Nearly Half of ‘The Chosen’ Apostle-Actors Come Out In Support of Gay Flag on Set

The controversy around ‘The Chosen’ keeps on gathering steam, with five of the twelve actors who play apostles on set publicly coming out in support of Steadicam operator, whose been adorning his equipment and personal attire with pro-LGBTQ and pro-Trans regalia on set, and even saying if Christians don’t like it, they can stop watching.

Giavani Cairo, who plays the apostle Thaddeus, was one of the first ones to challenge the condemnation of having the flag on set, saying that “anyone who is going to go at one of our family members for something like this is no fan of ours, they can close the door on the way out” while throwing up some Pride rainbow flags in his status.

His tweet was retweeted by George H. Xanthis, who plays the apostle John.

Cairo further defended his actions, which were retweeted by Noah James, who plays the apostle Andrew

Next, actor Jordan Walker Ross, who plays the apostle James, chimed in and shared his own status with a pride flag, writing that he’s “so proud of the love and acceptance displayed on our set every day” while condemning critics of flying gay propaganda as “hateful.”

This was followed by actor Luke Dimyan, who fittingly plays Judas, who offered a curt “yeah, good luck with that” to calls to boycott the show, while giving a congratulatory “Happy Pride month y’all”

Some have seen the decision to show a Pride flag in the promo as intentional and a direct provocation, with one person pointing out that “The issue is just as much that they “chose” to leave that pride flag waving in the promo video when they cut it. That wasn’t an oversight. You were meant to see it by the production team..”

In a previous interview with the Christian Post, The Chosen director Dallas Jenkins suggested that if someone was being vulgar or displaying vulgar attire on set, they would be dealt with, but that gay propaganda attire was ‘appropriate in a professional environment.’

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15 thoughts on “Nearly Half of ‘The Chosen’ Apostle-Actors Come Out In Support of Gay Flag on Set

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  2. So someone on set basically giving the middle finger to God for all to see, in open rebellion against God and His Word, on a daily basis, is just fine with these people and agreeable and defendable to them. Obviously no fear of or concern about God… only alignment with the world.

    1. With all due respect, how are your words doing anything but spitting in the face of God’s love? Do you not think God is capable of working on the person’s heart without your venom. You really think it is helping the situation? I’m not clever enough to understand how so please explain it to me.

  3. Well, now we better understand how the cast of The Chosen feels about the Word of God.

    Doesn’t change anything I’m doing. I knew the show was trash from the beginning

    1. Jesus ate with sinners. Are you suggesting he considered their behavior ok? Enlighten me on where your attitude was the prevailing one Jesus presented.

  4. I knew this wasn’t a Biblical show right from the get-go. Just because you name all the characters from the Bible and use some of the stories, does not make it legit truth or Scripture. Too much artistic license. This is all art for the sake of making Jesus into someone He totally isn’t. Yes, God is love, but He does not tolerate sin and He certainly doesn’t allow brothers and sisters to not correct one another when we are doing wrongs. Be a Berean.

  5. The Pride flag is about sexual preference. Being gay is is a sexual preference! I don’t expect anyone to celebrate what my sexual preference is nor do I want anyone pushing their sexual preference on me or especially on children! I love the Chosen series but they seem to be beating around the bush when it comes to their actual feelings on the Pride flag. Some of the cast have come out supporting it which goes against everything in the Bible. There is a difference between not hating someone for their beliefs and condoning and supporting them. To support the pride flag is wrong. That doesn’t mean they should necessarily be fired . Maybe what show is about will turn their lives towards Jesus! But that being said the producer should come out and publicly say we believe homosexuality is a sin but God will be the judge in the end and in the future we will not condone our employees to publicly support the pride flag. That being said what they do in private is not our business. One more thing I would suggest is try to hire Christians if possible

  6. Jesus showed love to everyone whether their actions were acceptable or not. Respecting someone’s right to do something doesn’t mean you have to agree with it. Before we react to things, we need to first switch to a love mindset before speaking.

  7. Sexual chastity and purity is required of all of us! If each of us who claim to be followers of Christ also feel we have a RIGHT OR DUTY to enforce SEXUAL CHASTITY AND PURITY among others then we best be making certain that WE ARE COMPLIANT TO THE CALLING OF OUR SAVIOR in all of our walks and ways! Folks in the LGBTQ+ Community are being killed and driven away from God’s Love and compassion!! Tell me how My God, Jesus Christ would EVER want that for His father’s creation! We are ALL HIS CHILDREN!!!
    The Word ALSO says we shall not judge! Every sin is equal in the eyes of the Lord. Pick up your OWN BROOMS AND GET TO work on YOUR SINS! Let God handle the rest! He left us with two – TWO PRIMARY COMANDMENTS….Love the Lord our God with ALL OUR HEARTS AND SOULS and Love our neighbors!!! The word does NOT say only the perfect ones! Your shame, judgement, ridicule, ignorance, and cruelty to others is driving His flock AWAY FROM HIM!!! If you are a true follower of Christ and could watch this show with an open heart and mind – setting your bigotry and judgement aside – you’d stand a greater chance of sharing the message AND MAYBE drawing YOUR OWN heart closer to God!! THE GREATEST OF ALL IS LOVE!! If that’s not in YOUR answer…you need to reassess!! Prayers for ALL of the cast and crew of The Chosen! Continue to spread the Gospels and Old Testament Word! Praise God! May you Bless us and guide us closer to You in all our actions!

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