Judge Rules to Remove Life Support from 7-Month-old Baby Against Parents’ Wishes

(Christian Post) A High Court judge in the United Kingdom has ruled to remove life support from a 7-month-old baby, a decision that contradicts her parents’ desire to keep their daughter alive.
Indi Gregory, the baby at the center of this legal battle, is the daughter of Claire Staniforth and Dean Gregory from Derbyshire, said the rights group Christian Concern, whose legal arm Christian Legal Centre is supporting the parents as they plan to appeal.
The baby girl is fighting a rare mitochondrial disease and is under treatment at the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham, the group said, adding that her parents and elder sisters are standing vigil at the hospital. The Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust argued at a private High Court hearing that discontinuing life support is in the baby’s “best interests” should her condition worsen… to continue reading click here.
This article was written by Anugrah Kumar and published at the Christian Post
If you read the full ruling, it’s the compassionate decision. Please do not choose outrage over a life.
“In short, the significant pain experienced by this lovely little girl is not justified when set against an incurable set of conditions, a very short life span, no prospect of recovery and, at best, minimal engagement with the world around her.
“In my judgment, having weighed up all the competing considerations, her best interests are served by permitting [Nottingham University Hospitals NHS] Trust to withdraw invasive treatment in accordance with the care plan presented.
“That plan envisages weaning her off intubation within one week, and facilitating the use of a bag mask for up to a week after extubation.
“I am quite sure that the Trust will, as they say, do everything they can to care for Indi with compassion, providing her with treatment to alleviate pain, and making her as comfortable as possible.
“That can take place at home or at a hospice, as the parents may elect.
“I therefore grant the application, and make the declarations sought, with sorrow but on the basis that it is clearly in Indi’s best interests to do so.
“I know that this will come as a heavy blow to the parents. I know that they love Indi dearly and want the very best for her. I sincerely hope that they will be able to spend as much time as possible with Indi.”
no you’re evil.
“He further criticized the portrayal of Indi’s medical condition during the trial. “That picture was so misleading that, after hearing their evidence in court, the media reported that Indi had to be resuscitated nine times in one day. This is completely untrue,” Gregory said.
According to him, Indi is a fighter who deserves better care from the NHS. “During her short life Indi has proved everybody wrong and deserves more time and care from the NHS rather than seeking to end her life as soon as possible,” he continued.
Gregory added that the legal struggle has been overwhelming. “It is criminal that parents who are trying to do everything for their child in such difficult circumstances are taken to court and have to contend with the weight of the whole system coming against them,” he said.”
you don’t know the history of NHS and it constantly pulling the plug on patients, this is a longstanding issue. they shouldn’t have the right to do that at all. we should have just killed kids with cystic friends and other “deadly” medical v conditions. sorry this is not the states right and it’s evil.
Sorry, there are countless instances where people have been (miraculously) healed despite doctors’ prognoses. The parents and God should have this decision, not some third party.
God has ordained the civil magistrate for purposes like this as well, so the civil magistrate has a legitimate place in the decision process.
so how are you feeling about all the corrupt judges then huh? so what? what a blow hard dismissive attitude. I’ve known many children who would have died who went on to live and were grateful. if the parents want to give her a shot that’s their choice, but in a nationalized medical system they think they own your life and know better than parents. they don’t.
by your logic I should not fight any decision because God appointed them. guess I shouldn’t fight abortion either, civil magistrates say it’s alright. so is looting in many states, guess it’s a okay.