FL Baptist Church Tells Members to Sign Biblical Sexuality Statement or Lose Membership

The leadership at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, FL, has given congregants a deadline: sign a statement affirming biblical sexuality by March 19, 2023, or be removed from membership.
Once one of the country’s most influential megachurches under the leadership of Jerry Vines, the church has declined in members for decades. Last year FBC Jax adopted the statement out of a growing concern with the impact of the ever-expanding sexual revolution, with Senior pastor Heath Lambert, a former professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary who took over the church in 2017, giving a stark warning of the threat it poses to the church.

The statement reads:

Members who do not sign will have some recourse, however, with a Q&A reading
Per the motion adopted by the church, you will be considered to have resigned your membership from First Baptist. But you can always join again by going through our membership process — attending the membership class, meeting with a pastor, and being voted on by the congregation.”
This may become more common to help separate the sheep and goats. I doubt many Churches will resort to this level of biblical fidelity but their effort to provide clarity is lauded.
Bravo to this pastor and elders for taking a stand for the truth of God’s Word!
I wish our church was as bold.