Planned Parenthood Begs For Donations To Rebuild Abortion Clinic Destroyed in Gaza

Planned Parenthood International, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, is pleading for donations after an Israeli airstrike on an adjacent building damaged the sole abortion clinic in Gaza and rendered it inoperable. The group, which undoubtedly inspired Hamas’ bloodlust in the first place, is seeking to raise funds to relocate to a safer location within the Palestinian territory.

Responding to the news, some critics of Planned Parenthood were unbothered by the bombing, writing:

Purveyors of death and despair. If Satan owned a corporation, PPP would be it.
Corporations are generally owned by shareholders. Are you saying that satan would own the majority? Maybe satan is more of an LLP kind of guy. Either way, satan is limiting his exposure to liability, which just makes good business sense.
Forgive me, I misspoke.
If Satan owned a NON PROFIT, PPP would be it.
BTW, his name is ‘Satan’ : )