Al Mohler Says Overturning Roe v. Wade Was Worth Losing the Senate

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler has weighed in over the poor showing of Republicans during last week’s midterms, acknowledging them as an “an unmitigated disaster for the cause of the sanctity of human life” which say many states either reject pro-life candidates or policies, while arguing the harsh electoral losses was worth it in the end.

Exit polls by CNN and other mainstream media show that, in many instances, codifying the right to kill babies via abortion was the most important issue to Democrats, compared to one of the least important for Republicans. As a result, they were punished at the polls.

During Monday’s Briefing opines on the disappointing aftermath, writing…

...we’re looking at the fact that several states voted directly on abortion, and every one of them was a disaster for the cause of human life, well, what are we talking about here?… the constitutional amendments concerning abortion, the passage of radical pro-abortion amendments in California and Vermont and Michigan, the failure of pro-life amendments or pro-life measures in the states of Montana and Kentucky. Yes, absolute disaster. 

Mohler quotes from columnist Ross Douthat and says that his ultimate conclusion that “Republicans traded the election of 2022 for a generational goal; the reversal of Roe v. Wade” is a fair one, and a trade he’d make again,

A very key insight in Douthat’s argument is this, “If you were to go back to say January or February of 2022, and you could say to pro-life voters, “Look, here’s the deal. You could have a disappointing election in November, but you can see the end of Roe v. Wade, or you can see a more successful election in November, but you have to give up hope of ever reversing Roe v. Wade.”

I’ll be honest, I would take the reversal of Roe v. Wade over the electoral win.”

As would we.

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4 thoughts on “Al Mohler Says Overturning Roe v. Wade Was Worth Losing the Senate

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  2. Uh, Al, you were part of the group that has dumbed down 30 year olds and younger by making churches become “seeker sensitive” or “seeker friendly.” THAT is the root of what happened last week and what will become of the US as patriots die off and they become the majority. Come, Lord Jesus, Come.

  3. As an SBTS alum who got out just before little weasel man took over in 1993, I’m so thankful I attended when SBTS was a great school especially their School of Church Music. The “seeker sensitive” movement destroyed that once great and mighty School that turned out well trained and skilled church musicians. It is now gone thanks to a la Mohler. I’m glad I told the student calling me about 20 years ago for fundraising to remove me from any future phone calls. We were taught to give back since (at least then) so much of our SBTS was subsidized from the Cooperative Program and I would have done that. Not one dime though has come from me due to Mohler and I have never regretted that. BTW, has anyone gotten anymore information on his son?

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