Beth Moore’s Church Hosts ‘Interfaith Dialogue’ With Iman Who Chants the Quran From the Pulpit


Several days ago, Beth Moore’s home church hosted an interfaith dialogue between Rev. Michael Dearman, a priest from HopePointe Anglican Church who is married to Rev. Katie Dearman, and Osman Fuad, the Iman and resident scholar at the Woodlands Islamic Center.

The event took place at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church, a liturgical church within the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast, which is part of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA.) Moore became a member of this church years ago after jumping ship from the SBC, when she could no longer handle their criticism of her egalitarian opining and inflammatory rhetoric (see endnotes) 

Both speakers presented and spoke on the topic of forgiveness and reconciliation for around 20 minutes and then opened up the floor to a Q&A. Here, they answered questions on what it means to have the assurance of salvation and whether we should forgive war criminals like Vladimir Putin.

Notably, at one point during his presentation, Fuad explains that a key theme in the Quran is the topic of forgiveness. He proceeds to chant a Surah Az-Zumar verse from behind the pulpit, so that he can later translate it and reveal “what Muslims find within God’s capacity to forgive.”

For more on Moore, she frequently claims direct revelation from God (like her famous tale of God telling her to brush a guy’s hair instead of witnessing to him), affirming so-called woman pastors and those who affirm LGBTQ+labeling her entire denomination racist, and claiming white supremacy is running rampant” in the church. She has liked tweets dissuading believers from sharing the Gospel at BLM protests and recently said that the pulpit has become a threat to women’. She has criticized complementarianism, as ‘it wipes out half the gospel force’, shared her Ennegram personality, and has begun preaching at churches.

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11 thoughts on “Beth Moore’s Church Hosts ‘Interfaith Dialogue’ With Iman Who Chants the Quran From the Pulpit

  1. I swear just when you think you can’t be shocked by anything – here you go. I know all too well what these wolves tell these churches and their members: “We believe in the same God. We believe in Jesus too. We just want peace and harmony among faiths.” ALL lies.

    1. They should put Beth in charge of dialogue with the Imans. They don’t let women even talk much less stand behind a pulpit. Who knows, maybe this Iman can straighten Beth out 😂😂😂😂

  2. The funny-yet-tragic thing here (one of many, I guess) is that — while things like this do not bother or offend people like her (people who go Woke) — the Beth Moore of 10+ years ago would have been grieved.

    Worse, the main things that grieve her now — and similar Woke-ified people — are the very things she believed 10+ years ago. How utterly tragic, yet she does not see this, or care.

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