Bill Johnson Says We Can PROPHESY Babies Into Existence

The 12,000-member Bethel Church in Redding, California, led by Bill Johnson, is a hodgepodge of false teaching and bizarre charismatic shenanigans. From ‘Little God Theology’, teaching that Adam created the animals in Eden, that Michael the Archangel wears tights, and that angels sit around in heaven farting contents, it’s a bizarro world with significant influence.
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During a March 2023 sermon at James River Church, Bill Johnson claimed that Bethel’s Chief Prophet, Kris Vallotton, created a baby through the power of prophecy, claiming that if didn’t take a risk and prophesy to a barren couple that they would soon get pregnant, that baby would never have come into being.
The stories of what God is doing here is your resource. And when you say what God is saying, Heaven itself rests upon it. And it’s released into an environment, into an occasion, into a situation to bring change.
I hope you understand this is not where we try to manipulate God, when we try to coerce him, you know, you can talk till you run out of breath and die and not have anything happen, except get exhausted. But when you tap into what the Father is saying, and that’s what we were designed for, is to hear what the Father is saying, and in that moment say what he’s saying, things change.
One of our friends, I’ll end with, Kris Vallotton, one of my favorite stories of Kris is, he was sitting across the table from having a meal, he and his wife Cathy, were having a meal with some good friends of ours. And they had been married for I don’t know I think 16 years, something like that. They were wanting to have children, they never could. It was actually impossible for them to have children, they finally found out.
And the Lord spoke to Kris and said, “tell them they’ll have a child by this time next year.“
Well, that tends to make one nervous. You know, ‘how about if I go to my prayer closet and pray for that to happen’ right? Yeah. And he’s really sweating bullets, you know, getting to the place where he would be willing to say that. And he said, ‘Lord, I can’t do that.’
And the Lord spoke to him and said “if you don’t say it, it won’t happen.”
And there are things that won’t happen without your decree. They won’t happen just because you wish for it. They won’t happen even just because you prayed for it. Because again, what we talked about last night, sometimes God would rather do something through you then for you.
Sometimes we pray as our escape from responsibility. Yeah It’s the truth. Sometimes we pray as an escape from our responsibility because then the absence of an answer I can blame on the sovereignty of God.”
So blasphemous! How long O Lord will you put up with this?!?! Bethel continuously finds ways to sink to new heretical lows. Praise our Triune God that nothing He does requires the decrees and help of Bethel or anyone in the NAR.
Have you ever been clearly led by the HOLY SPIRIT?
Do you not know that “without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please GOD”?
Do you not know HIS word says, “GOD does nothing except through prayer”?
There are SOOOOOO many passages about what GOD promises us and what HE said we are to do in HIS name. (Why does this scare so many? A: Because they need deliverance.)
Can you not see the deceitful way his words were twisted?
If you read a headline that has perverted the truth or is deceitful in any way then that writer is a liar,
LIES come in many forms, commission, omission, inference, and implication. and REMEMBER THIS: GOD HATES ALL LIES. HIS word says, “all liars go to hell”.
HIS word says “satan is the accuser of the brethren”.
His word in Prov 6 lays out 7 sins that GOD considered in the same class as child sacrifice.
Gossip and slander are two of them.
Did that pastor say “We can prophesy babies into existence” Yes or no? NO!
So that is a LIE!
It was said to cast aspersions and the person doing it is helping satan to keep those in need away from the power of GOD.
I dare you to read each of the headlines here and see if they are precisely what was said, or if they are perverted to make what was said look wrong, silly, etc.
GOD requires us to have faith (ie “choose to believe) to be saved, to be baptized and have the old man die and be raised new, and to be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT. And for most answers to prayer.
This is why hearing the SPIRIT is so important to seeing the miracles we pray for. When GOD speak and decrees a thing then choosing to believe is easier…right?
Imagine that GOD knowing the desires of the young couple had been working in them to bring them to a place where they would choose to believe. GOD knew they were ready, GOD new they respected the man there with them. GOD had him speak it and even though he was afraid he obeyed. Did the man say he made the baby? NOPE!
Did the pastor say his words made the baby? NOPE!
Can the author of this article PROVE it didn’t happen just as reported? NOPE!
Did GOD give us brains so you could use critical thinking? YEP!
Does GOD lie? Is HE all-powerful? If those two things are true then one must be impossibly dumb to not believe that HIS word means exactly what it says. And that it is plain evil to add to HIS word or subtract from HIS word. HE makes it clear we are to do as HE did “AND GREATER”.
So instead of looking for reasons to doubt the power of GOD and the things HE is doing all over the world, why not repent and ask GOD to speak to you and use you.
That is what I did after I had tricked my way into the choir of a Kuhlmann healing crusade so I could “explain away” all of the miracles. Something happened that I simply could not come up with an excuse or explanation so I repented and GOD opened my eyes. Since then I have seen countless miracles. Al I had to do was repent and CHOOSE to agree with GOD.
