Do Two SBC Executive Committee Members Attend Church with Women Pastors?

Julie Bennet forThe AP

With the recent disfellowshipping of Saddleback Church from the Southern Baptist Convention, it would appear that not all Southern Baptist leaders are likely on the same page with the decision, as recent revelations suggest at least two Executive Committee members are attending churches with women in pastoral roles.

Dr. Willie McLaurin is the Interim President & CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee and the former Vice President for Great Commission Relations and Mobilization of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. He is a member of Simeon Baptist Church in Antioch, TN, where Reverend Belva Kennedy Weathersby also resides. 

The Rev. Belva describes herself on her Facebook page as a “Minister at Simeon Church.” She is married to Kenneth Weathersby, the former Vice President for Convention advancement for the SBC Executive Committee. Belva occasionally preaches at Simeon Baptist Church, such as when the ‘Reverend’ taught’ Transforming Pain into Purpose” a few months back. While much of her public ministry teaches to mixed audiences, she also leads a women’s bible studies group.

There is also Jonathan Howe, the Executive Committee’s Vice president of Communications. He attends Woodmont Baptist Church, where his wife is employed as the Minister of Students & Discipleship. Though some may quibble that she’s a ‘minister’ and not a ‘pastor’ The job description for her role doesn’t mince words quite so much.

These SBC members may not have the titles of ‘pastor’, but if it looks like a pastrix, walks like a pastrix and preaches like a pastrix, then it just may be a pastrix.

h/t The Wartburg Watch

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5 thoughts on “Do Two SBC Executive Committee Members Attend Church with Women Pastors?

  1. How can a woman embody the qualities of 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, when both scriptures refer specifically to men who are, among other things, the husband of one wife ??

    It amazes me how churches and institutions will manufacture a long list of requirements that aren’t found anywhere in scripture, while blatantly ignoring requirements that are. And will do so, keeping a straight face, while referencing the same scripture which they blatantly and obviously disrespect.

    But what do I know. I’m just a lowly tekton.

    1. They might as well just dispense with the long posting and list one requirement: “Must be an apostate who disrespects God’s word.”

  2. The best argument (besides the Bible) against women in church leadership is women in church leadership and those who support women in church leadership.

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