The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the vilest denominations in America. Pro-homosexuality, pro-choice, and certainly anti-Jesus, it’s populated by spiritually decrepit senior citizens and virtue-twerking LGBTQ twenty-somethings. Less than 1% of the congregants in the denomination are saved, as you can only submit to a satanic pastor for so long without getting a little demonic yourself.
During Luther Seminary’s June 20 chapel service, preacher Anna Ferro, who works as a community fellow with the Student Affairs office while she awaits her first call, gave a message on Jeremiah 20: 1-6. In this reading, Pashur, the official in charge of the temple, hears Jeremiah prophesying doom and gloom and, beats him and throws him in jail, causing Jeremiah to tell him his new name is ‘Terror on Every Side.’
Here, she finds a parallel.
When are we in similar situation to Jeremiah? When we see the writing on the wall and try to warn our communities about it, but are ‘told no more of that message.’ Sometimes this is a message for the world at large about how we’re living in a climate catastrophe and things need to change.
How the rights of trans folks are being stripped before our very eyes and things need to change. How the structures of our society are racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, and things need to change. Or these can be messages specifically to our churches and communities. They’re banning books in our school districts and things need to change.
Servant of Satan leading her congregation to Hell.
Fortunately she hasn’t received her ‘call’
It would be best if everyone lost her number