Phil Vischer Accuses @WokePreacherTV Of Being a RACIST Who Picks on Black Pastors

VeggieTales creator and Holy Post podcast host Phil Vischer has gotten beat up on social media over the last few days, and with good reason. The shots have been coming after he criticized a conservative TV network for not featuring LBGTQ characters in films,  compared christians who oppose legal same-sex marriage to ‘confederate theologians’, and refuses to publicly condemn same-sex marriage, all the while doing so in a smarmy voice that would make even Andy Stanley jealous.

This is on top of knocking creationists as a bunch of dummiescrediting his white privilege for the success of his show, claiming he didn’t know there were such things black Christians until he was an adult, thumbing his nose at “Cracker Barrel Christians,” getting upset at Christians for opposing LGBTQ, and coming out as pro-choice.

After pointing out how Vischer’s podcast host Skye Jethani has been mainstreaming LBGTQ+-affirming impastorette Samantha Beach Kiley, and after several posts featuring some of the vexatious vegetable creator’s heterodox hot takes, Vischer played the race card against the venerable @WokePreacherTV, who functions as Christian culture’s canary in the coal mine.

He also played the Turn card.

And finally the River.

The charge is groundless, of course. As a long-time follower, the race of the person being criticized will ebb and flow, depending on the focus and subject matter. Sometimes the speakers will skew white for a while, and other times black. Recently they’ve been predominantly black pastors, with much of the discussion centering around Christian nationalism and churches hosting and praising pro-LBGTQ, pro-choice ‘pastor,’ and Senator Raphael Warnock.

But to say he has a “special fondness” for pointing out the foibles of “black pastors”?

He’ll never win the pot with that hand.

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9 thoughts on “Phil Vischer Accuses @WokePreacherTV Of Being a RACIST Who Picks on Black Pastors

  1. It doesn’t get much more wicked than lumping dark-skinned people into the same category as abominable sin. And worse, to do so in an effort to advance abominable sin. That is pure perverted evil. And it is, in fact, extremely racist. As is his implication that one’s fidelity to scripture is dependent on the color of their skin.

    God did not destroy two cities because the inhabitants weren’t white!

    Jude 7, and many other scriptures, tell you exactly why God destroyed those cities. And 1 Cor 6:9-11, Rev. 21:7, and many other scriptures tell you explicitly and plainly as possible that the [insert abominable acronym here] are NOT brothers and sisters.

    They are NOT born again. 1 John 3:4-9, Jude 4, Rom. 6:1-2, Rom 1,2, and many other scriptures reiterate this fact. They are unrepentant. Knowingly continuing in terrible sin, encouraging and leading others to do the same (including children), and are complicit in the extortion of true born again Christians. They bear bad fruit and will – absolutely will – be hewn down and cast into the fire. No questions. No exceptions. The Bible could not be more clear. And it is also clear on the fact that lending approval of sin is itself a terrible sin.

    I’m beginning to believe some are simply too far gone. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be reached. God has sent them strong delusion to believe a lie, and the reason is explained in 2 Thess. 2:12. They have delighted in sin to such a degree, to such an extreme, for so long, perverting the grace of God into a license to sin, that God Himself has decided to make sure they will be condemned. Vischer may or may not fall into that category. If he doesn’t, he’d better pick up his Bible and start reading it, repent and turn from his sin while he still can.

    And the subjective moral relativism he displays is evidence of a reprobate mind. Being baseless and ungrounded, it cannot be rational. It must always reference back to itself, in some form of circular reasoning, with all manner of fallacy sprinkled in. Such may not appear to be the case, because it may appear complex, and there may be many obfuscated points in that circle, but it absolutely must and absolutely will reference back to itself, because there is nothing else to reference back upon. There is no concrete standard.

    1. That’s why he needs coffee and a long discussions in private about matters that couldn’t possibly be more simple and straightforward when viewed through a biblical lens. The atheistic, worldly, darwinist, moral relativist, secular philosophical lens that he has chosen to use, having deliberately rejected the truth, confuses him. To him it is extremely complicated. To the rest of us it is very simple.

    2. Jesus said, “Ye must be born again” – when forgiven, “go and sin no more”

      1 John 3:9 says that one who is born of God does not continue in sin.

      Jude says it is a wicked false prophet that perverts the grace of God into a license to sin.

      The fact that Vischer unrepentantly, pridefully continues in sin and the endorsement of sin, committing even more egregious sins in the process of that war against scripture, even when rebuked by many, indicates to me that he never was a Christian to begin with.

      1. Tekton, well I don’t think it could’ve been said any better, thank you for this concise and forthright explanation about the sin of those who have utterly abandoned the gospel. I agree, some are so far gone that their doom is sealed.

        1. Thank you for the words of encouragement, my friend. It is a very sobering realization that some may be too far gone. But the scripture plainly says what it plainly says. What’s sad is that many were led to that point by leaders of the church. Sadder still is the fact that they are now leading so many astray themselves. There’s no telling how many children in this world have grown up with Veggie Tales. Tens of millions if not hundreds. And now Vischer is doing all he can do to lead them astray.

          In looking for another scripture just now, I stumbled on 2 Peter 2:3, which says the same thing about false prophets. Their condemnation is from long ago. They are already condemned as they still live and breathe. As Jesus taught of chaff that, though it is still among the wheat, will in short order be blown away. It’s fate is sealed.

          The word of caution, though, is that many of us at times might feel like we are one of the ones who are too far gone. Lord knows I’ve felt that way myself. Often because my focus was too much on this life and what I wanted out of this life that He wasn’t giving me. Other times because I was convicted of sin. So to those who may feel that way from time to time, I would remind them that the fact that their conscience is not seared is evidence, in and of itself, that they are not too far gone. They may need to repent, but they are not too far gone.

          One scripture I also stumbled across, just now, which is relevant both to what was has been said here, and to Vischer’s deceitful efforts to hijack wrongs done to darker-skinned people in order to try to justify abominable sin, is 1 Peter 2:18-20. Verse 19, in particular, plainly states that the slaves are being wronged. But the logic given in verse 20 is powerful. It is irrefutably true. So that is an example of scripture that might’ve been twisted at some point in history. It absolutely is not saying that slavery is acceptable. It explicitly says the opposite. It is saying to new believers that if they are stuck in such a situation, here’s what they should do, and how they should live. As many suffered and were persecuted. Many were put to death, including Peter himself.

          1. The early church taught that slavery was wrong from the very beginning. And it took a while, but the spread of Christianity essentially led to the end of slavery in the roman empire.

            It wasn’t until much later that wicked men reintroduced the practice, hijacking Christianity, with most people having no way to read the scriptures for themselves, dutifully falling in line.

            Vischer speaks as if he believes the Bible endorses slavery. But it absolutely does not. Nor does it make any distinctions related to skin color. It doesn’t even mention skin color, because skin color isn’t relevant.

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