Video: Watch as Lutheran Racist Troll is Excommunicated from Denomination

Corey J. Mahler is a two-bit theologian with two thousand Twitter followers who occasionally gets noticed after one of his particularly offensive tweets goes viral. We’ve sometimes interacted with him, mainly to be decried as “cucks” whenever we share our support for interracial marriage and the intermingling of all races.

Mahler, who has produced a podcast, articles, and a surprising amount of content, recently got a bit of traffic after sending this message out into the world:

Sadly, having delusions of grandeur of wanting to take over the whole Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and remake it in his own Naziesque image, his plans encountered a snag after being formally excommunicated from the church.
You can watch that process here, praying that he repents.
Good to see churches starting to do this. The same should be applied to the sexually immoral, the murderous, other sorts of false teachers, those who habitually and continually attempt to encroach on God’s domain, and scripture-twisting, scripture-denying fakes and frauds across the board.
“in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” (Matt. 15:9)
Anyone adding to, taking from, or trying to change God’s word and God’s standards should be called to repentance. Such “busy bodies” need to understand they are committing serious sins themselves.
God has decided what is sin and what is not. We don’t decide it. We don’t have the authority to speak a word about it. He gave specific instructions about marriage, what it is, what it should be. It is His domain. It’s not about our own vision for what we think the world should be. It’s about His vision.
Rebuke sin. But if it isn’t sin, step off. As they say, nobody died and made you God.
If God would not destroy someone for it, then we should not destroy them for it.
God decides who or if we marry, and His decision will fit within His design for marriage of one male and one female, according to His created order.
Don’t promote or condemn anything contrary. Don’t promote interracial marriage with the goal of creating a “gray race” or other vision of your own. Don’t condemn it in order to try to promote your own vision.
Shut up about it. And if you don’t feel the same way about it that God does, then you need to repent.
To be a Christian means to fully submit to Him as Lord, Savior, and Master. And that means to submit to His vision for how things should be. If you haven’t done that, then you are not a born again Christian.
I’m glad I took the time to look at this guy’s twitter because you obviously were looking for an opportunity to virtue signal (or is that virtue twerk?) by calling someone a “racist nazi troll” and ignoring the context he provides for the one tweet you decided to highlight.
This is directly from Corey Mahler: “The goal of interracial marriages in the modern context is the destruction of nations. This is very explicit. Those who are advocating for interracial relationships, multiracial, biracial, whatever it happens to be. The explicit goal is the destruction of the distinct nations. In particular, the goal of course is the destruction of whites of the white race. And the reason for this is because historically Christendom has been synonymous with Europe. Whites have been the bulwark of Christendom in the world for millennia. And Satan knows this and he hates us and so he wants to erase us.”
Now tell me where the lie is in this? You can call him a racist, you can call him a troll, you can call him a nazi, but you can’t call him a liar.
Are you going to deny that interracial relationships are overrepresented in media and go way beyond what could reasonably be considered a proportionate reflection of reality?
Are you going to deny that God has sovereignly decided that Europe would be the geographical region from wich Christianity and sound theology would spread from? (see Acts 16:6 and Genesis 9:27) This is not to say that there aren’t other Christians nor is it to say that there aren’t *more* Christians outside of the West, but if you look at the great expanse of missions in the 19th and 20th centuries, you can’t deny that God used Western Christianity to spread His word.
Whether the existence of such a conspiracy is true or not, it’s irrelevant. It’s God’s domain. Interracial marriage is not a sin. Let go of it. It’s in His hands, not yours.
“Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.” (Rom 12:17)
Right now Europeans aren’t spreading much of anything but abominable sin and all manner of wickedness, and Europe is the epicenter of it. It’s ridiculous, at this point, to even bring up any theory involving Europeans having a special chosen purpose to spread the Gospel. If such a purpose ever did exist, it was rejected and abandoned long ago.
A note about Rom 12:17. It doesn’t mean to do what “all” consider to be honorable. It means to do what is honorable according to God, such that “all” will see.
It would take hundreds of years to “breed out” a skin color – possibly thousands of years by persuasion alone, if even possible. It’s a ridiculous theory. If any powers that be do have such an agenda, they’re idiots. The “gray race” nutcases are as few and far between as the nutcase nazis. Two sides of the same imbecilic coin.
The Lord could return as early as the next hundred milliseconds. Quit worrying about stuff that could happen hundreds, if not thousands, of years from now, as if it even matters at all what the color of anyone’s skin is at that time, in the first place. That’s God’s domain. His decision. His authority. Let it go.
Skin color doesn’t make an ethnos an ethnos. Lineage is what makes an ethnos and ethnos.
Your ancestors are your ethnos, regardless of the color of their skin. Your descendants will be your ethnos regardless of the color of their skin.
First and foremost he is wrong at the most basic level for conflating the definition of the word nation which refers to ethnos (lineage) with a skin color. I’d wager he himself probably has some “non-white” blood in his ancestry. And if those ancestors had lived according to his standards, he wouldn’t even be here.
Various ethnos may historically be associated with a certain color of skin, but that is not what makes an ethnos and ethnos. It is not what makes a nation a nation.
Solomon’s children with his dark-skinned wife, for example, were just as much Hebrew as their father. For all we know, Solomon himself might’ve had dark skin. Joseph’s children with his Egyptian wife were just as much Hebrew as any other – and were blessed by God to each become two tribes of Israel. Granted, we don’t know the color of her skin, but the point still stands.
You reference scripture that says they weren’t to go to Asia, yet Asians have historically had lighter skin. I don’t see Africa in that scripture, where people historically have darker skin. It’s not there.
It’s irrelevant. It’s stupid. Let it go.
Right now, we have wicked people (mostly European no less) trying to conflate skin color with abominable sin, and using that false conflation to impose abominable sin. Quit handing them ammunition, for crying out loud. Get over it.
The mess in Ukraine is ethnic, and it goes back centuries. It was the cause of WWI.
Ethnic Europeans vs ethnic Asians – both sides just as white as white can be.
Asians are historically light skinned. I don’t know how in the sam hill you can construe Acts 16:6 to have anything whatsoever to do with skin color.
Amen brother; you nailed it
As a white European Christian I have one thing to say:
Everyone who calls themselves a Christian and thinks that they must “protect” and “fight for” white people, because the Cultural Marxists are after them and the devil wants to destroy whites in Europe, boy do I have some news for you:
You cannot destroy skin color. Period.
If we moved every single African to Antarctica, survivors would pass on the lessening of melanin and eventually they would turn out white.
And if you took European whites and moved them to Africa, especially the central parts, they would eventually produce more melanin from generation to generation, and end up with a dark skin.
Thats how you get skin color variation. Less sunlight equals less protection required, and you also need more vitamin D, so you need to have less blockage in the far reaches of the hemisphere.
Ergo, if you killed all white people today, it would not take long for new white people to emerge again…
People who think that skin color has anything to say in Christianity, have not pondered this, and are mistaking culture for ethnicity. They usually go hand in hand, but when people have grown up in a country where they don’t ethnically belong, they have this weird tendency to adopt this country and culture as their own, as seen by British white people growing up in Japan or second generation Pakistanis growing up in Norway (I know because they are my friends).
A second thing that really bothers me with people like Corey Mahler, is that they act and live as if God will NOT keep His promises in Christ for us and give us a new heaven and earth, and that we therefore must fight to keep this one we have.
Sounds similar? That is because both Islam and Mormonism has that same idea. It is a tell-tale sign that you have been duped by the devil when you start making Christianity political, whether its Woke, Liberalism, Nazism or whatever ism that makes it seem like this earth is all we get.