Teen Handing Out Bibles Refuses to Back Down After Police Arrest Him

(Faithwire) Law enforcement officers in Alberta, Canada, reportedly arrested a teenager handing out Bibles after an altercation broke out between him, his supporters, and a group of counter-protesters.
Josh Alexander, 16, tweeted Wednesday he “was handcuffed and put in a paddy wagon for offering students Bibles on a public sidewalk in Calgary.” He posted a video of the ordeal:
Ultimately, Alexander said, he was released but told if he returned he “would be arrested and charged.”
However, neither the altercation with pro-transgender hecklers nor his arrest by Calgary police dissuaded the teenager from sharing Scripture with those around him. He wrote that he continued giving away Bibles, adding, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.”
In a follow-up tweet, Alexander…to continue reading click here.
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and published at Faithwire.
Leftism/Woke-ism holds to a multitude of inverted realities (love is hate, hate is love; saving babies is evil, killing babies is noble and just; God’s Word is “hate” and “causes violence,” we need to do violence to suppress the evil of the Bible).
The worst part is they are a totalitarian, anti-Christian religion who seek to forcibly impose every single inverted reality/anti-Christ aspect of their religion on to every single human. And they do all this in the name of love, compassion, justice, and even Jesus.
They are not going to stop. This is going to get more and more ugly, and more and more violent. But it will effectively sort out who is truly for truth, freedom, and the true God, and who is darkened and deceived.
Kudos to this brave young man for tirelessly working to advance the Gospel in the face of state persecution.
I never dreamt that I would someday see people arrested in Western countries for handing out Bibles or insisting that there are only two genders. Absolutely insane.
“I never dreamt that I would someday see people arrested in Western countries for handing out Bibles or insisting that there are only two genders. Absolutely insane.”
I didn’t either, until the Emerging Church (the forerunner to Woke-ianity) came around, and so many failed to stand up against it. While the EC was essentially defeated, the Church did not go back to the pure Word of God, and it continued/continues to heavily depend on the world’s wisdom (humanism/humanistic psychology), mysticism/New Age practices and ideology (e.g. the Enneagram; Jesus Calling books; etc), etc.
The police are not your friends, they are the hired muscle for Christ hating governments. It’s God’s judgement upon the English speaking world, so heavily enlightened by the gospel, yet rejecting it with great fervor. Canada is just further down the road of God hatred than we are…it will get darker before it gets lighter. Rejection of Christ as the King of your nation and His law as the law of your land has some pretty sever consequences. This didn’t happen because of those naughty heathen getting one up on the church. It’s the because “Christians” rejected Christ as King…the church thought foolishly that “secular” government was somehow “neutral”. There is NO SUCH THING as neutrality in religion or politics, it’s a lie and delusion. Christ or Satan, those are your choices, and the church chose poorly.
I remember our pastor drawing gasps when he seriously stated 24 years ago that the day was rapidly approaching when he could be arrested for teaching Biblical Scripture, especially as it applies to marriage and sexuality. It sounded far-fetched then. Not so much now.
I don’t know what the author is referring to, but I didn’t see any “altercation … between” in the videos. I saw them encircling him, assaulting him, pushing him around, impeding his progress, and not allowing him to leave, as he held his hands up, remained calm, and remained non-combative the entire time.