I don’t follow Johnson but I have heard a number of his teachings and have yet to find him contradicting GOD’s word. Maybe he uses terms not used in this or that denomination but so what! Language evolves. We don’t have the right before GOD to assume his terms mean something wrong just because we don’t use them.
“Decree” means to proclaim, or command”
Did JESUS ever do either of those? YEP!!!
Did JESUS tell us to do the same works HE did? YEP!
Are there THOUSAND of books with tens of thousands of such events recorded from the lives of Christians? YEP, (Start reading the biographies of every great leader in the history of the church.)
Are there countless miracles like this caught in video? YEP!
The question you should ask is this:
Are you more uncomfortable with the way
Johnson teaches this stuff and the results it brings,
are you more uncomfortable with the idea that you may
be calling GOD and HIS works acts of the devil?
Until you go there and interview those who lived these things and test them the way GOD commands in HIS word…then you are being foolish to condemn that of which you know nothing except from the mouths of slanderers and liars.
Please just go away. Your heresy is tiring
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” – Matt. 7:7-11
“He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” – Matt. 17:20
Something isn’t right with Johnson’s teaching, but I don’t know exactly what it is. Maybe it has less to do with decrees, and more to do with the motivation and purpose for making them. After all, if the motivation isn’t right, then the faith isn’t right either, for if we fully trusted and had unwavering faith, then we would want exactly what God wants, we would not be concerned with temporal things of this world, we would not be concerned with what we want, we would be concerned with matters of eternal significance, and so on. So true faith would say, “Lord, thy will be done,” recognizing that it may not be His will for you to have children.
God’s Word doesn’t conflict. Those two quotes from Jesus don’t conflict. It’s up to us to look for the consistency – to seek and find it. Seems to me the key in the first is focused on what we need, not what we want, and the key in the second is the full and real meaning of the word faith.
And in the first, it is the Father who best knows what is and isn’t a good gift. The child asked for something he needed. Asking for bread is one thing. Asking for a new ferrari is another.
But as it relates to decrees, the question is what is faith. It’s certainly not believing that we have any sort of power in and of ourselves. First and foremost it is full and complete submission to the Lord. It’s not star wars, where you shut your eyes and strain really hard till blood vessels are bulging from your forehead, and your face is purple, to try to lift a spaceship with the motion of your hand. That’s not faith. That’s hollywood.
Seems a lot of people never learned the basic fundamentals of how to properly interpret scripture. They read a passage and get these big bright ideas. They become elated and even giddy, never stopping to consider whether or not their big bright ideas conflict with any other scriptures. It’s all pure emotion.
Yet it is in seeking out and finding that consistency, and common threads, that we begin to understand the whole of scripture, and begin to see the forest for the trees. That’s when we truly begin to understand it.
The first thing we should ask ourselves is whether or not a given interpretation is in conflict with any other scripture. God’s Word does not contradict itself. It’s up to us to properly interpret it. And if our interpretation is in conflict with any other scripture, then our interpretation is wrong.
Johnson’s teaching that prayer isn’t enough is in obvious conflict with Matt. 7:7-11. If Jesus said all we have to do is ask, then all we have to do is ask.
And it is worth noting, as it relates to decrees, that Jesus was and is in perfect, complete, total submission to the Father’s will. Being God, He perfectly knew the Father’s will. Every miracle was the Father’s will. Submission to the Lord’s will is foundational to faith. It is to fully trust Him. It is to recognize that He knows what’s best. Just as a tiny mustard seed is in total submission, and it is the Father’s will for it to sprout and grow. So could we decree a mountain be moved? Absolutely we could. If Jesus said it, then it is so. Would God do it upon our command if it were not His will? Absolutely not.
I don’t fully understand it all. And it is unquestionably a false teaching to say that prayer is not enough. But I do not know that the notion of making decrees in general is unscriptural. I believe there’s a lot more to it than the ephemerally-minded charismatic name-it-and-claim-it crowd would prefer to believe, and that they are not paying careful enough attention to what the scripture says, but I don’t believe that it is entirely wrong in and of itself.
It is quite wrong to call a thing “wrong” just because it makes us uncomfortable.
Most of those I have led to salvation felt uncomfortable at the point of decision.
Same when it came to water baptism and baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT.
And WOW, when I explain deliverance! LOL
But each of these things brings great joy and relief and victory when the person engages their faith. THIS IS, when they “choose to believe”.
Faith has nothing to do with feelings. As a matter of fact, feelings are generally the strongest enemy of faith. Feelings are also the primary mode of attack by satan. This is why drugs and booze lead to so much evil – it looses feelings.
Peter wanted to walk on the water and JESUS said ‘Come.”
