Woke Pastrix Says David’s Character and Repentance Should Not be Trusted After He ‘Raped’ Bathsheba

Rev. Adriene Thorne is the newest pastrix of the historic Riverside Church in New York City, described on their website as “one of the leading voices of Progressive Christianity” and ” a forum for important civic and spiritual leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, President Clinton, the Dalai Lama, and countless others.”
An out-and-out pagan and theological whorette, she recently preached a sermon suggesting that God’s a racist, sexist, bigoted homophobe who really can’t be trusted, on account of declaring David a man after his own heart despite David ‘raping’ Bathsheba, intoning that she doesn’t trust his repentance one little bit.
“David lay with Bathsheba and had her husband murdered after impregnating her. And so does one horrible, despicable act wipe out all the good David has done? At the very least, it complicates things.
But for me, I don’t trust this character. I don’t trust his story or his repentance. After Anita Hill, and Christine Blasey Ford and all the unnamed women, it is challenging to trust this character.
“Now I know that tradition teaches us that David recognizes his sin and repents. Good for him. But what about Bathsheba? Because I also know that the tradition favors men. The tradition favors whiteness. The tradition favors wealth and protects those with power. And quite frankly, the tradition has given us a world that continues to prop up attitudes and behaviors that are death-dealing to women and girls, to indigenous siblings, to LGBTQ+people in our community, to folks of color and culture.
Ancient stories like this one, unexamined, uninterrogated, give cover to men who send messengers to get women.
And why does David get to be the only one called a man after God’s own heart? What does that say to women and girls? And what does that say to other men and boys and the question I really don’t want to ask: What does that say about God?”
h/t Woke Preacher TV
Yet another opportunist with absolutely no biblical or qualified right to be teaching. The fact she has the nerve to criticize the Maker Of Heaven And Earth because He doesn’t think or operate as she does confirms this fact. Pathetic.
“But what about Bathsheba?”
The one thing that unites our society regardless of whether or not you are conservative or liberal is not being able to evaluate anything without first answering “how does this affect the women?”
The Bible distinguishes between “rape” and “adultery” and nowhere is “rape” used to describe David and Bathsheba’s relationship. The Bible doesn’t have too much to say about Bathsheba but if we start going into the realm of speculation, one could argue that Bathsheba knew *exactly* what she was doing by being an attractive woman bathing in view of the royal palace. Women (especially beautiful ones) aren’t idiots when it comes to their sexuality, that’s precisely why the Bible goes out of it’s way to exhort them to modesty. In all likelihood, Bathsheba saw an opportunity to “trade up” from some peon in the military to a high-status male.
One thing that’s not speculation is that at the end of the day she became the queen mother in the royal palace and her husband died at war.
What’s interesting is how in Psalm 51, David doesn’t say “against Uriah I have sinned”, nor does David say, “against Bathsheba I have sinned”, he doesn’t even say “against Uriah, Bathsheba, and God have I sinned”. David says in Psalm 51:4 “Against God and God only have I sinned”. For as bad as Uriah or Bathsheba may have been offended or violated by David, the *true* offense was against God.
Why do people even listen to this wolf? Or people like her? It’s just ridiculous.