New CDC Report: 1 in 4 High School Students Now Identify as Homosexual, Bisexual or Are Currently Questioning Their Sexuality

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) annual report , a survey of 17,232 High School students between the ages of 14 and 18 found that 25% of them, or 1 in 4, identify as homosexual, bisexual or is currently questioning their sexuality.

The numbers reflect results from 2021, which means given the social contagion sweeping the youth over the last few years, current numbers would likely be higher.

Of the 25% of students who do not identify as heterosexual, 12% consider themselves bisexual, 3% gay or lesbian, and another 9% marked ‘other.’

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9 thoughts on “New CDC Report: 1 in 4 High School Students Now Identify as Homosexual, Bisexual or Are Currently Questioning Their Sexuality

  1. As it was in Sodom. All the men of the city beat down Lot’s door – not some, all the people to the last man – (Gen 19:4).

    The Bible told us it is an abominable, learned disease of sin. But too many chose to believe Charles Darwin instead.

  2. And yet people, including many so-called Christians, continue to turn their children over to the state to be educated simply because they need both mom and dad working to afford the big house and sacrifice their children to the government, in essence.

  3. “5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
    6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

    Parents are ultimately to blame. Women have corrupted God’s ordained arrangement of marriage with the man as head of the woman, and weak men have permitted it. Women are the head of the men, and modern courtship protocols establish this before couples ever reach the marriage altar. “If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel. On your knees boy!” When children live with this upside-down corruption of authority and order in the home, the results are entirely predictable.

  4. Dante is absolutely correct – parents parking their kids in public schools are sacrificing their children’s moral and intellectual well-being.

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