats doing what goats do…