Look! Hillsong Church Attendance Implodes, Sanctuary Half-Empty

As more and more revelations continue to pour forth regarding the astonishing ways Hillsong church spent and squandered their congregant’s tithes, seen vividly in these posts below, their reputation continues to implodes and their attendance continues to shrink.

This is perhaps seen no more clearly than yesterday’s church service at Hillsong Convention Centre in Sydney, Australia, where attendance was visibly meager.

Notably, whole sections are now blocked off, including the upper balcony. Contrast this to attendance prior to the scandals.

Nothing would please us more for Hillsong to cave in on itself like a dying star. At the rate it’s going, we just may get our wish.

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3 thoughts on “Look! Hillsong Church Attendance Implodes, Sanctuary Half-Empty

  1. I hope and pray those attending will look for a congregation that seeks to faithfully preach and teach the Scriptures, not a different doctrine but sound doctrine. Jesus was clear in the Sermon on the Mount that his disciples “cannot serve God and money.” Paul exposed those who sought to make money out of preaching the gospel (“peddlers of God’s word) in contrast to his own ministry where he went out of his way not to burden the young churches.

  2. No mega-churches in the Bible, only congregational sized ones. The church is a relationship based body, not a performance based one.

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