Male Singer Strips into A Garish LGBTQ Dress During Church Solo (This is Wild, Folks)

First Christian Church of Burbank is an “open and affirming” congregation nestled in the heart of California. No ELCA or PCUSA; they are part of the Disciples of Christ. This mainline protestant denomination is in full communion with the unregenerate rapscallions in the United Church of Christ. The DOC has been bleeding members over the last decade, losing nearly half their congregants, the majority of whom died of old age, and now have a little over 110k on a weekly basis.

As a denomination, they have adopted the 19th-century slogan of the Stone-Campbell Movement: “In essentials, Unity; In non-essentials, Liberty; and in all things, Charity” and have taken it very, very literally.

Because they promote unity above doctrine, and they allow a wide range of freedom to interpret the scriptures- being anti-creed and anti-confession- the fact that they are openly pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion is the least of their problems. 

Many within the denomination question or outright deny primary doctrines, such as the virgin birth of Christ, a belief in the Trinity, Jesus performing miracles, the scriptures being inspired and without error, and even the atonement of Christ-all with the blessing of their General assembly and denominational heads.

Led by ‘impastor Brandon Johnson, the church celebrated Pride Sunday by inviting a congregant on stage to ‘lead us in a time of reflection’ and sing a solo, which ended up being Gloria Gaynor’s 1984 hit ‘I Am What I Am.’ He soon begins stripping down into a garish LGBTQ explosion of an outfit, replete with arm streamers, all the while singing lyrics like:

“I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck
Sometimes the ace sometimes the deuces
It’s my life that I want to have a little pride in
My life and it’s not a place I have to hide in
Life’s not worth a danm til you can shout out
I am what I am

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20 thoughts on “Male Singer Strips into A Garish LGBTQ Dress During Church Solo (This is Wild, Folks)

  1. I frequently tell people who are searching for a Bible believing and teaching church to not look at a denominational church first. I think they have all been taken over by Satan. There are good churches out there, but you need to do your homework first. Read their website. Look if they post a statement of beliefs. Only after doing that, make the decision to visit or not. I would not recommend visiting first because so many churches present a false picture in their services of who they really are.

    1. Thanks for your support, Susan. I’m glad you’re branching out and commenting on something other than our race-related articles. You’re truly growing in so many ways.

  2. Unfortunately, the list of churches to avoid continues to grow while the list of acceptable Churches continues to shrink.

    It’s becoming increasingly evident that if a Church doesn’t have a strict doctrine (Creedal, Confessional, etc.) more than a commendable list of statements of their beliefs (AKA file cabinet faith), they will be subject to the pressure of the culture and will ultimately surrender to accommodationism and syncretism and slowly have their salt drained of its flavor. Media based churches (Life Church, etc.) are black holes for faith and NAR, AOG, etc. are swirling the abyss. I attend a Cavalry Chapel church and while they have been faithful, subtle associates (Phil Wickham (Bethel) and Brandon Lake (Elevtion), TPUSA, Erik Mataxas, et al) do not bode well at all.

    I might be looking for a Reformed church soon …

  3. “LGBTQ affirming” and God’s church are mutually exclusive, period. Nothing emanating from a church condoning/promoting biblical sin is righteous.

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