Most MODEST Demon Ever? ‘Possessed’ Man Keeps Adjusting Shirt, Belt During ‘Exorcism’

Apostolette Kathryn Krick is the most disingenuous, fakest deliverance minister working the charismatic circuit today. The well-known and popular huckster has accumulated hundreds of millions of views across her social media platforms, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry while she ‘casts out’ demons from sad and desperate people.
For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here. Krick routinely uses actors to pretend to be possessed so she can then cast out the demons, using not just adults but kids as well:
‘Apostle’ Kathryn Krick and ‘Exorcist’ Bob Larson Use Same Crisis Actor to Act ‘Demon-Possessed’ Apostlette Sets Newborn Baby Free from DemonsFakest Exorcism Ever?
Famous Charismatic ‘Healer’ Uses ‘Demon Possessed’ Kids as Props.
World’s Fakest Exorcist Pays Ladies to Be ‘Posessed’ on Two Different Nights.
One of the hallmarks of these deliverance ministers is how modest and ingénue these demons seem to be, never cursing or using foul language while inhabiting, and always careful to tug their shirts down or hike their belts up, lest a stray belly or buttcrack be accidentally flashed. In fact, they’re downright prudish! Case in point: this one she featured earlier in the month, which in the short clip she posted, adjusted his pants and belt no less than three times. Slowed down edits added by us.

I’m thinking these are the ‘griffting spirits’ not to be confused with the ‘Linda Blair’ quality spirits.
With evidence that this huckster and the infamous Bob Larson have been caught using the same actor in their shameful productions should be all that is needed for every discerning follower of Christ to shun her like the plague.
Krick’s deplorable actions and idiotic Scripture-rending are an affront to God Almighty and His church.
Well, if it’s feistier demons you want, perhaps Daniel Adams is more up your alley. He had one demon ALMOST hit him.
Adams is the real deal. The demons HE deals with are much more belligerent and almost make one think their life is in danger.
No really, I’m serious. he’s doing God’s work. Honest 🤷🏻♂️
These demon slayers are like herpes on the Body of Christ. I can’t wait for them to be ejected like the stain on the Body that they are.