Bible Bashed Podcast: Responding to Mark Driscoll’s Anti-Cessationism Screed

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On Bible Bashed, a podcast brought to you in partnership with Protestia, Harrison and Tim respond to Mark Driscoll’s recent anti-cessationism screed, exploring the biblical evidence and engaging in a spirited discussion on the modern-day workings of the Holy Spirit.
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My most recent pay test was for a 12-hour-per-week internet job for 9,500 dollars. For months, my sister’s friend has been making an average of 15,000, and she puts in about 20 hours every week. As soon as I gave it a try, I was shocked at how simple it was.
Do this instead———————————>>>
As a longtime Phoenician, I’m sorry to hear Driscoll’s building a new empire in my city as from everything I’ve read, he’s not my idea of a sound teacher. In fact, I wouldn’t want to even get close to him, as the last thing I need is some weird psychic stranger possibly watching me do nekkid things 😛
I am a cessationist and I believe the Holy Spirit is in operation today.
Driscoll misrepresents me, at the very least