Jim Caviezel Says Upcoming ‘The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection’ Might Be Two Films

(CBN) Actor Jim Caviezel gained worldwide fame playing Jesus in Mel Gibson’s smash hit film “The Passion of the Christ”, and now the star says there may be more than one sequel to the blockbuster.
For years there have been plans for a sequel titled “The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection”, but while appearing on “The Shawn Ryan Show” Caviezel shared that the upcoming project could be split into two films.
“(Gibson’s) been on this for a long, long time… it will be the biggest film in history. It might be two films. Could be three, but I think it’s two,” he said.
Caviezel would play Jesus again in the upcoming film about the Resurrection…to continue reading click here.
This article was written by Talie Wise and published at CBN.
While I have no doubt many, including Christians, will find some kind of fault with this next movie(s), its impact on this rapidly morally devolving world should be incredibly powerful.
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Why are you so proud and critical? Where has God commanded the church to produce movies to help the world? I find rather that God has ordained the preaching of the gospel as the means whereby he draws in his elect. By the Second Commandment God has forbidden any visible representation of the Godhead. Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should break God’s commandments for the greater good of reaching the world?
Yep! and yep!
Another upcoming RCC inspired gross violation of the 2nd commandment. I won’t be seeing this trash either.
The second commandment calls us to worship the true and living God, who has revealed Himself in Scripture and ultimately in Jesus Christ. He alone do we worship, and to Him alone we bow down.
What is wrong with worshipping Christ through various forms of human expression?
Did Jesus stop the woman from cleaning his feet with expensive ointment and perfume? Was it not Judas that tried to stop her?