Rejoice! Notorious Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Dead at 81

When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish there are shouts of gladness. Proverbs 11:10.

Notorious late-term baby-butcher LeRoy Carhart has passed away at the age of 81. Unless the Lord miraculously saved him on his deathbed, which we hope that he did, he enters an eternity in hell.

We thank God that he has been removed from this earth, and that his soul has passed into judgement.

For the last 50 years Carhart operated abortion clinics across the country, specializing in second-and-third trimester abortions. He made it his specialty to slice and dice babies as far along as 32 weeks, becoming the poster child for partial-birth abortions. Among the most vocal of abortionists, he would frequently argue that he was the one who was genuinely pro-life because he was saving the lives of the women from a “parasite” they didn’t want.

Estimated to have murdered over 90,000 babies, making him one of the most prolific killers of all time, Cahart became a public enemy of the pro-life movement when he performed abortions at George Tiller’s Kansas clinics. Cahart was poised to take over the business when anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder executed Tiller.

No cause of death was given by the family, and none is needed.

Today is a great, great day.

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7 thoughts on “Rejoice! Notorious Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Dead at 81

  1. Our sick society just became a little better. I can’t imagine what this man’s eulogy will consist of…

  2. Curious…glad to see that you are rejoicing over an especially debauched monster, but think it odd that you would extend to false teacher Tim Keller well wishes for a total recovery from cancer so that he can continue to provide for his family and extend his life here on earth only to further his influence, leading so many to hell.

    1. I harbor little love for Tim Keller but shouldn’t we pray for all men that they come (or return) a saving knowledge of Christ ? That seems unequivocally godly to me. (And I’ve looked, only in the Old Testament does God direct to NOT pray for someone and that was Israel in the midst of judgement) There are many false prophets / teachers out there that I would love to see blotted out from the face of the earth but I don’t feel the freedom to pray that way.

      1. Safe to say that Keller is beyond repentance. “Though it is certain that true repentance is never too late, it is as certain that late repentance is seldom true.” ~ M Henry
        And it appears that Protestia edited the article about praying for Keller’s recovery so he can continue to provide for his family, etc.

  3. Should we perhaps cite the same verse in Proverbs concerning the eventual demise of our political leaders, including you know who, and his cohorts or over 80 years old?

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