Watch the First 11 minutes of Arch-Heretic Sid Roth’s Animated Show About His Biblical Adventures

“What if I did a cartoon series for children that would teach the invisible world, the supernatural?” Sid Roth
NAR grandpappy Sid Roth is continually up to no good. When he’s not recounting wacky tales of Charismatic gaucherie or platforming every wild-eyed charismatic with a prophecy, a potion, or a ploy to push, he’s telling tall tales about how he saw a kid starting flying around the room during a revival, claiming he can convert Jews to the faith with 95% success rate, and praising a revivalist who punched a baby and then threw it against a wall to heal it. This is all the while being vigorously defended and praised by wormsy men like Dr. Michael Brown.
To combat the transmischief from Disney, Sid Roth announced the releasing an animated children’s series that he’ll star in. The premise of the show is straightforward: using some mystical glasses that will transport characters to ancient Jerusalem, Roth will be a first-century tour guide, teaching stories from the bible from his own outlandish perspective.
Well, he’s made good on that promise, releasing the first 11 minutes of episode one. In a masterclass of self-promotion, we see a family sitting down together with a big bowl of popcorn to watch their uncle Sid’s TV show, It’s Supernatural, and then later visiting him in person to talk about it, which is when they get transported. Take a look:
It would be more impressive with some kung-fu fighting and maybe a few car chases…