Maine School Tries to Transition Young Teen Girl Into a Boy – Without Telling Her Parents

Maine mom Amber Lavigne was shocked when she found a “chest binder” while cleaning her teenage daughter’s room- an undergarment used to bind and flatten breast tissue to minimize its outward appearance.
Amber’s daughter was just 13 years old, and the confused mother had no idea where or how the young girl would get such a thing. After some investigating, Lavigne discovered that a school social worker named Samuel Roy, whom her daughter had been seeing for the last several months, had given her the transgender transition garment without ever notifying her.
The chest binder, however, was the least of their worries. Roy told Amber’s daughter to hide her transitioning from her mother and promised that the school wouldn’t notify the parent either.
The enraged mother called school administrators, demanding to know why this social worker thought he could transition her 13-year-old daughter without notifying her.
As it turns out, the school was entirely in on the diabolical plan, had already been referring to Amber’s daughter using masculine pronouns, and had given her a new male first name.
In response, Lavigne has filed a lawsuit against the Great Salt Bay Community School Board, claiming that they violated her constitutional rights when their staff provided gender transition counseling without notifying her. The suit alleges that their policies regarding hiding gender transitions from parents “are unconstitutional insofar as they provide for the concealment of, or do not mandate informing parents of, a decision to provide ‘gender-affirming’ care to a student.”
So far, school officials have defended Samuel Roy’s actions, including their policies of excluding parents from gender transition counseling. They claim that secrecy is necessary because some parents may react negatively if their kids ask to switch genders.
Curiously, just after the suit was filed, Maine’s Office of Child and Family Services received a tip alleging abuse in the Lavigne household. Lavigne believes the tip was a retaliatory act for her speaking filing suit, and school officials have refused to say whether they were involved in the anonymous complaint.
This should serve as a clear warning sign to Christian parents. Public schools are rarely our friends and largely function as Marxist sodomite indoctrination centers that rejoice when biblical worldviews are crushed and cast aside in favor of rainbow-streaked ideologies.
While it’s unclear how this case will ultimately be decided, what is not unclear is if the school district can win based on arguing that they don’t have to tell parents their children are transitioning because it may upset them, it will be open season for all kids in public schools. While homeschooling or private Christian education is not always an option financially for Christian families, if it must be done, the imperative to provide them with a strong foundation in the Word of God is more urgent than ever.
Parents, how many stories like this do you have to hear before you decide to take whatever steps are necessary to safeguard your children from a godless school system? If you are unable to homeschool your kids, at least put them in a charter school that upholds biblical values.
If you send your children to public schools, you are abandoning your fundamental duty as a parent and surrendering your children to the State