SBC Credentials Committee Says Megachurch that Knowingly Baptized Gay-Married Man is a ‘Cooperating Church’

Demonstrating with deep clarity the compromise and uselessness the SBC Credentials Committee has descended into, they’ve issued a decision that a Southern Baptist megachurch known for Baptizing unrepentant homosexuals should be considered a cooperating church within the denomination, saying the church has a “faith and practice which closely identifies with the Convention’s adopted statement of faith.”
First Baptist Church Orlando is a 14,000-member Southern Baptist megachurch led by David Uth. Not only have they knowingly baptized a gay man who is married to another man, but they have allowed that unrepentant gay man to baptize others,
In fact, you’ll recall that FBC Orlando is where Danny De Armas, the senior associate pastor, infamously offered a full-blown ecumenical statement devoid of any Gospel truth and antithetical to the teachings of Scripture by highlighting how many illegal immigrants, pro-choice democrats, and LGBTQ folk were ‘serving’ in his church.
We have transgender, LGBTQ, straight, single, married, divorced and cohabitating people. These same people attend listen, serve, grow and give…We have pro-life and pro-choice…And in the midst of all of this, we have one of the most beautiful worship experiences you can possibly imagine.
Pastor Jim Cummings, who made the request, received the following response back:
Dear Mr. Cummings,
Thank you for reporting your concerns regarding First Baptist Church, Orlando, Florida. Our committee is tasked with forming an opinion regarding whether a church has a “faith and practice which closely identifies with the Convention’s adopted statement of faith.” Specifically, we were asked to consider whether the church acts to affirm, approve or endorse homosexual behavior.
We have reviewed your submission and have conducted an inquiry of the church in question. Based on the information available to us, our committee has formed the opinion that, at this time, First Baptist Church of Orlando should continue to be considered a cooperating church with the Southern Baptist Convention. Therefore, we decline further consideration and have removed the church from inquiry.
Although we decline further consideration at this time, please be assured of our prayers for you and your ministry.
Sincerely, SBC Credentials Committee
Absolute heresy. So much of the contemporary American church has become one with the world.