Charles Stanley’s Grandson Auctioning Off His Personal Items on Ebay. ‘I’m a Human Being Who Has Bills to Pay’

The grandson of Charles Stanley is facing backlash after announcing he is auctioning some of the late famed preacher’s personal items on Ebay, including a signed picture and pocket watch.
Matt Brodersen, the 29-year-old son of Stanley’s daughter Becky, revealed that after Stanley passed his family and employees went through the house and divided up some of his personal items and memorabilia. Broderson received some things that he will be keeping, such as Charles’s passport, but also some that he’s auctioning off in order to pay the bills.
These include an engraved pocket watch, which is currently selling for $510 dollars and a signed picture for $960.
Brodersen acknowledged that some people were giving him grief but says he has no shame with selling them items.
I went to my Grandpa’s funeral and I grieved greatly. I’m already back in Dallas now, I’m a human being who has bills to pay and you know how the economy is. So no, I don’t really have shame in selling some of his stuff. I’m actually really happy that two of his fans are going to get to have a collection of some of his very personal items that were found in his office and in his desk that were there when he passed away. I think that’s really special or sweet to be able to pass that on. And whoever wins is going to help me pay my bills, which I desperately need right now. I’m not afraid to admit.”
In response to the video, many of the commenters were less than thrilled with the news, writing:

h/t Christian Post
Meh. Not a huge deal. Two things:
1. His expenses apparently outweigh his income. He needs to take steps to fix that.
2. “money” isn’t the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of ALL KINDS of evil.
Well, he’s right about the economy, thanks to “leaders” the likes of his uncle Andy.
The love of money is NOT the root of ALL evil but all kinds of evil. Use a better translation and give pride some credit.
And this whole thing is macabre.
I didn’t see ‘kinds’, so there’s that …
James, in this case, I might have to disagree. I believe you might be trying to apply a modern figure of speech. pantōn means “all”, “every”, and it (pas) is translated as such throughout the Bible. It is never translated to actually mean “some”
We use a term like “all sorts of” to not actually mean ALL sorts of. We might say that and actually mean “some sorts of” or “most sorts of”, but the Bible isn’t using that slang. If it says all, it means all.
Not saying I’m correct here, but we should be careful.
I guess we could debate whether or not it means every evil within a kind or the kind itself or a representation of evils within a given kind. It’s been so long since I studied greek, that I don’t remember the differences in meaning conveyed by panton vs pas. Truth is, I was so young at that time, mainly just taking an interesting elective, that I didn’t understand it then either lol.
Setting aside slang and figures of speech, though, it seems to me even an English phrase like “all kinds of” would imply “all” – i.e., every evil within every kind.
There’s also a question, at least in my mind, of whether or not it refers solely to money, or to mammon. 1 Tim. 6:10 is the only place in scripture that uses the word philarguria. But when Jesus taught similar, He used the word mammon, which refers to more than just money. I’m not certain of the meaning of philarguria either.
Perhaps he should construct a special place of worship ( maybe a room in his house) where all those who followed and WORSHIP Mr. Stanly can come and pay homage. For crying outload, it’s just stuff! As I rounded 3rd base and head for home I realized all the stuff I have accumulated means nothing. Sell it or give it away. Crossing home plate is all that matters.
I know a fellow that would pay good money for some Charles Stanley paraphernalia. That is all this dude talks about “Dr. Stanley said this, and Dr Charles said that..,blah, blah, blah!”
I watched the video. He’s not greedy, he’s just stupid. Really stupid.
And if win the bid on the pocket watch you get the bonus watched for free.
He has a future in sales.