Peter had to choose to believe and he exercised that choice by getting up and out of the boat.
“Decree” means to proclaim, or command”
Did JESUS ever do either of those? YEP!!!
Did JESUS tell us to do the same works HE did? YEP!
Are there THOUSAND of books with tens of thousands of such events recorded from the lives of Christians? YEP, (Start reading the biographies of every great leader in the history of the church.)
Are there countless miracles like this caught in video? YEP!
The question you should ask is this:
Are you more uncomfortable with the way
Johnson teaches this stuff and the results it brings,
are you more uncomfortable with the idea that you may
be calling GOD and HIS works acts of the devil?
A story I witnessed: I was driving home with my wife back when we were VERY poor.
Suddenly Kim started loudly saying I claim that deer. That deer is ours. I claim it in JESUS name.
Ahead of us, I saw a truck and I saw two deer scoot across the highway far ahead of it.
I said, “Honey that truck isn’t going to hit those deer.”
She said “It is going to hit a deer and it is ours!”
I turned my head back to the front just in time to see a deer bounce off the front of the truck 100 yards or so in front of us and land in the ditch right next to the road.
I hit the brakes as did the truck.
I ran up to check on them and the driver ran to the front of his truck to check on it.
He came around and said there was no mark on his truck and then *without a pause said,
“If you want that deer you can have it. (By law it was his)
My head was spinning. I went to the deer which was laying there wobbling its head up and down and right next to it was a steel signpost.
I picked it up and dispatched the deer.
The evening we dressed the deer and the only mark or bruise it had was from the sign.
My wife began “proclaiming” that the deer would be hit by the truck and it would be ours 15 or 20 seconds before it was struck.
What she didn’t say and I didn’t know till afterward was that she saw that deer way to the right in the distance and she heard GOD say “That is your deer.”
She got excited and stood in faith with her confession in agreement with what she heard GOD say.
I could give you a whole lot more examples from our 45 yrs together and hundreds more from the lives of our four kids. GOD bless you
Johnson remains a narcissistic loon.
I seriously feel sorry for those of you who buy into this nonsense.
I can’t help but wonder if any of you have ever heard GOD speak to you?
Have you ever been clearly led by the HOLY SPIRIT?
Do you not know that “without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please GOD”?
Do you not know HIS word says, “GOD does nothing except through prayer”?
There are SOOOOOO many passages about what GOD promises us and what HE said we are to do in HIS name. (Why does this scare so many? A: Because they need deliverance.)
Can you not see the deceitful way his words were twisted?
If you read a headline that has perverted the truth or is deceitful in any way then that writer is a liar,
LIES come in many forms, commission, omission, inference, and implication. and REMEMBER THIS: GOD HATES ALL LIES. HIS word says, “all liars go to hell”.
HIS word says “satan is the accuser of the brethren”.
His word in Prov 6 lays out 7 sins that GOD considered in the same class as child sacrifice.
Gossip and slander are two of them.
Did that pastor say “We can prophesy babies into existence” Yes or no? NO! So that is a LIE!
It was said to cast aspersions and the person doing it is helping satan to keep those in need away from the power of GOD.
GOD, I dare you! Read each of the headlines and see if they are precisely what was said, or if they are perverted to make what was said look wrong, silly, etc.
GOD requires us to have faith (ie “choose to believe) to be saved, to be baptized and have the old man die and be raised new, and to be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT. And for most answers to prayer.
This is why hearing the SPIRIT is so important to seeing the miracles we pray for. When GOD speak and decrees a thing then choosing to believe is easier…right?
Imagine that GOD knowing the desires of the young couple had been working in them to bring them to a place where they would choose to believe. GOD knew they were ready, GOD new they respected the man there with them. GOD had him speak it and even though he was afraid he obeyed. Did the man say he made the baby? NOPE!
Did the pastor say his words made the baby? NOPE!
Can the author of this article PROVE it didn’t happen just as reported? NOPE!
Did GOD give you people brains so you could use critical thinking? YEP!
Does GOD lie? Is HE all-powerful? If those two things are true then one must be impossibly dumb to not believe that HIS word means exactly what it says. And that it is plain evil to add to HIS word or subtract from HIS word. HE makes it clear we are to do as HE did “AND GREATER”.
So instead of looking for reasons to doubt the power of GOD and the things HE is doing all over the world, why not repent and ask GOD to speak to you and use you.
That is what I did after I had tricked my way into the choir of a Kuhlmann healing crusade so I could “explain away” all of the miracles. Something happened that I simply could not come up with an excuse or explanation so I repented and GOD opened my eyes. Since then I have seen countless miracles. Al I had to do was repent and CHOOSE to agree with GOD.
Is that you Kris ?
You might be onto something, James!
Two words for you, Mitch:
‘Feathers’ and ‘Glitter’.